Well, that's rather abstract :x I'm just saying that the game is intended for non-AH progression, it's just not at the speed that most people were hoping. There's never any time where you are actually forced to use the AH/RMAH to make progress, it's just the easiest route.
Maybe/hopefully 1.0.3 makes this more apparent.
As I said, I'm talking about me and only me, so I'm not surprised that it's an abstract statement. The game isn't hitting my personal progression pace. Progression is entirely gear oriented (as opposed to tactical at all) and that gear progression is wholly supplanted within the AH.
The carrot and stick relationship is now only incentivized by, "If I buy items, I may find something that I can sell for a few bucks and supplement the cost of my items and the game or even more!"
I already have a job to make money, so that isn't a concern of mine, so that incentive doesn't work for me. I want to have fun in my free time and the base experience is quickly becoming too much of a repetitive drag to keep me invested.
At least in WoW as you got better you would see new content. Here it's just: Buy some items so you can play in the same exact place you've already played at least three times before, but face larger health numbers. I was hoping D3 would iterate on D2 in a big way, and they did, with the AH, but it isn't the way that I would have preferred.
Again, I'll see how it goes, but after leveling 2 characters to 60 and wanting to skip the content most of the way through (less than a month after release), I'm not sure what the point is. In D2 I really enjoyed A4 and A5 in all of the difficulty levels. In D3 I am just trying to get to the next stage--but I'm not sure why, because I don't actually
like any of the acts.
Shoot, I leveled nearly every class to 60 in WoW during vanilla, got a couple to 85, and have a few in the 60-85 range. I actually enjoyed the content throughout--and then really enjoyed the endgame. Something is missing in D3 and the AH isn't filling that space.