Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I'm just going to come out and say it. I think I was the target last night.
I'm Ariel. At night, I go return to the sea and can't be killed. I don't really care if scum knows this at this point.
If I was the target, I'm going to guess it was to kill the Enker trail, since my suspicions of him were rather loose to begin with. I'm determined to keep my vote on Enker as a result.
Because he is pulling the dresses over our eyesto get in front of me before I call him out on it. Assuming I dared to do so.How Lewd!
Vote: TheExodu5
Hes a Watcher, most likely a Scum Watcher, and my special case. If you recall, he also claimed to be visited (a somewhat mysterious addition to the roleclam). Hes afraid I am the cop (nope, nor the Doctor) and wants to get rid of me before I out him (thus starting a bandwagon, which he was going to vote me out for yesterday), but I did visit him last night.
Why not claim Town Watcher? Because it would be hard to explain how I visited him but hes not dead otherwise. Hed have to claim a doctor visited too (to try and paint me as Scum). I will not role claim, because the people that have done so thus far have not done so in a Town-friendly way. Needless to say though, you can see why Id want to hide a little bit. Lionesses are pretty good at that.
It was nice of you to wait two days to get your story straight with your Scum buddies though. Just early enough where it doesnt seem like a last minute bus.
We have a THUNDERDOME!!!
For the sake of informational pressure:
VOTE: TheExodu5
*Vote subject to change.