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Digital Foundry Retro - Halo 2 E3 2003 demo.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Bungie originally envisaged technologies for Halo 2 that turned out to be completely impossible for the team to deliver in the actual game. That original vision debuted in an extended gameplay demo created especially for E3 2003 - but was scrapped soon after. In this DF Retro Extra special, John revisits that demo, explains why it was impossible for OG Xbox hardware and compares it with the final game to see just what - if anything - of that work persisted into retail code.


I never would have thought this demo would be brought back out. Now that we know it's not as broken as we were led to believe, they'll never hear the end of it not being released. I use to unplug my controller and pretend to run through this demo as it was being played. That Halo 2 doc which shipped with the special edition is also unlike any documentary you'll see for a game. It's basically Bungie wondering how the fuck they are going to finish Halo 2. Those debug xbox units were about 1.5x more powerful than a regular Xbox. No wonder they had to rebuild everything.

I wished they talked more about replacing the Halo physics engine with Havok. Is it just a myth that Alex Seropian basically took the physics engine when he left bungie midway through development? Sounds like bullshit to me.
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