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Did Viewtiful Joe sold well ?


works for Gamestop (lol)
DMczaf said:
Nintendo needs to just add it to Player's Choice and drop it to $19.99 already...

So I can buy it :)

Fool! Walmart.com had it for $19.82 a couple months ago


Desperado said:
cuz Europe sucks.


Probably because Europe = shitload of countries which is hard to keep track on. I am kinda interested how much Metroid Prime sold in Europe since it's a popular franchise here..


SantaCruZer said:
Probably because Europe = shitload of countries which is hard to keep track on. I am kinda interested how much Metroid Prime sold in Europe since it's a popular franchise here..

I think we'll only find out at the end of this gen, when Nintendo releases shipment numbers for all its first party games, like how they did with the N64.


AniHawk said:
I think we'll only find out at the end of this gen, when Nintendo releases shipment numbers for all its first party games, like how they did with the N64.

yup my guess is a million...
Viewtiful Joe did sell well for such a hard-core game. While my friends and I talked about it, some of my other casual gamer friends would be like..."Oh I saw that and it looks so gay" or "Looks average to me". So for the appeal, I think it sold well.

And come on, since when has selling over 300,000 copies of an original game been bad? If I made a game, and it sold 300,000 units, I'd be pretty happy.
I heard it was Capcom's biggest seller of the holiday season in the US. Of course, I never saw a number breakdown that confirmed that.

You have to weigh sales numbers against expectations and development costs, too. VJ couldn't have cost THAT much. Not cheap-as-hell like Made In Wario, but not stupidly inflated either.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I'm guessing a sequel is being made because Capcom is hoping the PS2 version of the original game will reach a larger user base. Viewtiful Joe for the PS2 has an msrp of $29.99, good amount of positive word of mouth from the Cube release, and a few little extras. I'm guessing the PS2 can sell this game.

Viewtiful Joe deserves to sell so much more either way you cut it.

Li Mu Bai

I remember an old interview with Mikami by Gamespy, (the one where he alluded to a GC port of DMC) he had said that all of the Capcom 5 were being developed by small production teams, (except Studio 4's RE4) to cut down on cost & to promote better communication within the team itself. I'm sure Capcom got a profitable return on their initial investment with VJ.


Li Mu Bai said:
I remember an old interview with Mikami by Gamespy, (the one where he alluded to a GC port of DMC) he had said that all of the Capcom 5 were being developed by small production teams, (except Studio 4's RE4) to cut down on cost & to promote better communication within the team itself. I'm sure Capcom got a profitable return on their initial investment with VJ.

I thought Production Studio Nr 4 did VJ as well?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Grubdog said:

I remember seeing it in a thread on old GAF. I maybe wrong though, I think someone just translated the article incorrectly. Or it was Capcom Europe that said it...

In that case, oops!
Yeah, that sounds true. I hope the PS2 port of VJ sells well too - this series needs to be known throughout!

It'll only sell if Capcom markets it. They can't be too surprised if it ends up doing under 100k if they don't do any marketing.


Unconfirmed Member
Wario is right. According to Capcom's financial statements, they did consider it a lackluster performance. I know they very specifically cited the "lower than anticipated" sales of Viewtiful Joe. I don't have the text or link or anything handy, but they definitely said that, and I personally think they're crazy. Viewtiful Joe did about as well as any third party, niche, original Gamecube title can do.

As for why Capcom made a sequel even if they thought the original didn't perform as well as they had hoped, well, when has Capcom NOT made a sequel when the opportunity was available?
"As for why Capcom made a sequel even if they thought the original didn't perform as well as they had hoped, well, when has Capcom NOT made a sequel when the opportunity was available?"

They were also disappointed in REOutbreaks sales, yet announced a sequel a week later after announcing their disappointment in the originals sales. :p

Deku Tree

MetatronM said:
Wario is right. According to Capcom's financial statements, they did consider it a lackluster performance.

But the question that comes to my mind is what were they thinking? When was the last 2D side-scrolling beat-em-up to sell through the roof this gen?
Has anything of Capcom's lived up to their sales predictions? I seem to remember something like this last year, where nothing met expectations.
The only games that live up to their expectations are GBA games. They set really high expectations for the console games for some reason.


Lower-than-expected sales do not equal unprofitable games, right?

Hence lower-than-expected sales don't discourage profitable sequels. :p Capcom did it with MegaMan and will do it again with RE Outbreak and Viewtiful Joe.


Queen of Denmark
SantaCruZer said:
VJ is an awesome game. I cannot get past magnicient 5 on adult though.

Also, no matter what Capcom thinks, Viewtiful Joe should be considered a success by all means. It's got a very quirky, non-mainstream art style and attitude, and it's also pretty damn tough, too. For it to sell the way it did in spite of these factors, as well as a pretty low-key ad campaign, is impressive.


Capcom has their bombs mixed up.


I traded it for fucking Beachspikers.. GA really failed me on that one. The game absolutely blows. Then again I couldn't really get into VJ anyway, so I'll just call it a dud for a dud. Good thing my local Nintendoworld has a 1 for 1 +$6 policy. So if you have that odd game you're so-so on, it's pretty much like renting. :D
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