The world was certainly a lot more fun back then, so yes, you missed out. As others have said, modern technology has driven into silos, where we don't communicate properly with one another anymore. Of course there were issues back then - no period in history gets away with being perfect, but at least back then we spoke to each other face to face, we made the effort to meet, we enjoyed being in each other's company.
We also managed to confront those we disagreed with, and sometimes, an agreement or change of opinion would occur. We were probably braver as well. More able to deal with confrontation, and failure, and disappointment, because we weren't molly coddled so much by society and our peers. And we weren't stuck with our faces in screens, instead of looking up.
The music and movies were objectively better as well. There was more room for creativity. There wasn't the homogenisation of an industry with only a small number of big players.
I know every generation is supposed to look at the one that follows it, and complain that 'they had it better in their day' but I think this is the first case when it's actually true.
Gen Z had it far better than millennials or Gen Z. We had more fun, and we had a more balanced, understandable world, not dominated by cults of personality born from social media, and grotesque, out of control capitalism, fuelled by a very few companies.
We also managed to confront those we disagreed with, and sometimes, an agreement or change of opinion would occur. We were probably braver as well. More able to deal with confrontation, and failure, and disappointment, because we weren't molly coddled so much by society and our peers. And we weren't stuck with our faces in screens, instead of looking up.
The music and movies were objectively better as well. There was more room for creativity. There wasn't the homogenisation of an industry with only a small number of big players.
I know every generation is supposed to look at the one that follows it, and complain that 'they had it better in their day' but I think this is the first case when it's actually true.
Gen Z had it far better than millennials or Gen Z. We had more fun, and we had a more balanced, understandable world, not dominated by cults of personality born from social media, and grotesque, out of control capitalism, fuelled by a very few companies.
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