It would also make our dumbest gambit the best play in the game, too.Please let Gryvan be scum, then we truly will know this games ultimate scum tell: trying to throw shade at the lovers!
Ayumi - Needs to hear their own opinion about the situation rather than using someone else's evidence and saying "ok i believe you ./bam vote"
I can't believe the day ended that quickly. I'm a little upset! I didn't have anything to add either way but I would've at least wanted to be a part of the bandwagon.
I'm really confused. Are you drunk?
The Princesses waste no time to-day. They are ferocious and slightly a little too aggressive for beautiful ladies, for this cat's taste! A cat scampers away, climbing up a tree and watches warily as the ladies drag one of their own numbers out into the wooden platform outside the Palace.
"We are going to have a hanging! Proper hanging, I say!" shouts one of the Princesses, drunk with blind conviction and hungry for victory.
The rest follows her, cheering her on and behaving very questionably for ones with such fabulous dresses.
They push and drag gryvan up the platform and places the noose around the poor woman's neck. Gryvan tries to argue, saying that she is a tragic Senator from a far, far away land, who really belongs with the Magical Kingdom since the Magical Kingdom has acquired rights to her ... homelands. But no one is listening to her. A few even jokes at her plight! Such ruthlessness!
"Hang her! She doesn't belong here! She isn't one of us!!!"
A cat covers its eyes as the Princesses kicks the little stool from underneath Gryvan's feet... to reveal that the noose is too big for her? She's skinnier than possible! Gryvan falls to the grounds, landing softly upon her multiple furcoats, cackling a little mad.
She is about to stand up when the ground kept on letting her fall through, pulling her back towards where she was at before her return to the Magical Kingdom, where everything is 100% more ordinary and 100% less magical ...
...Gryvan sits nodding at his young supervisor who is droning on and on for forever and a half now. Internally, he is wondering how old his boss is. He looks barely out of school. He's talking energetically and using big words like 'smarter working' and 'lean thinking leads to leaner processes".
"We simply must try harder and do better! Or else the company may have to look at other...less pleasant options!" says his acne-ridden supervisor.
Gryvan smiles, full with compliance and agreements, even as he is screaming inside. His eyes are glued to the wall clock behind his boss, which showing the hour of seven in the evening.
He was supposed to go home at five, but he usually stays back half an hour for 'niceties' and today he was just about to tidy up when he got roped into this "let's touch base" impromptu meeting. He wonders how much longer can his boss go on before he goes postal on him.
Gryvan smiles, nodding softly.
"Right! I think we've covered really good grounds, today! Why dont you document the salient points and let's revisit tomorrow!"
With that, his supervisor throws a free wink and a grin, as he leaves for the day.
Gryvan sighs as he restarts his computer to draw up the document when his boss pops his head back.
"Oh! Happy anniversary too! I heard you've been with the company for forty years! That's amazing! Keep up the hard work, man!"
A part of him quietly wishes he can wear human skin as coats.
Why are you looking at puppies that way, Ma’am…
The Princesses have returned to our Magical Kingdom. Nuts. And you thought you were getting away with so much villainy, too. This won’t do. No. You still need a few different coats to match the seasons, after all.
You are Cruella de Vil, an Anorexic Fashionista… of some ill repute. You don’t have much in terms of natural looks but you have ambitions and ostensible authority and… obsession for furry animals, …I guess.
You are aligned with Evil.
Your partners are: Zatoth, Trigger, Christina Mackenzie, Darryl
Every Day phase, you are able to Vote to nominate a Princess’ untimely demise with a delicious, glorious, exciting lynching!
You have no special powers but any member of the Evil Faction is able to carry out the Faction Kill with the command: “Kill: <Target Name>” during each Night phase. This action will be associated with the player who sent me the PM or post the command in your Fabulous Lair of Evil Doers - which can be found here: The Witches’ Tits. I will only take the last command sent through, either by PM or in the thread.
You win when Evil ties or outnumbers those aligned with Good.
Any questions? Ask a weird cat, who may answer, eagerly and with many, many teeth.
The Game thread can be found here:
Good luck, Villain!
Character Portrait:
Cool. May I access spec thread at mods convenience pls.
Waiting for deets on Mazre winning. Actually succeeded at role? Or credited due to good play?
Yaaaaay! I never got to use my super secret royal weapon thoughyou guys tunneled too fast, I didn't get home in time. Ah well.
retro, pls do your magic~
thanks ❤️
Wow 5 scum in a game of 24.
And we really did have no cop? Or doc?
Congratulations to the winners!
Pro-tip to the scum : next time you guys are scum, do the opposite of what you did this game![]()
Just 4 members of town died, 13/17 were left alive. That means that 76% of the princesses survived this ordeal.
So why did all of our kills fail?!
If I understand right, I was able to evade RFs roleblock last night to try to win, but I picked the wrong person. Deets when Yeny posts my card
Hint: If I had done this with Ferret I would have won.
Im proud of your victory that I had little part in ladies. I'm going back to being a dead prosecutor now.
I killed you with kindness famIm proud of your victory that I had little part in ladies. I'm going back to being a dead prosecutor now.