I'm cool with killing either Enker or Zatoth. Dinna care which first, flush can block either one that's alive.
flush can block either one that's alive.
If youre keeping me alive and killing Zatoth, its specifically because you think I can help hunt scum. You may as well kill me now if youre going to block me later.
I am going to laugh so hard if Mazre wins when I die.
If youre keeping me alive and killing Zatoth, its specifically because you think I can help hunt scum. You may as well kill me now if youre going to block me later.
I am going to laugh so hard if Mazre wins when I die.
Why are we lynching Zatoth when scum tied it with Chair?
Vote: Freakinchair
He didn't even vote yesterday. Not a big loss even if we're wrong.
-Who did you check N5?
-Are you a neutral lyncher? If so, who is your target?
-What does Mazre have to do with anything? Is he also a lyncher?
-If Mazre is a lyncher, an alignment cop lyncher is pretty strong, unless he's lying about his role. I know I'm town, Flush is leaning town, and Zatoth and gryvan are unknowns.
-If Mazre is a lyncher, then town should have a cop. No one has come forward to claim as such.
-Ergo, the most obvious scenario is that you're a neutral and Mazre is town.
Like I said, I don't really care if a neutral wins, as long as town wins with them (i.e. they deliver scum for us). Give us a reason to keep you around.
Fill this out at your convenience. Add to it if you're a PR.
List of claimed PR's and night actions
Freakinchair - Rapunzel, motion detector
N1: Fireblend, POSITIVE
N4: TheExodu5, NEGATIVE
N5: TheExodu5, NEGATIVE
Zatoth - ???, ???
N1: Fireblend visited Seath
N4: Mazre
N5: Royal_Flush visited Mazre
Enker - Sailor Moon, neutral lyncher
N1: TheExodu5, NULL result
N2: Zatoth, NON-NULL result
N3: Lone_Prodigy, NON-NULL result
N4: Ayumi, NON-NULL result
N5: Unmasked Ferret, NULL result (lower priority than death)
Royal_Flush - Aurora, roleblocker
N1: AbsolutBro
N2: Zatoth
N3: Zatoth
N4: Zatoth
N5: Ultron
Mazre - Charlotte, alignment cop
N1: Lone_Prodigy, TOWN
N2: gryvan, TOWN
N3: Zatoth, TOWN
N4: Royal_Flush, TOWN
N5: Barrylocke, TOWN
Unmasked Ferret (RIP) - Cinderella, watcher
N1: Darryl, NEGATIVE
N2: Darryl, NEGATIVE
N3: Ultron, NEGATIVE
weemadarthur - ???, X-shot bulletproof
N1: Shot, Bulletproof -1
TheExodu5 - Ariel, inconsistent commuter
N1: Commuted
N4: Commuted
N5: Commuted (?)
Terrabyte20xx - Elsa, X-shot vigilante (Most likely X=1)
N1: flatearthpandas
Fireblend - ???, ???
??? - ???, message sender
N1: To Terrabyte20xx: "Pull the Trigger"
N2: To Mazre: "Don't pull the Trigger"
N4: To Royal_Flush: "Beware ultron and his Ultra"
N5: To Barrylocke: "???"
Derp. My bad.I sleep walked.
Enker, how could you possibly not know who you're supposed to lynch? Not the user, but the in-flavor name. How is not knowing their role name a crucial part of your role description? How would knowing/not knowing what character you're after affect the game?
According to the Wiki, most Lynchers know their target, I agree. I guess Yeeny decided to make things interesting by making me hunt for it instead. I know they dont belong here either, but that doesnt help you because everyone is going to claim to be a Princess..
According to the Wiki, most Lynchers know their target, I agree. I guess Yeeny decided to make things interesting by making me hunt for it instead. I know they dont belong here either, but that doesnt help you because everyone is going to claim to be a Princess.
This is funny to me, because I'm pretty sure at least half of my posts on GAF are in the Sailor Moon community threads.Ayumi - Posted a Sailor Moon gif in the Mafia Community Thread (Meta, I know, but it was worth a shot).
Oh come on, you even played NightVale. I was in there and I was a Neutral Lyncher who didn't know their target (Well I knew it was Hiriam McDaniels, but not who had this role). I also had investigations that returned "Your target is (not) McDaniels".How does that make it more interesting? Like, I really have a hard time rationalizing how not knowing their name has any effect.
Either way, you're a neutral. If we lynch you and you are who you say you are, it's less of a loss than a town mislynch. You really shouldn't have claimed if you wanted to continue having a chance of reaching your win condition, if you really are a neutral that is![]()
Up to Ultron's post about it I just assumed it was for confusion. But it also could be a random redirect. But does it matter right now? No! Because if it is just for confusion we obviously don't lynch Ultron right now. If it's a redirect we also don't lynch Ultron right now because we have no more information about him than yesterday. We can worry about this once we hit our 4th Scum.Derp. My bad.
Wait, how can you be sure you actually blocked Ultron if you sleep walked? What does sleep walking actually do? Is it just to mess with the trackers?
Umm, yeah. That is exactly what I'm saying.Oh come on, you even played NightVale. I was in there and I was a Neutral Lyncher who didn't know their target (Well I knew it was Hiriam McDaniels, but not who had this role). I also had investigations that returned "Your target is (not) McDaniels".
Umm, yeah. That is exactly what I'm saying.
I dont know either.we dont know what Enker is capable of
Unmasked Ferret said:Dear fellow Princesses and assorted non-princesses,
Well I guess the other shoe finally dropped he he he (its probably a good thing I died since I had a lot of bad jokes just waiting to be used). I just want you all to know that I dont blame any of you. Assorted non princesses, you got this, comeback of the century starts now. Please dont let the cat eat me.
Princess Furrette
I dont know either.
Game 1: Lets override a outed scum!
Game 2: Crab is our friend!
Game 3: Lets claim a role that shouldnt be claimed apparently!
I clearly dont know what Im doing. At all. You would think if I was Scum Darryl would have taught me better, he played with me in Archer so he knows. As did you.![]()
Im just lucky it didnt try to eat me prematurely - I guess it knows that waiting for supper makes it taste better.
Fireblend, that sleepwalking note from LP makes me wonder. Are you the messager?
Nope. I don't send messages or give massages (I wasn't sure what you were asking).
I'll accept answer A for now. However, if we meet in person I expect a different answer for B.
Do you feel we should lynch Enker today?
gryvan - cleared by Mazre, if you have a PR, come out with it. And what was with that counter-vote D4? Geez.
Oh come on, you even played NightVale. I was in there and I was a Neutral Lyncher who didn't know their target (Well I knew it was Hiriam McDaniels, but not who had this role). I also had investigations that returned "Your target is (not) McDaniels".
Then how did Darryl know about the sleepwalking power if you are town Zatoth?
I was "involuntarily wandering through the halls during [my] sleep".@Royal_Flush: Did they message you received mention sleepwalking? Just curios. Because ynny said something else to me.