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Dislike Button is coming to X/Twitter


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Yeah, that’s what Twitter is lacking: negativity

Wish they’d bring back the dislike count for YouTube though…
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Does liking or disliking something even make a difference in terms of it being pushed in the algorithm? I was always under the impression that it didn't matter and the only thing that counted was the fact that you clicked on one or the other. You may get sent new things accordingly to which was you "voted", but disliking video won't help slow it's push because you were interested enough to engage with it, regardless of which way you engaged.
There needs to be an "I can't even" button. When you're divided, in the middle or confused or don't give a fuck. How fucking hard is that? Stupid company I swear to fuck.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I’ll enjoy watching the shit show but otherwise don’t care.

Funny one of the top comments boosted by the blue icon is calling out “fa**ots” when Musk banned using the term “CIS” from the platform lol

Free speech absolutist! ABSOLUTIST
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he will 100% disable or take this away on his posts. Then again i think the entire point is just to get engagements
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Gold Member
I've said in the past, for all the "I would never get twitter blue!" people on the platform, he should make it so you can gift people subscriptions.
That's actually a really good idea. Let people reward each other for creating good tweets. This would significantly drive content creation and interaction.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Good. twitter is a shit hole and his fucking algorithm doesnt learn when i mute, block and uninterest psychotic posts from so many users. maybe dislike would help.


I literally was wishing for this the other day, just so I could dislike posts from posters like the Krassensteins. Also the annoying reposted old stories.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Yeah, that’s what Twitter is lacking: negativity

Wish they’d bring back the dislike count for YouTube though…

Dislikes will probably not publicly viewable, it's there so the algorithm can use that information to show you more interesting posts in the "For You" timeline.

BTW There are browser addons like "Return YouTube Dislike" that show you the dislike count. Works perfectly.


I'm curious about whether community notes really are helping in kicking out grifters and engagement baiters, seemed like it's just encouraging them and I doubt dislikes will be different


I'm curious about whether community notes really are helping in kicking out grifters and engagement baiters, seemed like it's just encouraging them and I doubt dislikes will be different
I wonder if a lot of the time a community note can actually drive more engagement to a post because you get people retweeting it saying something like "lol, check out the community note ripping this dipshit apart."

I think they can be good for scams though. Like you will see adverts for a product or a game and there will be a community note below it pointing out that it's bullshit. So if that saves someone wasting their time/money then that's a positive.


yeah it will get abused by some and used for less than genuine reasons, but i brought it back for my Youtube and it's better to have more free speech reactions than less, so a good move for me.


I don't use Twitter but I'm okay with this. We need more public shaming of bad takes in today's world. Dumb people need to be reminded they're dumb.


Haha I think alot of certain people are having a real fit over the announcement of this...

Can you dislike when they do the usual block like certain people do


Al Pachinko, Konami President
No, but I hope he has watched the Borderlands movie
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Neighbours from Hell
As long as mass dislikes don't make them hidden, I don't care. Allows mobs to control what stuff is visible, which is stupid. Like on Reddit.
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We need to implement a system where when using twitter you agree to have a punching device installed on your device so that everytime you access your twitter and you get a mass dislike to your idiotic take the device activates and you get punched in the face.

That will get people to take a second and think before posting their thought diarheea on the internet.
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