Currently being interviewed by a site... (don't know if I'm allowed to say). He added me on friends in D3 :lol
Wow! You're famous and all!
Currently being interviewed by a site... (don't know if I'm allowed to say). He added me on friends in D3 :lol
Currently being interviewed by a site... (don't know if I'm allowed to say). He added me on friends in D3 :lol
Some people just don't know when to stop.
Is there a good reason why the user review average for this game on Metacritic is 3.5? Wtf.
Is there a good reason why the user review average for this game on Metacritic is 3.5? Wtf.
Currently being interviewed by a site... (don't know if I'm allowed to say). He added me on friends in D3 :lol
I chose the best time to leave (late) for work, apparently.
For only the people who saw the picture:
You show up when you damn well feel like it. There is no being late.
Justice is served.
Justice is served.
"Ok, I played a bit of solo. I think I'm done for tonight. Actually, maybe I'll try a little coop."
*checks time*
Dammit, I wish I hadn't seen that picture.
What if I bang my head real hard against the wall I might forget.
only thing pissing me off is, that I haven't see on unique or set in ~10 hours of gameplay :/
For only the people who saw the picture:
i normally get my packages around 5-6pmstill no D3 CE from amazon, but its out for delivery. hopefully it'll be here by the time i get home from work today (3PM).
Was what he posted really spoiler though? I haven't played any of the previous games, but it was kind of a given right? That's like somebody saying Bilbo finds the One Ring in The Hobbit and people flipping out. Its a forgone conclusion.
It was everything else in the picture not the one thing you are pointing out. Good job defending someone posting that in a OT the day of release of a game people have been waiting 10+ years for, especially when there is a specific thread for spoilers.
Was what he posted really spoiler though? I haven't played any of the previous games, but it was kind of a given right? That's like somebody saying Bilbo finds the One Ring in The Hobbit and people flipping out. Its a forgone conclusion.
God damn @ that Yoshi hate PM.
It was everything else in the picture not the one thing you are pointing out. Good job defending someone posting that in a OT the day of release of a game people have been waiting 10+ years for, especially when there is a specific thread for spoilers.
Out for Delivery.
It was everything else in the picture not the one thing you are pointing out. Good job defending someone posting that in a OT the day of release of a game people have been waiting 10+ years for, especially when there is a specific thread for spoilers.