Banned Lucas, who wrote the popular Hollywood movies Prelude to a Kiss and The Secret Lives of Dentists, contacted a Toronto immigration lawyer last week after the election victory of Republican President George W. Bush.
"Our rights are slowly being eroded," said the award-winning screenwriter, who plans to move to Vancouver with his partner, a set designer. "It happened in Nazi Germany, the incredible brain drain of artists, scientists and writers who fled to the U.S. Now it's happening here [in the United States]. The government wants gays to live outside the protection of the law."
Michael Battista, a Toronto immigration lawyer, said Mr. Lucas, like many of the gay Americans who have contacted him, has just the kind of skills Canada needs and will have no trouble qualifying to immigrate under the points system.
"I currently have more than 100 applications in the works on behalf of prospective gay American immigrants," he said. "These are highly skilled people with no dependents and substantial savings. Canada is benefiting enormously. They are not deterred by the fact that it can take as long as two years to process their applications."
While some gay Americans applied to immigrate before the Nov. 2 election, the results o*nly reinforced their determination to leave. Mr. Bush has again indicated he would support a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. Eleven states, including Ohio, Michigan and Oregon, voted overwhelmingly to ban gay marriage, in balloting held at the same time as the election. Ohio also banned civil unions.
That means gay couples in those states may not be able to apply for health coverage under their partner's plan and will have difficulty transferring property in the event of death, delegating power of attorney, and arranging hospital visitation rights or other rights that heterosexual couples take for granted.
Under U.S. federal immigration laws, gay Americans who are living with foreigners are unable to sponsor their partners, which means they must leave the country if they want to stay together.
Americans who immigrate to Canada may sponsor their same-sex partners under the family-class category and be processed on the same application.
originally from globeandmail walked into my coworkers cubicle to bitch about the U.S. immigration system. She was a foreign worker in the same situation. The difference was that she was straight. I told her, I would have to kiss my bosss ass for the next four to six years to keep my job during the green card process.
She laughed and replied, I decided to get married to my boyfriend and were going to apply for my green card.
I felt happy for her that she was getting married and applying for a green card. At the same time, I felt sorry for myself since I was legally barred from getting married to my same-sex partner. I was unable to apply for a green card on the basis of my partnership unless I married a woman.
There wasnt much chance of that happening.
I went back to my cubicle and sat there thinking about what to do next. Instead of storming to the local immigration office, I questioned myself. How badly do I want to stay in America when the country does not recognize my relationship and treats gays as second-class citizens? I knew the answer deep in my heart.
A few days later, a friend of mine from college told me that Canada recognized same-sex relationships for immigration. I decided to do more research, and my partner and I eventually applied to immigrate to Canada. Our application was approved in one year. I drove from San Francisco to Vancouver, arriving at the border in 20 hours.
I was very nervous when I drove up to the Canadian border. An immigration officer verified my information and asked me if I had any dependents. I told her quietly, Well, my same-sex partner and I applied together and hes arriving in a month. I didnt really know how they would react to my situation.
The officer looked calm and told me, No problem. Welcome to Canada! The difference between dealing with Canadian and U.S. immigration was like night and day. The officer made me feel that I was welcome in Canada. Christian legal group said in a lawsuit filed Wednesday against Arizona State University officials that it should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of religious and sexual orientation.
The university chapter of the Christian Legal Society said it wants to be recognized as an official campus organization but without having to comply with the university's ban on discrimination on the basis of religion or sexual orientation.