Momentai.Terriermon turns into a weirdo with jeans and miniguns instead of hands.
Why does a Digimon need pants. And how does he pick things up.
Watch Digimon Tamers.I don't like any of the starters if I'm being honest.
I might take Palmon because I love the cactus evolver. But Terriermon has a cool evo too.
The little homie digivolves into a rabbit with machine guns for hands, dog...
they're both in
oh shit double post my bad
I used this list to check all digimon in the game, not sure how accurate it is tho:
I just looked and they don't have Minvera's champion form. But not that shocking since they seem to hate XrosGoogle says yeah. Especially for Lillithmon.
Both are playable, Lilithmon is actually one of the strongest Digimon due to her one ability dealing 3x what her intellect is to a single enemy.
Palmon for me, also been debating over a week on what main character to use. Both male and female main character look really good to me so I'm unable to choose, unlike Next Order which I prefer the female main (please release in the west >_<). Can you change character in New Game Plus?
I just want to make Omegamon because he reminds me of the first movie ;_;
What actually makes Hagurumon so superior?
look. terriermon is the best starter because RAPIDMON
golden > green
The person on GameFAQs says you can change name and gender on New Game Plus.
Looking at his evolution path and it looks fucking insane.
So what will Hagurumon Digivolve into? I know he has multiple lines but I want to know if it will end up at Mugendramon/Machinedramon.
So what will Hagurumon Digivolve into? I know he has multiple lines but I want to know if it will end up at Mugendramon/Machinedramon.
So what will Hagurumon Digivolve into? I know he has multiple lines but I want to know if it will end up at Mugendramon/Machinedramon.
Yep, he is amazing and adorable.
Yes, one of his paths can end there.
Hagurumon > Clockmon > Datamon > Machinedramon
Seems like on Agumon can get to Machinedramon but thats the end of the line for him.
Hagurumon can get to Craniummon. This is according to the Kotaku list
Does anyone know if this is getting a physical release in Australia? I haven't heard anything.
Also remember you won't beable to get your digimon to be a "Royal Knight" right when you access mega, You have to do some stuff before you can Digivole into those.
Don't remind me. Knightmon was a very sad camper for awhile.
Also remember you won't beable to get your digimon to be a "Royal Knight" right when you access mega, You have to do some stuff before you can Digivole into those.
Nooooooooo the mvp Alphamon is a super late game digimon?
Ultimately you can get any Digimon anywhere as long as you're devolving far enough, but some are definitely much easier than others. But it's not worth stressing out too much over.
You won't be able to get your starter all the way up to an Ultimate without devolving it a few times, anyway.
knightmon sucks since he gets stuck with crusadermon
Yeah. You won't be able to get the Royal Knights until you deal with a series of side quests that open up right before you go into the final area.
You can still get plenty of time with them, though, since there's a lot of endgame content.
Man Digimon Heroes is just not scratching the itch I can't wait. Also am I seeing this right and no Veedramon or his line wtf!
Also remember you won't beable to get your digimon to be a "Royal Knight" right when you access mega, You have to do some stuff before you can Digivole into those.
Are you looking by his English name? It's V-dramon in Japanese.
Yea that would be it! Sweet thanks. When your the in game does it show you a list of what the Digimon can digivolve to?
Thanks for all the information on starters but I'm still so conflicted.
Also, checked the trophy list and it says one is missable, can anyone explain this to me as I feel the website did a poor job of that.
Yea that would be it! Sweet thanks. When your the in game does it show you a list of what the Digimon can digivolve to?
How early do you get access to devolving? If it is early on I might pick Palmon as my starter instead and devolve it to Yokomon so I can get Wommon. That would be possible, right?
How early do you get access to devolving? If it is early on I might pick Palmon as my starter instead and devolve it to Yokomon so I can get Wommon. That would be possible, right?
How early do you get access to devolving? If it is early on I might pick Palmon as my starter instead and devolve it to Yokomon so I can get Wommon. That would be possible, right?
How soon into the game can I get a veemon?