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DHS Hands Out First Contracts For Border Wall Prototypes



Officials of Customs and Border Protection announced they've awarded contracts to four companies that will build different prototypes — individual examples of what the wall should look like. Once those sections are evaluated, the government will decide which design is best for building hundreds of miles of new barrier along the border with Mexico.

The four companies each proposed concrete walls. DHS expects to announce contracts for four non-concrete wall prototypes next week.

The announced Thursday are: Caddell Construction of Montgomery, Ala.; Fisher Industries of Tempe, Ariz.; Texas Sterling Construction Co., of Houston, Texas; and W.G. Yates & Sons Construction of Philadelphia, Mississippi.

"This is the first new initiative that adds to our bigger plans," said Ronald Vitiello, acting deputy commissioner of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

The prototypes will be 30 feet long and up to 30 feet high. Construction of the prototypes is expected to begin in the coming weeks, and the review process will take between 30 and 60 days, Vitiello said.


The image above is a border control rendering of what they see as an "optimum border enforcement area" between the U.S. and Mexico. The concrete portions of the wall (E and F) would sit on the U.S.-facing side of an electronically monitored zone and an additional barrier (B) facing toward the Mexico side would be transparent enough for officials to see through. The monitoring zone would be about 150 feet wide and alert patrol agents if someone breached the initial border barrier.

“Testing will look at things like the aesthetics of it, how penetrable they are, how resistant they are to tampering and then scaling or anti-climbing,” Vitiello said.

Each of the contracts is between $400,000 to $500,000 and is included in the 2017 budget. Funding beyond that is expected to be a partisan battle when Congress returns next week.
Build a stupid wall around me if old


Pretty impressive if built. Could easily fund quicker if they cut from the bloated military budget. But the US isn't China or Israel. Look how long it has taken the new World Trade Center to be rebuilt. Plus cost overruns, budgetary constraints means less than 20% of this 30 foot high,fully electronically monitored and transparent walls and stuff will ever be built. With complete control of Government, they cannot get even 1/10th of what would be needed to be funded.


Mr Gorbetrump, tear down this wall.

Yup. Quite literally the Berlin Wall in concept.


Building something like that prototype would be insanely expensive, btw. Even the basic brick-and-mortar solutions supposedly cost astronomical sums, let alone that monstrosity.


Testing will look at things like the aesthetics of it

"So the test results are in and people don't really think that the 'Electronically Monitored Zone' is a good, succinct name for the space in between the two borders. Any ideas on what we can call it? How about you first, Norman, seeing as you designed the thing and all."

"Well, it would be an honor if you were to name it after me. We could call it 'Norman's World' or something along those lines."

"How about 'Land' instead of 'World'?"



Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
What's even the point when the next president is likely going to end construction? There's no way this shit gets finished in 4-8 years if it ever gets off the ground.
I am generally in favor of anything that brings jobs to my city (Philadelphia) which desperately needs them.

But notlikethis.gif

LMAO ok well then, now I feel better.

my first reaction was "oh man that's not gonna help our image :/"

Yup, apparently the author fucked up, found this on a different source:

WG Yates & Sons Construction in Philadelphia, Mississippi

Will edit that

they aint the only ones. half the searches i found listed PA as the address but with a 3xxxx zip code which like lol.


What's even the point when the next president is likely going to end construction? There's no way this shit gets finished in 4-8 years if it ever gets off the ground.

Don't be so certain. Once these boondoggles get funded, and the jobs are created. They never get stopped. Look at the military contracts. Once started and budget gets allocated and jobs come to states, no politician worth his salt will go I am going to stop this because the other side will pounce on he/she doesn't want to keep America safe, loss of jobs etc.

At best you would see a compromise of, finishing with cheaper materials, different design, or more drone surveillance and more border patrol etc. Plus the companies will also begin lobbying the local congressmen and senators whatnot etc.


These concepts are about as effective against drug trafficking as a scarecrow wearing a sandwich board with "PLS NO" written on it
I honestly doubt it'll be close to being built by then.
Surveys won't even be done by then.

This literally some of the harshest terrain in the country and some of the most remote. Even the process of moving raw materials and workers (housing and feeding them too) and equipment is an insane task to contemplate. Then there is the issue of seizing land from Americans to build through. It was probably easier to go the moon than build this garbage.


I don't think that option is feasible, there are lots of houses near the border in the border cities, they gonna have to tear down lots of houses.


I don't think that option is feasible, there are lots of houses near the border in the border cities, they gonna have to tear down lots of houses.
They should give that contract to Israel. I hear they like to tear down houses.


The problem is this structure even if it is erected won't make it very long. Let's say it's done in a few years(spoilers; it won't), how long does it actually stay standing with enforcement officers patrolling it and maintanence crews on deck. I can't imagine longer than a few years. This whole project is whack and foolish.


I am not for unchecked immigration and people just coming over illegally but this wall seems like a ridiculous idea and waste of money. Imagine how much cheaper it would be and better to build solar panels all along the border
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