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Dick Cheney, Daily Show, OMGWTF

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Anyone catch the Daily Show last night, with the clips of Cheney whining to CNBC (or CBS?) evening news about the New York Times running that "irresponsible" article about "9/11 Comission finds no Al-Qaeda / Iraq Ties"? There was one part where Cheney said, with absolute certainty that he never claimed a certain key piece of intelligence was "confirmed", while the reporter was like, "Umm..." And of course, the Daily Show subsequently played the clip that proved Cheney wrong.

I just can't believe that anyone would try to pull the whole "deny saying things we've said" strategy when they have them on fucking TAPE.

It seems to me that this kind of thing would destroy their image... but do people even care? I mean, is there some context to this that I'm just missing completely?


Kills Photobucket
last nights show was one of the best in the last few weeks (They've been on a role lately).

I also like the part with teh Bill CLinton interview when the guy asked what hsi best day on office was.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I don't know...I just think that the majority of the public is so indifferent to government affairs that they don't care what lies or truths they are told.


Often there's at least five minutes devoted exclusively to exposing the contradictions in the Bush administration, which always makes for good entertainment.
samus4ever said:
Why not? It worked for Clinton.
Aren't you the same guy who posted Al Gore - "I invented the internet." in a Bushisms thread?
samus4ever said:
Why not? It worked for Clinton.
That's another thing I don't get... and not about the Lewinski thing, but shit that actually mattered, e.g. Rwanda.

You could say that people are just apathetic, but it seems like the entire country is pretty incensed about this election.
Socreges said:
Often there's at least five minutes devoted exclusively to exposing the contradictions in the Bush administration, which always makes for good entertainment.

Aren't you the same guy who posted Al Gore - "I invented the internet." in a Bushisms thread?

whats your point?


The two situations are just awfully similar. Republican on the hot-seat and you would rather appeal to the Democrat.
Ripclawe said:
Nytimes already sorta kinda backtracking on its headline fiasco/editorials they ran when the staff reports came out and the press went so hog wild, members of the commission had to come out and set them straight.

So they're upset that the NYT is mischaracterizing their wild allegations?

And really, Cheney is still lying. He's not talking about the 9/11 - Iraq tie, he's talking about intelligence he said he never called credible, when in fact, he did. Like Rumsfeld saying he never said there was an imminent threat, when in fact he did. And like the Clinton administration pretending there wasn't a genocide in Rwanda.

I just don't get why people just don't give a damn, and why others are so quick / desperate to defend politicians at their shittiest.
DrForester said:
I also like the part with teh Bill CLinton interview when the guy asked what hsi best day on office was.
Him biting his lip at that moment would make for a good avatar.

I would like to point out, however, that Annie Oakley would NOT need to ask "show me how you reload this thing."
I'm not a troll. I don't like either of the people and just pointing out the facts that every person in politics lies and when they get caught keep on lying.


Queen of Denmark
For the record, Al Gore never, ever said that he invented the Internet -- at least, as directly as "I invented the Internet."

Also, I saw the clip on the Daily Show in question and it RULED.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
human5892 said:
For the record, Al Gore never, ever said that he invented the Internet -- at least, as directly as "I invented the Internet."
Thank you. That shit is getting old. He said he was partially responsible for the growth of the internet, which is true. People need to just drop it.


DrForester said:
oh also, john stewart blasting the guest was fantastic
Did he? He bored me to death, so I quit watching. Did John grill him about the suppositions for the Iraq/Al Qaeda link?
demon said:
Thank you. That shit is getting old. He said he was partially responsible for the growth of the internet, which is true. People need to just drop it.
Yeah, in the Bushisms thread that I was talking about, I gave proof to that in reply to samus4ever.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
samus4ever said:
i'm sorry for saying that. I thought it was what he said. I didn't like him or Bush, so let it be. I was wrong.

Yeah because getting a blowjob and going to war over *God knows what* are two completely different things.....


Whenever this kind of thing happens, I get the feeling people just don't care...

People tend to take the latest word from authority figures, even if it contradicts previous statements--and that's if they even know the authority figure's previous statement.

It's official: we live in a sound-bite society.


samus4ever said:
Please, don't say that. He lied UNDER OATH.

EDIT: Thanks, Raoul.

Once again, about a BLOWJOB. Why was he even being investigated in the first place?

I would say Iraq and Iran Contra outweigh marital infidelity.


Good fucking point.

Where is the outrage for lying under oath agaisnt Reagan? He almost SURELY knew what was going on with Iran-Contra. If we are to learn from the Republicans, apparently it is ok to lie about vandalizing the opposition's headquarters to gain information during election, selling arms to terrorist states to fund illegal kingmaking operations in other countries, and misleading the American public and Congress about why we are going to war and putting the lives of our troops on the line. We do, however, draw the line at oral sex. THAT SHIT YOU HAVE TO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT, FOLKS!!!!


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
samus4ever said:
so, I guess its okay to break the law if its about sex. I gues then we should let all the rapist out.

Having sex is not against the law... only if his wife does not want it to happen....


samus4ever said:
so, I guess its okay to break the law if its about sex. I gues then we should let all the rapist out.
You fucking halfwit. Yeah, consensual oral sex is equal to rape. Thanks for speaking for all of us, bucko! I recommend that you contact Karl Rove, he's gonna need a successor after he's in jail being raped by Bubba for crimes against our Constitution. Your mindset would lend itself well to the job.


I used to think that Clinton lying under oath was bad, but I had NO IDEA how seriously fucked-up the Iran Contra situation was until last week. Clinton gets fucking impeached for lying about a blowjob, and Reagan goes down as "The Gipper" 'til the day he dies, when he is eulogized and suggested to replace Hamilton on the $10 bill.
Christ what Reagen did was bad. What every party Republican, Democrat has done is bad. I'm not a member of either party. I'm a green party member. Don't think i'm some neo-conservative trying to slam Clinton. I'm just trying to state a point that Clinton/Bush/Dubya/Nixion have all LIED to the american public and then kept on lying eventhough they have been caught. Please, dont' make me out to be the bad person. I really don't want this argument. I feel for everyone who has lost a person in Iraq. It was an illegal war. I just feel like you are trying to make me out as some neo-con, and it just really isn't me. Please, can we end this! Can't we all be friends?


Bubba, we can DEFINITELY be friends. Now that you have clarified your position, drinks are on me the next time you're in Hotlanta.


samus4ever said:
Christ what Reagen did was bad. What every party Republican, Democrat has done is bad. I'm not a member of either party. I'm a green party member. Don't think i'm some neo-conservative trying to slam Clinton. I'm just trying to state a point that Clinton/Bush/Dubya/Nixion have all LIED to the american public and then kept on lying eventhough they have been caught. Please, dont' make me out to be the bad person. I really don't want this argument. I feel for everyone who has lost a person in Iraq. It was an illegal war. I just feel like you are trying to make me out as some neo-con, and it just really isn't me. Please, can we end this! Can't we all be friends?

NO! NEO-CON BASTARD!!!!!!1111111

:p -Just kidding-


samus4ever said:
You talking to me? I live in Atlanta.
Seriously? Know where Lenny's is? It's a shithole bar off Memorial. Come ask this fucker for a drink tomorrow night after 12:



Ah well. We'll have a super duper GAF OAF meetup one day in Hotlanta. Everyone will be invited, and we'll get shitty drunk and talk about all sorts of shit. I seriously didn't mean to offend, but the idea that lying about a blowjob and lying about why we're going to war being equal always riles me up. Of course they're both WRONG, and Clinton was a centrist scumbucket, but there are DEGREES of evil, you know. Like, Nixon was actually less evil than Dubya, if you can believe it.


Fifty said:
You two can meet at a Braves game. He'll be the other guy in the stadium. :p
DUDE. I've been studiously avoiding Braves scores for the past week or so. Don't hit a caucasian when he's down, ok?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
samus4ever said:
i'm sorry for saying that. I thought it was what he said. I didn't like him or Bush, so let it be. I was wrong.

plenty of people think that's what he said as well. The media went wild with it, and it got distorted enough by journalists, politicians, and especially comedians.
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