Developer: h.a.n.d Inc
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: 3DS, 3DS XL, and 2DS
Genre Life Sim/Dungeon Crawler
Players: 1, but you can visit your friends cafes.
Save Files: 1
Release Date(s): NA: April 11 2014. Sorry EU and AUS, there is no release date for you yet.
ESRB Rating: E for everyone
Gameplay Mechanics
The Cafe: Once you get far enough into the tutorial, you'll open up your own cafe. You get to customize bith the Cafe itself and your manager and waiter/waitress. You buy recipes to make food to sell at the Cafe in order to make money. Once you get far enough, you'll gain the ability to throw parties at the cafe. When you throw a party depending on how the cafe is decorated, what food you are serving, and what you, your manager, and your waiter/waitress is wearing, Disney characters might show up. For example, if you have an Alice in Woderland themed party there is a high possibility that one or more of the Alice characters in the game will show up. After the party you can take your picture with the Disney characters who showed up. A single party can net you up to $30k.
Combat: Every area in the game, except 100-Acre Wood has combat quests. Once you get far enough into the tutorial, you'll meet up with Yen SId and he'll give you a magic wand, and a recipe for adventure clothes. In combat you have two attacks. A regular shot that can be charged up, and a special attack. You can get more combat equipment throughout the game.
Collectable Trading Cards: You can collect cards in one of three ways. The first is to talk to Disney characters that have a card icon above their head, this will get you a card from the theme(s) that character is a part of. For example, if you talk to Belle from Beauty and the Beast you could get a card from Beauty and the Beast set or a card from the Disney Princess set. The second way is through streetpass, and multiplayer. People you've streetpassed with or played multiplayer with will show up in Castleton, and you will get a card from them. The third way is through trading. If you get any duplicates you can trade them to the king's assistant. For every three cards you trade in, you'll get a new one. You can't trade any cards that you only have one of.
Multiplayer While playing locally you can have a friend come and visit your cafe, while there your friend can give you gifts. After someone has visited your cafe they will appear in Castleton and give you a trading card. You can also visit each others cafes Online, but you can't give gifts while doing so.
DLC Here is a list of the current DLC according to the official website. This section will be updated as new DLC is released. Images for the currently released DLC can be found at the official website
Casual Easter Outfit: Free
Casual Pooh Shirt: Free
Shiny Mickey Headband: Free
Mickey Egg and Minnie Egg: Free
Genie Wand: $1
Dreamfruit Wand: $1
Striped Tail Wand: $1
Easter Seasonal Set: $1
Sleeping Beauty Cafe Set: $2
Pirates World Set: $4
AR cards Click here and here for all of the currently released AR card items. The Japanese AR cards work in the NA copies of the game.
Reviews: Review Thread
NA reveal trailer
Features trailer
TV commercial #1
TV commercial #2
Launch trailer
First 40 minutes of gameplay