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Did anyone switch from PC to console?


Gold Member
means you always need high end hardware to do so, means you have to keep upgrading it so that your games could remain at least 120fps.

The reason i'm still enjoy gaming because 60fps is fine for me.
If a games runs between 30fps - 60fps im fine as well because i got used to it.
Meh. With a vrr display if you can lock it where you want. I often lock to 90 or 100 if I struggle to hit 120 in a game but have performance to spare at 60. I think 60 is the bare minimum for me, it's perfectly acceptable at 60 but higher is always nice. 30 is just painful. And of course you have access to all those older games that breeze to 120 and beyond. But at the end of the day you could just lock everything to 60 and crank up the rez and settings if you wanted


We live in interesting times. I would never have predicted this 5 years ago. But today, I basically play PC only. I used to heavily play on console and only a few select games on PC. I follow the games. I play a lot of jRPGs and traditionally they were always almost exclusively on consoles, Playstation in particular. Now most if not all that I care about are on PC at the same time as consoles. Console exclusives are mostly timed these days, eventually coming to PC. Console exclusives, for me, have never been less appealing. They really have gone downhill and I would say they peaked in the PS3/Xbox 360 era. Every time an exclusive comes out that I think I may finally buy the latest console for ends up not being what I expected. Almost picked up a PS5 for Spiderman 2 until I heard what they did to the game. Forza used to get me to buy an Xbox and the last one is a stinker. This push for GAAS and DEI is killing my interest in these so called AAA games.


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
I have over 1000 games on Steam, probably 400 in Epic.

As a result I will never switch from console to PC. I do have both current gen consoles though, but they're only for a handful of games that I can't get on PC or Xbox BC.


sold off my gpu to miners during the price bubble and then sold off my next 4 gpus as well as I got them. Then I sold the rest of my gaming pc. and haven't been back so far. It's approaching 2 years iirc. Always been a pcgamer. For decades.

Just have been on the Switch. IT's been enough. Did get a SEries X a few weeks ago because it was dirt cheap but barely touched it and not sure I will keep it.

I guess I am able to let go of pcgaming at least so far for many reasons.

1. The pc scene isn't what it once was. It used to be you could only play some big games on pc. Console just didn't and couldn't support those games. That's not the case any more. And now pcgaming is mostly console ports as far as the big games go.

2. Mainly just played Battlefield in the end and got tired of that for various reasons.

3. Got tired of broken games. Games released half done. Partly redundant with #2.

4. I don't play as many games these days. Less need to also maintain a gaming pc. I've only been playing totk for the past 4 or 5 months. lol.

5. The feeling that I have played something before is stronger and more frequent than ever. Reality is games haven't changed a ton over many decades. Just the graphics are much better. And that's not enough for me especially when the improvements in graphics are smaller and smaller. I've always been a guy that felt like playing the first CoD was awesome. But that almost (never) translated to playing the next 20 CoDs. And CoD is the variable here. Insert most any franchise in its place. I have basically always felt like much less excited playing the same thing again which is what most sequels were to me. There are some exceptions like Battlefield... mostly because I only played multiplayer and the hunting of other humans never really gets old. Because they are always adapting. What did get old was the games being half finished at launch and them trying to reinvent the wheel all the time. And just not putting the effort needed into making matches competitive among other things.

6. PCgaming is more about bragging rights these days than anything. I like a good frame rate and graphics. To a point. But I don't need 4k. Don't need 240hz. The best versions of shadows or something are lost on me overall. I much more value an interesting, finished and polished game along with a good art style and clean look. Some of these games look really terrible when you dial down settings too. When they could have looked much better ...see something like TotK for an example of how to look good on ~8 yr old hardware.

7. Never been a fan of mods. Too much work to wade thru that stuff. Too much time spent playing broken stuff. Hype always been bigger than reality. For me.

8. Similar to #7 are indie games. I like some of those but ...for the most part...these things seem to be just the same games with different names and graphics. Or people get excited about a cool art style. Or the theme. IT's not enough for me. And again never sure what is what there. And maybe they aren't as user friendly to my time as I need them to be.

9. Never got into BR games much. I tried. I like online multiplayer games. But never could get long term interested in the "shop until you drop" aspect of them. To start every round looking for the same basic items Round after round after round? To me I immediately felt this aspect of these games would die out in the end. Because it is so tedious and repetitive. Why not just cut to the chase and pull a slot machine lever and that's the equipment you get. But so far that hasn't been the case...altho give it a few more years. lol. And then there's the reality of how to best play those games. Turtle. Last I spent too much time in the menus in a play session.

10. Got tired of managing the 1000 settings in games and on the OS itself. You know the hassle of pcgaming. Not that the Xbox and PS are much better these days. Makes me miss the insert disc or cartridge and play days. Also felt with some games that you could "win" the game in the settings/menus. Too much of an assault on my time.

11. I had a Mac for a long time as well and just nice not to have maintain the clunky pcgaming tower alongside it. Or maybe better put, my other computing work was done on Mac so I didn't get any synergy from using my gaming pc as a pc too. Gaming on Mac of course is an oxymoron. Don't get me wrong. I'm not playing games there.

12. Pcgaming seems to have gotten more expensive lately with the middle tier gpu being $500ish. And the upper end is well over $1k. This doesn't help. Goes hand in hand with reason #4.

That being said, I could easily go back tomorrow if the itch came back. And absence does tend to make the heart grow fonder in gaming as in life. Although I am getting old now so maybe I will just "settle down" with consoles. I do miss m/k. I wish SEries X had native m/k support across all games. I like that Switch made gyro aiming a thing. Gives me some of that mouse aiming feeling.
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Yes, I did in ~2000, I came from NES/SNES/N64, played and saw the PC gaming giga ultra mess and switched back to consoles furrever.
Cat Reaction GIF

That's a lie, I went back to PC almost 15 years later (at AC Unity launch) and now I play mostly on consoles (90%) and the rest on PC. When you work all day on a computer, you don't enjoy it anymore when you use it to play games but that's just me.
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Yep. Even turned it into a console pretty much with steam big picture. Number one issue is trophy hunting isn’t as fun. I get some people don’t care but I like going for plat. Cheating is seriously really bad. I’ve seen people on my own team cheating. Shooting through walls.

Another thing and this was the final straw for me. My controller was always disconnecting. Purchased a new controller and adapter and it worked great for a month than disconnected again. Did it one more time and I said I’m done and went back to ps5.
sold off my gpu to miners during the price bubble and then sold off my next 4 gpus as well as I got them. Then I sold the rest of my gaming pc. and haven't been back so far. It's approaching 2 years iirc. Always been a pcgamer. For decades.

Just have been on the Switch. IT's been enough.


I probably wont but my one friend has
Keeping up with PC hardware has gotten too expensive for him and he works on a PC all day
So he decided to switch to the PS5 and leave his PC exclusively to work
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