Kabuki Waq
The only dvd of value i own is the Tin edition of Akira.
Mupepe said:I own the Tin edition of Akira too and I've been wondering how much it goes for, anyone know?
dream said:I have the Criterion versions of Salo, Hard Boiled, and The Killer.
swoon said:hard boiled is rare but not worth anything anymore.
i have:
the big combo
naked city
and a handful of oop crits like the hitchcock box.
oh and snow white and fantasia
ManaByte said:Criterion Hard Boild and the Killer and the ORIGINAL release of Little Shop of Horrors that was recalled because of the alternate ending.
Kabuki Waq said:like $20 on ebay lol
dream said:I have the Criterion versions of Salo, Hard Boiled, and The Killer.
What, really?? I got that from my aunt for Christmas whenever it came out, and I could definitely part with it for that money.triste said:I have Wrestlemania X8, I saw it going for like $60 on ebay.
Whimsical Phil said:Here's the rare-ish/OOP stuff that I have:
Akira in collector's tin
FLCL Volumes 1-3 with collector's box and complete booklet
Spirit of Wonder: Miss China's Ring
The Fantasia Anthology
The Little Mermaid
Snow White
Toy Story - The Ultimate Toy Box (I'm not sure how rare these Disney DVDs are, but from the sound of things here, they're getting there)
Wet Shorts: The Best of Liquid Television
Army of Darkness - Limited Edition (signed by Bruce Campbell, thank you very much)
Forbidden Zone (signed by Richard Elfman, thank you very much)
Little Shop of Horrors - Special Edition (the one with the original ending)
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie
This is Spinal Tap - Criterion Collection
And TheOMan, in the original ending of Little Shop (and yeah, this is the 1986 version),Audrey II wins. After Seymour saves Audrey from being eaten by the plant, she dies from her wounds and Seymour feeds her body to the plant. Seymour then runs off and learns of Audrey II's plan to spawn tiny versions of itself to place in homes all over the country.
Seymour then goes back to the shop, confronts Audrey II, and they have their fight/"You Don't Know What You're Messin' With" song. After Audrey II brings down the shop on Seymour, the plant grabs him and eats him as the song ends.
Then, the three girls/Greek Chorus comes out in front of a backdrop of the American flag and sing about how Audrey II's plan to have people create and sell small versions of itself is going as planned. They then show footage of people everywhere snapping up baby Audrey IIs before the plants start growing and turning on their owners.
It ends with an extended (actually, a WAY too long) scene of Godzilla sized Audrey IIs roaming through city streets, destroying buildings, eating trains, and that sorta thing. No doubt this scene would have been severely trimmed if it had ended up being used in the final cut. This scene features the song, "Don't Feed the Plants," which was featured on the movie's soundtrack CD, but not in the final film.
The final shot is of an Audrey II perched on top of the Statue of Liberty's head before a "The End?" card comes onto the screen. Suddenly, the plant bursts through the card as the camera zooms in on its mouth.
From what I understand, that song (or perhaps the one sung by the three girls) was the reason that this disc was originally recalled. The rights weren't given to include the song on the DVD or something along those lines.
Kind of a cool ending, and much truer to the Corman movie and the original play. But test audiences didn't like it and so we got a happier ending.
Worst ending everMike Works said:edit: oops, nevermind I have Wrestlemania... 2000 or whatever, the one with the fatal four way
Forbidden Zone (signed by Richard Elfman, thank you very much)
dream said:I have the Criterion versions of Salo, Hard Boiled, and The Killer.
Lyte Edge said:I have the Akira Tin (the Streamline dub will forever be the best version for me though.) and Fist of The Northstar.
Lyte Edge said:Chasing Amy and Big Trouble in Little China are "rare?" I have those too. Then again, if some of these go for $20, that doesn't really sound like rare to me.