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Do any of you own any semi Rare or out of print Dvds?

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Mupepe said:
I own the Tin edition of Akira too and I've been wondering how much it goes for, anyone know?

like $20 on ebay lol

dream said:
I have the Criterion versions of Salo, Hard Boiled, and The Killer.

ugh SAlo?

Hard Boiled And Killer are great finds tho.


hard boiled is rare but not worth anything anymore.

i have:

the big combo
naked city
and a handful of oop crits like the hitchcock box.

oh and snow white and fantasia


Criterion Hard Boild and the Killer and the ORIGINAL release of Little Shop of Horrors that was recalled because of the alternate ending.
swoon said:
hard boiled is rare but not worth anything anymore.

i have:

the big combo
naked city
and a handful of oop crits like the hitchcock box.

oh and snow white and fantasia

snow white is actually worth something?


Tagged as I see fit
ManaByte said:
Criterion Hard Boild and the Killer and the ORIGINAL release of Little Shop of Horrors that was recalled because of the alternate ending.

What was the alternate ending? I love that movie/musical. Spoiler tag it if you have to. I have the version with Rick Moranis.
The rarest thing I have is the Special "Coffee Stain" Edition of Fight Club!!

Sadly it is just my coffee stain from where I left the mug sitting on the box for 3 days.


Not really. I did buy Ed Wood during the like, day that it was on sale in 2004. It didn't get released again until October of that year; there was something about rights issues with the bonus content.

I guess some of my Disney Treasures tins count, though.


I have all of the Disney animated features from The Little Mermaid and after, 2 Snow Whites, Toy Story Toybox edition and the other Pixar dvds.

Some of them are rare, i think..


I have the fucking huge box for "THE HULK", with the 3rd disc, pretty booklet, reprint of the original comic etc.

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you
Here's the rare-ish/OOP stuff that I have:

Akira in collector's tin
FLCL Volumes 1-3 with collector's box and complete booklet
Spirit of Wonder: Miss China's Ring
The Fantasia Anthology
The Little Mermaid
Snow White
Toy Story - The Ultimate Toy Box (I'm not sure how rare these Disney DVDs are, but from the sound of things here, they're getting there)
Wet Shorts: The Best of Liquid Television
Army of Darkness - Limited Edition (signed by Bruce Campbell, thank you very much)
Forbidden Zone (signed by Richard Elfman, thank you very much)
Little Shop of Horrors - Special Edition (the one with the original ending)
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie
This is Spinal Tap - Criterion Collection

And TheOMan, in the original ending of Little Shop (and yeah, this is the 1986 version),
Audrey II wins. After Seymour saves Audrey from being eaten by the plant, she dies from her wounds and Seymour feeds her body to the plant. Seymour then runs off and learns of Audrey II's plan to spawn tiny versions of itself to place in homes all over the country.

Seymour then goes back to the shop, confronts Audrey II, and they have their fight/"You Don't Know What You're Messin' With" song. After Audrey II brings down the shop on Seymour, the plant grabs him and eats him as the song ends.

Then, the three girls/Greek Chorus comes out in front of a backdrop of the American flag and sing about how Audrey II's plan to have people create and sell small versions of itself is going as planned. They then show footage of people everywhere snapping up baby Audrey IIs before the plants start growing and turning on their owners.

It ends with an extended (actually, a WAY too long) scene of Godzilla sized Audrey IIs roaming through city streets, destroying buildings, eating trains, and that sorta thing. No doubt this scene would have been severely trimmed if it had ended up being used in the final cut. This scene features the song, "Don't Feed the Plants," which was featured on the movie's soundtrack CD, but not in the final film.

The final shot is of an Audrey II perched on top of the Statue of Liberty's head before a "The End?" card comes onto the screen. Suddenly, the plant bursts through the card as the camera zooms in on its mouth.

From what I understand, that song (or perhaps the one sung by the three girls) was the reason that this disc was originally recalled. The rights weren't given to include the song on the DVD or something along those lines.

Kind of a cool ending, and much truer to the Corman movie and the original play. But test audiences didn't like it and so we got a happier ending.
Army Of Darkness LE 2-disc
Evil Dead II tin
The Wicker Man LE wooden box
Suspiria LE 3-disc
all the Criterion Hitchcock's
Disneyland USA
Snow White Platinum
Sleeping Beauty
Akira LE tin
The Spiral Staircase (1946) Anchor Bay (I should've stocked up on these when I got mine for $7 at Kmart - Now they're going for $180+ sealed)

plus some others I can't remember right now
triste said:
I have Wrestlemania X8, I saw it going for like $60 on ebay.
What, really?? I got that from my aunt for Christmas whenever it came out, and I could definitely part with it for that money.

edit: oops, nevermind I have Wrestlemania... 2000 or whatever, the one with the fatal four way


Setec Astronomer
One of my DVDs was before Amaray casing became standard... it's a cardboard box with a jewel case insert.


Tagged as I see fit
Whimsical Phil said:
Here's the rare-ish/OOP stuff that I have:

Akira in collector's tin
FLCL Volumes 1-3 with collector's box and complete booklet
Spirit of Wonder: Miss China's Ring
The Fantasia Anthology
The Little Mermaid
Snow White
Toy Story - The Ultimate Toy Box (I'm not sure how rare these Disney DVDs are, but from the sound of things here, they're getting there)
Wet Shorts: The Best of Liquid Television
Army of Darkness - Limited Edition (signed by Bruce Campbell, thank you very much)
Forbidden Zone (signed by Richard Elfman, thank you very much)
Little Shop of Horrors - Special Edition (the one with the original ending)
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie
This is Spinal Tap - Criterion Collection

And TheOMan, in the original ending of Little Shop (and yeah, this is the 1986 version),
Audrey II wins. After Seymour saves Audrey from being eaten by the plant, she dies from her wounds and Seymour feeds her body to the plant. Seymour then runs off and learns of Audrey II's plan to spawn tiny versions of itself to place in homes all over the country.

Seymour then goes back to the shop, confronts Audrey II, and they have their fight/"You Don't Know What You're Messin' With" song. After Audrey II brings down the shop on Seymour, the plant grabs him and eats him as the song ends.

Then, the three girls/Greek Chorus comes out in front of a backdrop of the American flag and sing about how Audrey II's plan to have people create and sell small versions of itself is going as planned. They then show footage of people everywhere snapping up baby Audrey IIs before the plants start growing and turning on their owners.

It ends with an extended (actually, a WAY too long) scene of Godzilla sized Audrey IIs roaming through city streets, destroying buildings, eating trains, and that sorta thing. No doubt this scene would have been severely trimmed if it had ended up being used in the final cut. This scene features the song, "Don't Feed the Plants," which was featured on the movie's soundtrack CD, but not in the final film.

The final shot is of an Audrey II perched on top of the Statue of Liberty's head before a "The End?" card comes onto the screen. Suddenly, the plant bursts through the card as the camera zooms in on its mouth.

From what I understand, that song (or perhaps the one sung by the three girls) was the reason that this disc was originally recalled. The rights weren't given to include the song on the DVD or something along those lines.

Kind of a cool ending, and much truer to the Corman movie and the original play. But test audiences didn't like it and so we got a happier ending.

Now that is a super cool ending. I really wish the copy I purchased had it. I'm a little miffed now. Thanks for the summary though. You don't happen to know where I could pick up a copy with this ending do you? How can I tell, is there some way to tell from the case?


I own Tiger Cage 2. It's only rare because Miramax snatched it up an dnever bothered to release. Which is a shame because it's far and away the best fighting that either Donnie Yen or Robin Shou have ever put out.


i had both criterion spinal tap and the killer.. sold both for a tidy profit on ebay

currently have the army of darkness LE


dang dvd prices dont really hold huh? what's the most expensive dvd out there? i offed both of my criterions for 150+ back in the day iirc


Silence of the Lambs Criterion, the 2-disc DTS-version of Big Trouble in Little China, and a bunch of Disney Treasures. Oh, and a limited digipack of Beauty and The Beast R2UK. I may have some more, but I can't check right now.
A whole bunch of my DVD's are OOP (Fight Club, Se7en, etc.) but I don't think they're rare or expensive.

My valuable OOP's (or are appreciating in considerable value) consist of:
Little Shop of Horrors w/Alternate Ending
400 Blows Criterion
Silence of the Lambs: Criterion Edition
This is Spinal Tap: Criterion Edition
Toy Story Toy Box
Walt Disney Treasures: Tomorrowland
Walt Disney Treasures: Walt Disney on the Front Lines
The Fantasia Anthology
The Akira Tin
Memories of Murder Box Collector's Edition
My Tutor Friend Box Lunch thing
Taegukgi Box Set (R3)

I'm sure there's some I'm forgetting... but that's most of them.


Akira tin set, FLCL in the box, the restored Macross series box, most of the Walt Disney Treasures tin sets.

I also own the entire Criterion Collection minus two films (Sid & Nancy and Flesh for Frankenstein), so there are quite a few rarities in there.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
dream said:
I have the Criterion versions of Salo, Hard Boiled, and The Killer.

I have hard-boiled and the Akira tin


I don't know about rare collector's items or anything like that, but I remember that when I bought "High Fidelity", its regular price was around $25, yet I somehow got it for $12.99. I don't know if I beat "the man" with a mispriced item or if I was just ahead of the curve on a sale.

Either way - it doesn't matter - I won.....


Criterion Edition Seven Samurai and Chasing Amy

Been collecting all the damn Disney movies on DVD since they pull them and they are a bitch to find (like Fantasia).

Same collector tin Akira people are saying

On an unholy hunt for a rare Rawhead Rex DVD that actually had copies printed but very very few of them.


Akira Tin
NIN's and all that could have been (DTS version)
Silence of the Lambs (Criterion)
Se7en (Criterion)

I have more OOP dvds, but haven't bothered to make a list.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I have the Akira Tin (the Streamline dub will forever be the best version for me though. :D) and Fist of The Northstar.

Chasing Amy and Big Trouble in Little China are "rare?" I have those too. Then again, if some of these go for $20, that doesn't really sound like rare to me.


I should see if any of the older stuff I have is worth anything. I've got the Toy Story 3-Disc set and some possibly-"out-of-print" Disney stuff, but I don't know if anything I have has real value.

THe one DVD-related thing I did get some good coin for was a "Paper Street Soap Co." phone card that came as a throw-in when I picked up Fight Club. I can't remember what I got for it on EBay, but it paid for the movie and then some. I think about $40-60 somewhere...
I picked up four sort of book-binded box sets at Best Buy not too long ago when a sale price combined with a coupon, so I got the bigger box sets of Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Spider-Man 2, and Monty Python and the Holy Grail (which was nice, because initially, I bought an SE of MPHG at one point a few years ago, and then a few months afterward, a BETTER SE was released with no warning... I think this box has the better SE included). I don't know how rare those are, but I'm pretty sure they didn't sell well enough and the company is trying to dump existing stock, which means they'll be cheap now, but impossible to find later.

Otherwise... hm... I can't think of much. I do have the "Case-File" version of Memento.

There is one I've been on the look out for... basically, it's really easy to find a normal copy of Short Circuit on DVD, you can pick it up for $10 or whatever. But apparently there was a short print run of a Special Edition, the only difference in the front cover art is a band at the bottom noting it. I've poked around a lot of stores and had no luck or special discoveries, so it really must've been a short run quite early on. I don't think they did anything with Deleted Scenes, though, which is a shame, because if you watch the credits, there's a junk yard sequence that's completely missing from the film. (The film's probably better off with it being gone, but it'd be nice to see it as an extra.)


Not bitter, just unsweetened
short circuit

it took me 6 months to get a copy of it. Short circuit 2 i got within a week. Odd I say! Odd!


Lyte Edge said:
I have the Akira Tin (the Streamline dub will forever be the best version for me though. :D) and Fist of The Northstar.

Yeah, Akira just doesn't seem right without Cam "I'm Cam Clarke!" Clarke spouting those horrible strings of cliches.

"Look, what's done is done so why don't we let bygones be bygones and let the good times roll on?"


Lyte Edge said:
Chasing Amy and Big Trouble in Little China are "rare?" I have those too. Then again, if some of these go for $20, that doesn't really sound like rare to me.

BTiLC is a tough one to find. Chasing Amy is about as rare as glass, and is actually the cheapest movie in the entire Criterion Collection. Last I checked, you could get it for about $15, whereas most Criterion films go for $25-$35. The only Criterions that are worth anything substantial are the OOP ones.
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