dexerto "Guerrilla Games wants Horizon’s Aloy in the next Super Smash Bros"


They keep pushing Aloy when she’s an awful character.

Would much rather see Ratchet & Clank, Astro, or Sackboy there. I’d even take Sly or Kat.

i think they keep pushing her and that little lesbian girl from the last of us as part of some woke agenda.



Probably a more obvious fit for smash bros. And maybe, Rachet and clank, jack and daxter, Astrobot too. Sony have quite a few cutesy characters that could fit into smash.


Lmao. For real?

Aloy is popular as Knack.
Kratos and Spider-Man are like galaxies ahead in popularity compared with Aloy.

Nintendo Japan will laugth their ass of Herman in the same way they did with the letter from Microsoft acquisition of Nintendo. Herman is really delusional.
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Gold Member
I think GG needs to step back and realistically appraise the popculture interest in their character. As best as I can tell, there isn't a soul in creation who loves Aloy as a character. Trying to force her to be the next Lara Croft ain't gonna work.


Nintendo Japan will laugth their ass of Herman in the same way they did with the letter from Microsoft acquisition of Nintendo. Herman is really delusional.
I believe Nintendo is open for every character request, especially if it comes from a big company like SIE.


I believe Nintendo is open for every character request, especially if it comes from a big company like SIE.

I don't think so. They put normally between very popular ones, japanese or their own IP.
Sony did with Genshin Impact and failed miserably. Aloy is more unpopular than even the most unpopular Genshin Impact character (Amber).

Is more easy to believe that Spider-Man can get there.
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I don't think so. They put normally between very popular ones, japanese or their own IP.
Sony did with Genshin Impact and failed misaabily. Aloy is more impopular than even the most impopular Genshin Impact character (Amber).
That was due to a lot of factors, not a Genshin player, but I've heard that it was just poorly put together.


That was due to a lot of factors, not a Genshin player, but I've heard that it was just poorly put together.

She is a 5* character is a strong frost build and a powerful AoE ultimate. Amber is a 4* character with one of the worst kit of the entire game.

I played Genshin Impact for like 4 years. Aloy is indeed very unpopular. You guys are really underestimating her unpopularity.


She is a 5* character is a strong frost build and a powerful AoE ultimate. Amber is a 4* character with one of the worst kit of the entire game.

I played Genshin Impact for like 4 years. Aloy is indeed very unpopular. You guys are really underestimating her unpopularity.

I mean, I'm reading this thread, and it doesn't seem that she is unpopular because people personally dislike or something.
And to the initial point, why would Nintendo not consider such request of a character from a 30M selling franchise? I see absolutely no reason for Furukawa to tell Hulst to fuck off.



I mean, I'm reading this thread, and it doesn't seem that she is unpopular because people personally dislike or something.
And to the initial point, why would Nintendo not consider such request of a character from a 30M selling franchise? I see absolutely no reason for Furukawa to tell Hulst to fuck off.

Because Sony have more popular characters in their pocket?

Unless you are telling me that Kratos or Spider-Man are not worthy the money to put inside Smash.

If you guys are so obsessed with sales maybe could explain why would Sony instead of put their most value character they would pick up someone less appealing. Or Spider-Man and Kratos are not popular?

If sales are what they are looking for, maybe pick up character on the top of the sales instead of the middle one.

Unless they are trying to push something? He created Aloy, so of course Hulst would priorize his own creation. No hard science.
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She is a 5* character is a strong frost build and a powerful AoE ultimate. Amber is a 4* character with one of the worst kit of the entire game.

I played Genshin Impact for like 4 years. Aloy is indeed very unpopular. You guys are really underestimating her unpopularity.

Aloy wasn’t given any constellations. That automatically makes puts her at a massive disadvantage since all the other GI characters had them. Anyone who’s played the game for four years should know that.


Because Sony have more popular characters in their pocket?

Unless you are telling me that Kratos or Spider-Man are not worthy the money to put inside Smash.

If you guys are so obsessed with sales maybe could explain why would Sony instead of put their most value character they would pick up someone less appealing. Or Spider-Man and Kratos are not popular?

If sales are what they are looking for, maybe pick up character on the top of the sales instead of the middle one.

Unless they are trying to push something? He created Aloy, so of course Hulst would priorize his own creation. No hard science.
First of all, they don't have any say for Spider-Man as a character, and second, why does it matter if Sony specifically wants Aloy there and not Kratos? What is even your point here? God of War doesn't have any game on the Switch either, unlike Horizon.
Pretty damn sure we were talking about what Nintendo wanted. This is just you wanting to shit on Hermen Hulst because reasons (and please, don't only focus on this part of my post).


Aloy wasn’t given any constellations. That automatically makes puts her at a massive disadvantage since all the other GI characters had them. Anyone who’s played the game for four years should know that.

I have Amber with all her constellations and its barely do a thing lmao. Funny from your part to think those early free characters would make a huge difference if you complete their constellations.

Amber and the Traveler are my main characters btw, in case you didn't notice, because 'anyone who's played the game for 4 years should know that', right?
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I'm not sure I have ever seen a vidya company trying to force a franchise like this.
what's weird in this particular instance is that a game with that menagerie of creatures would've done just fine without aloy, whereas a game with aloy likely wouldn't've gone anywhere without the creatures. it's the unique, distinctive creatures that're the stars of the horizon franchise, not aloy...


Writes a lot, says very little
Not only she's more attractive is subjective sir

I don't get it, do you guys not fucking know the thing you are talking about is not a fact or?

You BELIEVE she is "more attractive" makes much more sense.

So i don't think anything is wrong with the final version they used, I don't think any thing is wrong with the concept art you like either.

Current Aloy has no recognizable traits other than being strong and lesbian. Absolutely bland character.
? That makes even less sense.

What if the fucking concept art you are talking about, she is a lesbian in that too?

You then going to tell me the only trait is that too or? lol

If anything, I'd say the concept are you are looking it looks more bland then the final version they picked (keep in mind, that is likely on purpose as its a bare thing used for ideas)

So its find to say the final version looks bland, when the concept art you are showing literally looks more bland, its just a sea of browns with little contrast. Nothing wrong with that, but odd to say the final version looks bland and then show us this as if that is suppose to be the opposite or something lol


Writes a lot, says very little
Why does Sony want to push this shitty charcater so much? Astro Bot would make a much better Smash Bros. character.

Fucking game moved 20 plus million units, is getting a Netflix show, why the fuck would they not continue to? I love Astro Bot btw, but that game is not moving The Last Of Us, Spiderman, God Of War or Horizon number for any of that to make sense for Smash Bros lol

Sony likely wants a popular IP to be in there.

Dr. Claus

Why does Sony want to push this shitty charcater so much? Astro Bot would make a much better Smash Bros. character.

Don’t know. But they are desperate to push her as the next big thing. But then again, Fortnite is popular and TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms. The entire world has gone mental.
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Dr. Claus

They massively overestimate how popular and likeable their character is.
Especially when they did continuous bundles to try and push the franchise. I guarantee you that you wouldn’t even see a third as many total sales if it wasn’t for all the bundles.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Clickbait headline.

Speaking with Kotaku, Symons was asked about the possibility of Aloy being added to Smash now that Horizon is making its way to Nintendo Switch in the form of Horizon Lego Adventures.

“That’d be nice,” he said. “If you speak to Nintendo and they want to invite us let me know.”

Guerilla Games aren't actively working to put Aloy in Smash Bros, it was the journalist who came up with that idea and the Guerilla Games spokesperson only said he liked the idea and it would be up to Nintendo to make the first move (for this hypothetical idea by a Kotaku journalist)


I have Amber with all her constellations and its barely do a thing lmao. Funny from your part to think those early free characters would make a huge difference if you complete their constellations.

Amber and the Traveler are my main characters btw, in case you didn't notice, because 'anyone who's played the game for 4 years should know that', right?

Wow, ONE character’s constellations don’t improve them. I’m sorry, how many playable characters are in Genshin? You‘re going to have to provide at least a few more examples than one character to disprove this. When Dr. Ratio was given away for free in Honkai Star Rail, every Youtuber/streamer immediately compared it to the free Aloy in Genshin, and most of them brought up the constellations.

Why the fuck would someone playing the game know who another’s mains are? I don’t care who you main. And no, I dropped Genshin after a few months because it got stale by that point, but I’ve stuck with Star Rail as the story/characters are much better (especially due to no Paimon) and their portion of Hoyo developers respect their players much more than Genshin’s developers do. “Genshin could never”, as they say.


No Silksong? = Delivering the pain.
I like Aloy but idk man. Doesn’t fit.

And also I think Sakurai would literally die if they asked him to make another smash bros. Ultimate is perfect, I don’t see how they would even make a new one, or if they need to at all.


Lmao. For real?

Aloy is popular as Knack.
Kratos and Spider-Man are like galaxies ahead in popularity compared with Aloy.

Nintendo Japan will laugth their ass of Herman in the same way they did with the letter from Microsoft acquisition of Nintendo. Herman is really delusional.
What's this got to do with Hulst? You have one of those weird hate boners for Hulst, like many do for Druckmann.

The lead producer was asked if he'd like Aloy in Smash and he basically answered that would be cool wouldn't it, cue the hate towards Hulst, weird, very weird


Clickbait headline.

Guerilla Games aren't actively working to put Aloy in Smash Bros, it was the journalist who came up with that idea and the Guerilla Games spokesperson only said he liked the idea and it would be up to Nintendo to make the first move (for this hypothetical idea by a Kotaku journalist)
Busch Beer GIF by Busch

Happens a lot unfortunately, Dev asked simple question, they answer honestly, out come the overreactions and pitchforks (especially if they can associate another person they hate on). The console wars are still raging.

(You have to congratulate ArtHands though, very good at stoking the flames)
Sony trying so hard to make Horizon a popular franchise, however I don't see that happening. imo the IP is not as powerful as others such as TLOU, Uncharted, God of War, GT..
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They had this cool concept art. Not only she's more attractive but also has more unique features, she oozes personality. Current Aloy has no recognizable traits other than being strong and lesbian. Absolutely bland character.

Looks cuter, but also even younger than her birthday ritual age in Horizon 1 is supposed to be. So only fits into some time that was not present in the game. If this is supposed to be her coming of age complete character, it would make the disconnect between her being a fragile looking women fighting confidently huge metal monsters, better than all those experienced, even obviously stronger fighters, certainly more unbelievable. The game is anyway stupid in that regard, for any human, no matter the gender, its gameplay should entirely revolve around cleverly executed stealth kills and any head on fight should end in death. Strict Hitman Silent Assassin rules. As is, makes as much sense than those From Software fights were any single hit from giants or near misses with fire blasts should just kill you. Epic battles hardly make sense in many games, but she does not even have some fantasy element justifying anything. Just genes from some scientist chick. So brains? But no magic, one of a kind warrior heritage?
Art department fucked up her kid character most though, her mature version is hardly fat, otherwise legs and ass would need to be the first things showing fat. Her child model is completely broken though, like a new born merged with some child, with an unbelievable huge head, her late teen model looks maybe a bit too old and her head looks off for that fit body. Imho not fat, but as though someone accidentally made some scale command only on the head or something. On this sketch the volume is more her hair, but not the skull. Looks more stylised, any weird proportions would be plausible with this, but they went with realism. So the final used one is also not really like eg Allita Battle Angel where the art guys decided to leave realism, to give some specific weird look, other women in Horizon don't look that off imho.

Aloy in more games? Why not. Fortnite and Genshin already happened and are very much like Smash Bros platforms to promote big mascots or whoever somewhat important.
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I like Aloy but idk man. Doesn’t fit.

And also I think Sakurai would literally die if they asked him to make another smash bros. Ultimate is perfect, I don’t see how they would even make a new one, or if they need to at all.

"over 34 million copies as of March 2024."

I don't think Nintendo has "Yeah this series is over for good let's stop making them" on their mind when it comes to Smash.

Sakurai or not it will continue.
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