Wtf is with the screen tearing during the cut scenes on the pc version? Fucking horrid, hope this garbage is fixed soon.
I'm running at max settings @ 3200 x 1800 with vsync on and haven't encounted screentearing of any kind(although there is some degree of compression). Could it be something on your end?
Haven't played enough to judge the combat, on its own or in comparison to the other games but this game looks stunning. Just absolutely wowed by the art style, can't imagine playing at 30 FPS either.
Mine doesn't!
Crashes before NT logo when I leave it plugged. I unplug the controller then get in game. Crashes as soon as I plug it.
Wtf is with the screen tearing during the cut scenes on the pc version? Fucking horrid, hope this garbage is fixed soon.
I noticed it too. And then I turned on Vsync so it's gone.
I noticed it too. And then I turned on Vsync so it's gone.
The only other thing I did, before I got in game, was use "Verifying Game Cache Files" on Steam (as a precaution to the messy pre-loading business.)Mine doesn't!
Crashes before NT logo when I leave it plugged. I unplug the controller then get in game. Crashes as soon as I plug it.
I tried this earlier but still the same. Game simply freezes.DualShock/MotionJoy possibly worked for me because I inserted the controller and enabled it after loading the game up and getting to the start screen (simply because I forgot to do it beforehand.)
Used a GMG code and on my end motioninjoy is working. For further clarification I'm using the USB powered version as I don't want it to overwrite my usb dongle.For those who use MotionInJoy+DS3, did you guys buy the game outside Steam? I installed straight from disk.
I've been using MotioninJoy and have had no problems. I launch the program before I start the game.
Hopefully the issue is fixed soon.
I think I might have ran into a demon dodge glitch in chapter 19. I would correctly dodge the boss's attacks and activate the demon dodge bonus but I would still get hit while the slowdown animation was in effect. I though that the boss was just harder to dodge so I tried it over and over. I exit to the main menu and reload the checkpoint and the dodge was working how it was before, suddenly the boss is easy mode.
Also, for extra lols
For those who use MotionInJoy+DS3, did you guys buy the game outside Steam? I installed straight from disk.
Game is fun, but man, I kind of hate how easy it is to stay in the air. Trivializes encounters tremendously
Still looks slowed down.
By the way... PC version is downloading for me.
To give you the FEEL of... 46hz?Why does the game refuse to accept 60 hz and jumps back to 23 hz?
Been playing since about 8 this morning, only on mission 8.
This game needs lock on so bad.
I hate it when you get those small enemies and Dante decides to aim for those. It makes combos drop so bad and ruins the combat.
Specs? Just curious.Just finished Mission 2. Thankfully no problems with my controller, sadly though my aging PC can't keep up and I do get some stuttering, but I'm perceiving the actual feel of 60fps at least.It always stays above 30fps at least, but the stuttering annoys. It sucks not having the moves I had in the demo, but them's the breaks. Got my demon dodge and triple smash at least, time to get some SSS rankings. :lol Even at 720p it looks a lot cleaner than on my PS3, pretty strange.
The story so far is working a lot better than it did broken apart in trailers and previews. Too bad some douches had to douche it up and discuss end bosses and endings and all kinds of spoilers a week before the game was actually out on consoles. Oh well.
How many of you are coming into this game off the back of only playing the original Devil May Cry? I loved it, but never felt compelled to check out the rest of the series. The design and aesthetic of the remake has really grabbed me, and I found Brad Shoemaker's review on GiantBomb to be a good reference point for me, considering he'd only played the first one as well.
Anyway, currently downloading it from Steam, so can't wait to play it in glorious 1080p/60fps. I wonder how well it'll work in 3D, as I had a blast with the Batman games in 3D. And it would seem like it would work well in 3D, provided it gets decent support.
Man, this game absolutely SCREAMS on the PC! Looks great, runs great, and plays great. I'm using a 360 controller right now and I doubt I will ever attempt to play it with the keyboard, so I cannot comment on that aspect.
I also have the screen tearing issue. The gameplay has zero screen tearing but the cutscenes do. Not that big of a deal but I would love to have it fixed.
Specs? Just curious.
had a 120hz gif but it kept slowing down in browsers, so 60hz for now
if anyone knows how to fix that lemme know
Played for about 2 hours.
Complaints about the bosses are a bit unjustified. They are not amazing, but they are not "bad" either. They fit nicely into the game.
PC version infinitely better than PS3 - almost feels like I'm playing a different game. Limbo on PS3 looked like an orange and yellow mess, but on PC it is sharp and it looks great. For people complaining about only fighting in Limbo...I think that was the point.
Combat is very fresh given the different whips and weapons you get - it's much slowed down compared to previous DMCs, however. Staying in the air using JC and other techniques is quite easy - perhaps they'll patch in finer timing for higher difficulties.
Overall the game is gorgeous, the characters and voice acting is superb, the story is decent (so far). The action is quite good and stringing together interesting combos is non-trivial. This is a nice example how to make something accessible yet still leave room for advanced play (I am by no means a DMC expert).
As for personal taste, the combat is comparable in flash to DMC3 and 4. DMC3 is still my favorite DMC game (that might change once I finish this one), but DmC is already a much better game than DMC4 (I know many will disagree) due to overall quality.
If you've only played this on console, I strongly recommend getting in on a capable PC and experiencing this game in all it's glory.
A note on screen tearing - yes it's there during the cutscences only, but it's no big deal. You can try forcing Vsync in the Nvidia/AMD control panel.