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DJ Hero | Official Thread


Man I am loving this. DLC better come soon, and I pray that some of Daft Punk's Alive 2007 mixes make it in, even though that will never happen. I also like how Daft Punk's decks are pretty authentic, down to not even having records to scratch, because they just don't do that shit anymore. It's the little things.


My friend is letting me borrow his copy for the week. I am definitely impressed so far. I'm starting to pick up the more advanced manuvers as well as getting the hang of cross fading. Of course I'm only on medium so I have a ways to go yet. I do have to say although I'm a fan of a lot of these DJs I usually prefer their 'original' material to mashups. That said, this game is making me readjust that thinking. Some of these are really catchy and impressive.

The controller is what I love the most though. I am sure there are some improvements that could be made but considering what I saw firsthand with the first run of Rock Band, as well as other guitars/drums I was wary about how the first turntable would turn out. I am blown away at the quality of the deck, it's a lot better than I was expecting for some reason.
On a personal note, I'm excited because one of my friends got this for Christmas which means I can finally get that 2 person local co-op achievement. :D


Yo guys, I just bought the Renegade Edition but the PAL version doesn't come with the sticker sheet, anyone got any pics so I can see what I'm missin'?
I got this for Xmas and I am enjoying it, but really struggling to get to grips with scratching.

I am playing on Medium, and the short scratches, especially the Blue button (cross fader on left, buttons on left of turntable) are very very tricky to pull off. I wish the game would tell me if I am pressing/releasing too early or too late, because I can very rarely do it right. I am missing pretty much every single one at the moment! :(

Did anyone else have trouble with the short scratches? I just got to the Daft Punk set, and its very difficult. There was a set a few back which I was just getting 1 star on! LOL.. I think the people who say this is easy must play every music game out there so they're good at all of them!


I got the game for Christmas too.

Played a little bit the first two days, and haven't touched it since (Borderlands and MW2 are guilty of that), but had lots of fun.
I loved the feeling of being bad again in a rythm game. Guitar Heroes barely offered a challenge, and it's great having to learn again the basics.

I remember having a bit of trouble with directional scratches (scratching just up or down), really don't know if due to controller lag (still haven't configured the tv) or a faulty controller (don't think so) or me just not doing it properly (though I tried to be very careful to do it right).

Anyway, hope I can get back to it soon. :p
I just tried a couple of mixes on Expert and Hard and in some ways I fount it easier. The pace that the notes come at you feels about right, and the directional scratching isn't too bad at all and makes more sense. I'd imagine later they are evil though!

I am still screwing up on Medium difficulty scratches, but I am improving (I think!).

Great game :)


KennyLinder said:
I just tried a couple of mixes on Expert and Hard and in some ways I fount it easier. The pace that the notes come at you feels about right, and the directional scratching isn't too bad at all and makes more sense. I'd imagine later they are evil though!

I am still screwing up on Medium difficulty scratches, but I am improving (I think!).

Great game :)

I have no idea if your are doing this or not but a lot of my friends had trouble with the blue scratches because they would just push with their ring finger and not grab the side of the turn table with their thumb. This makes it a lot easier to start and stop it precisely. If your already doing that well guess just ignore this hah


Is the DLC worth the fundage?

Great game, btw. Freestylegames really nailed it. Random thoughts:

- The controller works great. It manages to feel super accurate and somewhat forgiving at the same time.

- The music is excellent, with only a few misses for me personally. A couple of the mixes are good enough to make me enjoy songs I usually despise (Hella Good, Hollaback Girl for example).

- Lots of unlockables.

- Good background visuals.

Overall just a great game in general. Of course, I still daydream about a Harmonix developed version with Symbion/Freezepop/whoever else from the Freq/Amplitude days though. ;)


I think the DLC Is worth it, but IMO alot depends on if you like the songs. Youtube them and see the charts and judge for yourself thogh.
DLC is a mixed bag. When Love Takes Over in the David Guetta pack is an awesome song, one of the best in the game, but you can't buy just that one song- you have to buy one average and one pretty bad song along with it.

The two pack that came free with the Gamestop preorder is not that great in my opinion.
I really love the game. Medium started to be a bit too easy for me. So i started with the daft punk mix on hard. holy shit, is there not some sort of giant leap in difficulty or is it just me??
TrAcEr_x90 said:
I really love the game. Medium started to be a bit too easy for me. So i started with the daft punk mix on hard. holy shit, is there not some sort of giant leap in difficulty or is it just me??
Are you trying to say that there is or isn't a difficulty jump? I definitely think there is, to the point where I've resigned myself to the fact I'll never get 5 stars on every song on hard.


Neuromancer said:
DLC is a mixed bag. When Love Takes Over in the David Guetta pack is an awesome song, one of the best in the game, but you can't buy just that one song- you have to buy one average and one pretty bad song along with it.

The two pack that came free with the Gamestop preorder is not that great in my opinion.

You crazy, I play Can't Truss it / Dare every time I play the game.
Glad I asked for this for Christmas, but daaam does it hurt my right wrist. Oh well, I'll deal.

Rewinding is a pain in the ass though, and I just ignore it completely.


Rewinding is kinda easy if you remember you can just spin it 360 in any direction. Just keep a quick eye on it to make sure and stop it in a good place for you to get back on the buttons.
rewinding is key to five starring the harder songs on expert as it doubles your score for that section if done correctly!
A tip for the scratches on medium. The wiggle scratches can be done at any speed you like, you can do one continuous motion round if you so wish!
Only in hard and expert do you have to mimick the direction/speed.


I unpacked my Renegade edition and after setting it all up I found this on the floor. Where exactly does this stick to?



Haven't touched this in over a month. It was kind of fun at first, but I have to admit I'm more of an electronic fan than a hip hop fan.

I miss alot of the scratches too for some reason because of it not registering part way.


I got the Renegade for xmas and had some fun with it. It's one of those games I can only play in 30 minute intervals though.

- I don't care about any of the music so I can play the same songs over and over because I have no idea what one's I've heard already.

- Turntable and mechanics are neat once you get over the cross fader learning curve.

- Hinge of the button cover was broke out of the box.

- Thought it was lame the legs just screwed in and weren't fold-out for maximum portability.

- Forced tutorial and first song on medium was just mind numbingly boring.

- No description on what you actually unlocked. Yeah yeah it's an outfit but for who?

- Main menu layout is stupid. I get what they were trying to go for, but I don't think it really worked.
I've just gone through the game on Medium, will tackle Hard and Expert next.

Some of the tracks later in the game are mental, I love the Scratch Perverts so to play their stuff in the game is awesome. I've seen them play live a few times over the years and they are fucking sick :D My hands really hurts after playing their mixes!


VAIL said:
My only gripe is it needs more electronica/house/techno and far less hiphop.
Word. I love the game (I've played this song about 500 times), but every time I play I take a moment to daydream about how great it would have been had Harmonix been involved. I want to scratch up this, and this and especially THIS. /end daydream mode
I would love for the next DJ Hero to come in two flavors, a more electronica/dance version and a more rap/hip hop version, with DLC to fill in the gap.

Make it happen Activision, don't be a dick.


Just got this today.. been drinking and playing this.. pretty fucking awesome! Crossfader kind of sucks though.. but I'm getting used to it :p.
Anybody heard of a any price drop for this?

I'm interested in it but it's just too expensive for a simple piece of plastic and a game I'm just 'curious' about.


I'm up to the Scratch Perverts set, which is the last one (I think?)

Been playing the game on Med the whole way so far and it's been okay, but holy shit, one of these songs is insane on Medium... I can only imagine on Expert. :lol
Cool article about the game development process over at Develop Online.

Some bon mots:

Develop Online said:
Neil’s team is responsible for defining gameplay using MIDI information written alongside the audio construction in Ableton. It’s then interpreted by the game engine into visual player prompts seen onscreen.

“It’s a really interesting process because unlike Guitar Hero, if the gameplay didn’t feel quite right we could actually go in and change the music to suit gameplay objectives – it only takes two minutes to iterate a mix and put it back in the game using our custom export tools,” says Neil.
Develop Online said:
An undoubted highlight of Neil’s role was working with celebrity DJs, explaining to them the gameplay criteria and instructing them on how to create mixes that would make full use of the game’s feature set, all the while not hampering their creativity. For some DJs, this activity happened over the wire with mixes going back and forth for comment. For others, the work took place at Neil’s office or in the DJs’ own home studio.

“Jazzy Jeff came to us – and there he was, right across the room, cutting up LL Cool J – it was very cool. The most unforgettable time for me was with legendary Grandmaster Flash. There I am in Flash’s house, in his studio, asking him to do another take. I definitely had to pinch myself – it was very surreal.
Manmademan said:
Where on earth is the DLC for this? Am I just spoiled by the way Harmonix has been handling Rock Band?
There have been 2 DLC packs and that's all that's been announced for right now. I wouldn't get your hopes up for any more, if the previous 2 didn't sell well we're screwed.

The problem with the DLC that already came out is that it only comes in packs. You really should be able to buy a song separately in this day and age.
QuadCore said:
I just bought the regular edition of this game, is there a place to buy legs/stand for it?
Supposedly Best Buy had a Rocketfish stand but I don't know if they still do.

You could always use a TV tray if you were desperate.


Neuromancer said:
There have been 2 DLC packs and that's all that's been announced for right now. I wouldn't get your hopes up for any more, if the previous 2 didn't sell well we're screwed.

The problem with the DLC that already came out is that it only comes in packs. You really should be able to buy a song separately in this day and age.

I bought a Queen DLC song on the Wii by itself, its not all only available in packs

Or maybe I did buy the whole pack, I honestly dont remember the other two songs though :lol
markatisu said:
I bought a Queen DLC song on the Wii by itself, its not all only available in packs

Or maybe I did buy the whole pack, I honestly dont remember the other two songs though :lol
Oh maybe, I don't know about the Wii. On the PS360 they come in packs.

By the way, I just noticed all the cheats for this game have dropped. There are some pretty good ones, rainbow and edge effect look neat. Hyperdeck and short deck make things more challenging.

GameFAQs said:
ab1l Auto Effects Dial
sl5d Auto Fader
it6j Auto Scratch
zith Auto Tapper
r3a9 Auto win Euphoria phrases
b!99 Black and White
ipr0 Blank Plinths
5rTG DJ Z-Trip
2u4u Edge Effect
7geo Hamster Switch
76ST Hyperdeck
oh5t Invisible DJ
4pe5 Midas
d4kr Pitch Black Out
g7nh Play in the Bedroom
?jy! Rainbow
51uc Short Deck
uNA2 Unlock All character items
tol0 Unlock All Content
laup Unlock All decks
62db Unlock All headphones
82xi Unlock All mixes
wv1u Unlock All venues
k07u Unlock DJ AM
n1fz Unlock DJ Jazzy Jeff
oMxV Unlock DJ Shadow
Ami8 Unlock Grandmaster Flash
D1G? Unlocks all Daft Punk items
0jj8 Use any DJ with any set


Baker said:
- Forced tutorial and first song on medium was just mind numbingly boring.
I figured out why it seemed like everyone else was forced to play the first set on Medium while I could jump to higher difficulties right away - if you pass both the basic and advanced tutorials with Mastered ratings, you unlock the higher difficulties right away.
Does the PS3 version support uncompressed PCM audio? I noticed by default my receiver is telling me it's 5.1 PCM. I'm just wondering if it is or not cuz I could switch to Dolby Digital if it's not.


Neuromancer said:
Oh maybe, I don't know about the Wii. On the PS360 they come in packs.

By the way, I just noticed all the cheats for this game have dropped. There are some pretty good ones, rainbow and edge effect look neat. Hyperdeck and short deck make things more challenging.
if you're using cheats, does it still let you get trophies? that would seem pretty unfair.
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