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emerge said:
Well, it's all about itams and pwning 8player hell games solo. Or so I hear. Actually of course a lot of the fun comes from finding the shiny green and golden stuff, but that experience has largely been ruined in 1.10 by the runedupers and the pindlebotters. Also trying out chars other than max synergie Blizzies can be fun, even though most people on battle.net seem to think otherwise. Playing the game in a non-pa manner, i.e. questing in a nice party can be extremely enjoying, but hey, trying to find someone who is willing to walk through normal maggot lair without the help of a lvl 90 sorc is a daunting task.

That said, it's largely greed and addiction that drives this game for most people and for the rest of the bnet folk its about ruining the fun of other players trough pk.

Now i wonder why I invested enough time into that game to raise 4 90+ and 12 80+ chars on HCL :(
That's why it's all about passwording your games and playing with friends.

That, and building an untwinked character who can rock Hell 1.10 solo with craptastic equipment. Who is the man?
I've had Diablo and Diablo 2 on the shelf for years. After reading through countless Diablo II is the best game ever threads, I installed it , patched it and started a game as a Necromancer. I got all the way to the end of Act 1 and realized ... I suck. I realized too late that I didn't concentrate enough skill points and tried to hard to even things out across everything (whoops). I was doing good up until Andariel. She whooped on me and killed me. So I go back, and now there's mountains of the Tainted and Rat Men who whoop me before I get back to Andariel.

I have made the weakest Necromancer in the world..though it would have been nice to find out before getting to the last boss of act 1.

Damn game is addicting though.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
somnific said:
do it. the expansion pack is phenomenal.

are people here mostly playing ladder or non-ladder?

Most of my chars are softcore non-ladder, but I just recently started playing ladder and now have a few high levels there. It was refreshing starting with no mules and twink items.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
In case anyone hasn't heard, Blizzard announced that the ladder is going to reset soon, most likely in a week or so. There will also be a small patch and some minor changes to the game.


My girlfriend just bought us each a copy of D2 and LOD so we can play with each other on battle.net. It's pretty fun... we voice chat while we run around bashing things. It's a bit shallow so far, but I find myself compelled to keep playing.


Lets put it this way. Ive traded in Diablo II like 6 times, and like a damned fool I kept buying it, this time IM NEVER TRADING IT IN CAUSE I KNOW ITS ONE OF THE BEST GAMES EVER MADE!

I know what you mean. I bought Diablo II, played it, beat it, sold it. I rebought it after the expansion, played it, beat it, gave it to my sister. Now, I just rebought it two weeks ago and I've been playing it online since.

I just wish Neverwinter Nights multiplayer was handled the same way. Even if tou play on a anti-cheat sever in NWN, there's still the possibility that someone has a max level char that they leveled by using the console.
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