Bit of a story to this, so stay with me.
I work at a company where I was recently promoted. I'm now part of a team which handles different tasks than those of the regular support-staff. My title could very well be consultant considering all the tasks I handle. At my job, there used to be four different teams handling the regular support-staff which I was a part of. So far, all of my direct superiors have really liked me, while I've had certain arguments with one of the other managers.
This manager is a total fucking sociopath. I could write entire pages of run-ins me and others have had with her. Almost everyone at the place loathe her and feel she's a cold, manipulative and straight up evil person.
Recently, tons of people have quit the regular support-staff as school has come around and such, which has led to a crisis. They're now forcing all the full-time employees to work extra as a part of the regular support-staff. As I've left that position behind, as we're understaffed and as we're backlogged as it is, this didn't please me or any of my other direct co-workers.
So I'm having a shitty day because this, when she comes to our department, and starts going around forcing us to take shifts we really don't want. As always, I'm very on edge when she's near, like being close to a nazgul or something. She starts telling me "you need to take this and this shift" to which I reply "But on that day I have driving lessons booked etc." She replies "Yeah you're just gonna have to cancel those".
Bit of a context before I go on: This assignment was recently won over another company, and we get all our tasks externally from the main partner. The consensus is that since these managers have never been in support, they have no idea what we do, how essential we are and how we work. Thus, this string of nonchalant reactions among other actions, has been pissing us off for the last month or so.
So finally, I snap. I ask her "So when are your extra shifts in the support-staff?"
Her eyes fill with furious rage, and she responds "Did you just say that? How dare you say that to one of your superiors? How did your parents raise you? What's wrong with you? Fuck".
I black-out, I realize it was a really stupid thing to say, but I just couldn't take it.
I went to my manager who also dislikes her, and he just starts chuckling. "Yeah, I can see that. Don't worry, it's good that you went to me. You do a great job so I really don't care."
I then went to the senior operations-manager (who used to be my manager) to just explain how it was a shitty thing to say, that I shouldn't have said it, but that I took great offense to her insulting me, my mothers's upbringing and for generally talking down on me. This is when the evil ice-queen highjacks the meeting and make the whole thing into a shaming party.
My senior manager starts telling me "It saddens me so much to see you act so disloyal to the company". The ice-queen with the dead eyes like Tom Cruise has turned her against me, even though she's always loved me.
I apologize and try and explain how her words really hurt me, how frightening it was to see a superior act out like that. She responds that she's sorry and then smiles in that creepy dead way she does when her brain is imploding at the lack of empathy.
So now, the whole thing has blown over, my superior manager has told me she's glad I went to her, how I showed responsibility and apologized etc, but I still feel fucking livid at her reaction.
Yes, it was incredibly stupid of me to respond that way, but her words hurt me so goddamn much. I've had a troubled upbringing and has experienced a lot of shitty situations, and just recently I've been able to start feeling pride in how far I've come. Then she just dashes it and in the process insult my dear mother.
I want to take this somewhere, to further bring proof of how horrible she is. She's done this kind of thing to several people, making them feel like shit, and I want to expose and bring her down.
Some of the shit she's done:
1. She's told my depressed friend how she wasn't being a team player for taking a leave of absence, AFTER a doctor had ordered her to.
2. She told a friend "Haven't you had enough cupcakes now, dear". This person is very sensitive about her weight and was crushed by this.
3. She told a friend of mine who just found out she was pregnant (and miserable because of it) that "she should be happy because she can at-least have babies" (apparently she's sterile, but I don't know).
4. She laughed in the face of a friend when he asked if he could be hired full-time.
5. She told a co-worker how stupid and childish he was for liking e-sports, then promptly laughing at him.
6. I was in the running for a trip to Sochi, which I said I didn't want to win because I didn't want to support Russia and their anti-gay laws. She responded "But, sports are very important, you should know that". I replied "I think sexual-expression without oppression is pretty important".
7. She stood in the middle of a morning assembly, and said to the entire staff "Goddamn you all suck, this month you've been terrible, what are you doing wrong?".
8. She told a friend of mine that she would be fired soon if she didn't stop being at home when her three-year old daughter was sick.
9. She harassed a co-worker hoping she would admit to not being able to take a certain position because of her epilepsy. Mind you, this was during an interview for said position.
Etc. etc.
So yeah, I want to bring her down, but I can't because if I re-open this issue, I will be re-investigated too. Then they will just see it as me mouthing off to a supervisor and she responding accordingly.
Tl;dr: I mouth off to shitty superior, she responds by saying I was raised wrong and there's something wrong with me. I can't re-open the issue after we've both apologized as that would bring me down too.
I work at a company where I was recently promoted. I'm now part of a team which handles different tasks than those of the regular support-staff. My title could very well be consultant considering all the tasks I handle. At my job, there used to be four different teams handling the regular support-staff which I was a part of. So far, all of my direct superiors have really liked me, while I've had certain arguments with one of the other managers.
This manager is a total fucking sociopath. I could write entire pages of run-ins me and others have had with her. Almost everyone at the place loathe her and feel she's a cold, manipulative and straight up evil person.
Recently, tons of people have quit the regular support-staff as school has come around and such, which has led to a crisis. They're now forcing all the full-time employees to work extra as a part of the regular support-staff. As I've left that position behind, as we're understaffed and as we're backlogged as it is, this didn't please me or any of my other direct co-workers.
So I'm having a shitty day because this, when she comes to our department, and starts going around forcing us to take shifts we really don't want. As always, I'm very on edge when she's near, like being close to a nazgul or something. She starts telling me "you need to take this and this shift" to which I reply "But on that day I have driving lessons booked etc." She replies "Yeah you're just gonna have to cancel those".
Bit of a context before I go on: This assignment was recently won over another company, and we get all our tasks externally from the main partner. The consensus is that since these managers have never been in support, they have no idea what we do, how essential we are and how we work. Thus, this string of nonchalant reactions among other actions, has been pissing us off for the last month or so.
So finally, I snap. I ask her "So when are your extra shifts in the support-staff?"
Her eyes fill with furious rage, and she responds "Did you just say that? How dare you say that to one of your superiors? How did your parents raise you? What's wrong with you? Fuck".
I black-out, I realize it was a really stupid thing to say, but I just couldn't take it.
I went to my manager who also dislikes her, and he just starts chuckling. "Yeah, I can see that. Don't worry, it's good that you went to me. You do a great job so I really don't care."
I then went to the senior operations-manager (who used to be my manager) to just explain how it was a shitty thing to say, that I shouldn't have said it, but that I took great offense to her insulting me, my mothers's upbringing and for generally talking down on me. This is when the evil ice-queen highjacks the meeting and make the whole thing into a shaming party.
My senior manager starts telling me "It saddens me so much to see you act so disloyal to the company". The ice-queen with the dead eyes like Tom Cruise has turned her against me, even though she's always loved me.
I apologize and try and explain how her words really hurt me, how frightening it was to see a superior act out like that. She responds that she's sorry and then smiles in that creepy dead way she does when her brain is imploding at the lack of empathy.
So now, the whole thing has blown over, my superior manager has told me she's glad I went to her, how I showed responsibility and apologized etc, but I still feel fucking livid at her reaction.
Yes, it was incredibly stupid of me to respond that way, but her words hurt me so goddamn much. I've had a troubled upbringing and has experienced a lot of shitty situations, and just recently I've been able to start feeling pride in how far I've come. Then she just dashes it and in the process insult my dear mother.
I want to take this somewhere, to further bring proof of how horrible she is. She's done this kind of thing to several people, making them feel like shit, and I want to expose and bring her down.
Some of the shit she's done:
1. She's told my depressed friend how she wasn't being a team player for taking a leave of absence, AFTER a doctor had ordered her to.
2. She told a friend "Haven't you had enough cupcakes now, dear". This person is very sensitive about her weight and was crushed by this.
3. She told a friend of mine who just found out she was pregnant (and miserable because of it) that "she should be happy because she can at-least have babies" (apparently she's sterile, but I don't know).
4. She laughed in the face of a friend when he asked if he could be hired full-time.
5. She told a co-worker how stupid and childish he was for liking e-sports, then promptly laughing at him.
6. I was in the running for a trip to Sochi, which I said I didn't want to win because I didn't want to support Russia and their anti-gay laws. She responded "But, sports are very important, you should know that". I replied "I think sexual-expression without oppression is pretty important".
7. She stood in the middle of a morning assembly, and said to the entire staff "Goddamn you all suck, this month you've been terrible, what are you doing wrong?".
8. She told a friend of mine that she would be fired soon if she didn't stop being at home when her three-year old daughter was sick.
9. She harassed a co-worker hoping she would admit to not being able to take a certain position because of her epilepsy. Mind you, this was during an interview for said position.
Etc. etc.
So yeah, I want to bring her down, but I can't because if I re-open this issue, I will be re-investigated too. Then they will just see it as me mouthing off to a supervisor and she responding accordingly.
Tl;dr: I mouth off to shitty superior, she responds by saying I was raised wrong and there's something wrong with me. I can't re-open the issue after we've both apologized as that would bring me down too.