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Do kids still get disciplined at school?


I don't have kids and the only niece I have is in preschool so I was curious what the situation is like now.

I work as a custodian at an elementary school and behavioral issues aren't too bad here. At the middle school (grades 6-8) it's a hellscape apparently. When I went to the same school 25 years ago kids were destructive to school property and mouthed off occasionally. You'd be sent to the principals office and have detention or in school suspension (basically study hall where you were forced to do your homework).

Last week the principal at the middle school resigned for previously pinching the fat on students when he was the athletic director,obatensibly to tell them to lose weight. Then yesterday the assistant principal resigned. Kids apparently can tell a teacher to fuck off and there's no accountability or punishment. In some cases teachers just write the lesson plan and kick back cause the kids are so disruptive.

I see some elementary students at my school that are going down that path.

Tldr what's going on with discipline at your kids school?


Gold Member

In Ontario (not sure about other provinces), kids cant even fail grades until high school anymore. I think that started about 20 years ago. So even if a kid never shows up to class getting the worst marks ever all the school can do is recommend re-doing the grade. But if a parent says they dont care and move the idiot to the next grade the school has to advance him.

But the students can flunk high school classes. So it gets to a point, you cant slack off anymore.
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K' Dash

Teachers are there to teach not discipline children. Raise your own kids.

I would say that if my kid is going to spend more than half the time in an academic institution it is shared responsibility to raise them right.

Parents in the age of social media are a fucking nightmare though. Also it is true that kids right now, after two years of basically not attending to class, behave la fucking animals, how do you discipline them when they don't care about fucking anything?

Take my 15yo boy, when he fucks up and we ground him we take everything from him: phone, console, laptop, internet, anything with the capability to connect to the internet. He doesn't care. Talking does nothing, not sweet, not with authority...

He just waits a week or two for us to return his stuff, he does his chores, he does as we ask, but a few days later we get another call from school.

It is really complicated being a parent AND a kid/prepubescent/teenager.

Now being a teacher who has no right to say anything to the students? Fuck... I would be fired on my first day.


Teachers are there to teach not discipline children. Raise your own kids.

School falls under the supervision of the state. It is state's job to raise good citizens if parents are doing a shit job.

In France we acknowledged it and made school obligatory starting age 3, precisely to limit parents' influence with whatever shit belief system they might have.

Once again, since this is difficult for some - children are not parents' property, parents are simply their custodians till the age of 18.


The state of Ohio, and most other states, looked at discipline and said that people would rather be rewarded than punished and adopted a program called PBIS.
The problem is, it isn’t being implemented properly as states have not given a lot of guidance on this yet. We have students that misbehave, are put on a PBIS behavior plan, receive a candy bar for not acting up for a single day. Students that normally behave see these bad kids getting rewards and they start to act up as well.
Again, it’s not being implemented properly, but is state law in most of the United States and its territories.


Gold Member
I would say that if my kid is going to spend more than half the time in an academic institution it is shared responsibility to raise them right.

Parents in the age of social media are a fucking nightmare though. Also it is true that kids right now, after two years of basically not attending to class, behave la fucking animals, how do you discipline them when they don't care about fucking anything?

Take my 15yo boy, when he fucks up and we ground him we take everything from him: phone, console, laptop, internet, anything with the capability to connect to the internet. He doesn't care. Talking does nothing, not sweet, not with authority...

He just waits a week or two for us to return his stuff, he does his chores, he does as we ask, but a few days later we get another call from school.

It is really complicated being a parent AND a kid/prepubescent/teenager.

Now being a teacher who has no right to say anything to the students? Fuck... I would be fired on my first day.
The big problem with teacher responsibilities acting as father figure or not is in modern day you got shit loads of parents chiming in. Some parents probably want the teachers disciplining kids more, but some will say dont you dare do anything but teach. So what does the school board do? Hands on? Hands off? Or teachers cherry pick at a student level which ones to act on and which to leave alone?

Back when I did grade school in the 80s, half the parents didnt even talk to the teacher on parent/teacher night and kids behaved, so parents were probably good with it. My parents didnt give a shit talking to the teachers. They never met the teachers. No teacher hit any kids, so this wasnt the archaic days you hear about teacher whacking kids with rulers or whatever.

But students seemed pretty darn chill and listened to teachers in the 80s and bit of the 90s when I finished high school too. Kids mostly gunned for good grades. Not too many druggie dropouts in my schools. And I went to a totally mixed public schools with lots of diversity and kids from a mix from good neighbourhoods and sketchy townhouse complexes.

As for parenting it's so different now. My parents would whack us on the legs if did something dumb or mouthed off. Now, parents are scared shitless in case their own fucking kids tell the teachers or cops parents smacked them. My siblings with kids act totally different than when our mom and dad ruled the house.

If this was long time ago, if were dicking around playing a handheld video game at the dinner table, my dad would yank it from us. Now, my sib's kids playing cellphone games or their tablet or Switch and they got going and they are pansies. All they do is keep asking them to put it down and eat dinner. And if they dont they just give up. Kids know parents have no backbone, so they just lie on the couch playing Fortnite. I see it and laugh. I tell them just yank it from them and they dont.

K' Dash

The big problem with teacher responsibilities acting as father figure or not is in modern day you got shit loads of parents chiming in. Some parents probably want the teachers disciplining kids more, but some will say dont you dare do anything but teach. So what does the school board do? Hands on? Hands off? Or teachers cherry pick at a student level which ones to act on and which to leave alone?

Back when I did grade school in the 80s, half the parents didnt even talk to the teacher on parent/teacher night and kids behaved, so parents were probably good with it. My parents didnt give a shit talking to the teachers. They never met the teachers. No teacher hit any kids, so this wasnt the archaic days you hear about teacher whacking kids with rulers or whatever.

But students seemed pretty darn chill and listened to teachers in the 80s and bit of the 90s when I finished high school too. Kids mostly gunned for good grades. Not too many druggie dropouts in my schools. And I went to a totally mixed public schools with lots of diversity and kids from a mix from good neighbourhoods and sketchy townhouse complexes.

As for parenting it's so different now. My parents would whack us on the legs if did something dumb or mouthed off. Now, parents are scared shitless in case their own fucking kids tell the teachers or cops parents smacked them. My siblings with kids act totally different than when our mom and dad ruled the house.

If this was long time ago, if were dicking around playing a handheld video game at the dinner table, my dad would yank it from us. Now, my sib's kids playing cellphone games or their tablet or Switch and they got going and they are pansies. All they do is keep asking them to put it down and eat dinner. And if they dont they just give up. Kids know parents have no backbone, so they just lie on the couch playing Fortnite. I see it and laugh. I tell them just yank it from them and they dont.

Agreed on all fronts.


Gold Member
the simpsons paddle GIF


Parody of actual AJUMP23
They do not do corporal punishment but any good teacher has consequences for poor decisions and actions. They also reward good behavior. My wife is a public school teacher.


Gold Member
The OP’s principal had it coming. A) he touched the kids without even their permission, WTF, in this day and age why would anyone think that’s a good idea no matter how the adult tries to spin it, if I had a kid I would tell this asshole if he wants to keep his job he better not touch my kid again barring an emergency or the like and B) if you want them to lose weight, then offer healthy lunches, make sure P.E. is mandatory, cover relevant topics in health topics, etc. But outright shaming kids? No, that’s an adult looking for an excuse to be an ass to those who he assumed can’t retaliate. Save that shit for drill sergeants at boot camp, they use that shit for legit reasons, but no educator has any business going out of their way to humiliate their students. Lord knows a few asswipe bullies their own age will cover that department so it’s just disappointing to see the adult they thought they could trust behave in this manner.


I sat in court all day once, and the judge straight out said, "these kids dont need jail time or for their parents to pay up large restitution fees for damaged property/breaking the law.
They just need to be taken in the back by their parent's and spanked to kingdom come.."

Im old school. I dont play around at my house. Respect is everything. Run the program, get rewards. Follow the program and enjoy your rewards.
Disobey orders? Disrespect and get out of line? Have the gracious school teacher take time to call me on my busy day about your shitty behavior at school?


although as a parent in 2022, taking internet access away form your kid is worse than beating up spanking your kid.
My kid cries like he getting the worse spanking of his life when I take that internet away from his bitch ass..


The OP’s principal had it coming. A) he touched the kids without even their permission, WTF, in this day and age why would anyone think that’s a good idea no matter how the adult tries to spin it, if I had a kid I would tell this asshole if he wants to keep his job he better not touch my kid again barring an emergency or the like and B) if you want them to lose weight, then offer healthy lunches, make sure P.E. is mandatory, cover relevant topics in health topics, etc. But outright shaming kids? No, that’s an adult looking for an excuse to be an ass to those who he assumed can’t retaliate. Save that shit for drill sergeants at boot camp, they use that shit for legit reasons, but no educator has any business going out of their way to humiliate their students. Lord knows a few asswipe bullies their own age will cover that department so it’s just disappointing to see the adult they thought they could trust behave in this manner.

Here's th from article about it. It happened a few years ago when he was in Rhode Island
I sat in court all day once, and the judge straight out said, "these kids dont need jail time or for their parents to pay up large restitution fees for damaged property/breaking the law.
They just need to be taken in the back by their parent's and spanked to kingdom come.."

Im old school. I dont play around at my house. Respect is everything. Run the program, get rewards. Follow the program and enjoy your rewards.
Disobey orders? Disrespect and get out of line? Have the gracious school teacher take time to call me on my busy day about your shitty behavior at school?


although as a parent in 2022, taking internet access away form your kid is worse than beating up spanking your kid.
My kid cries like he getting the worse spanking of his life when I take that internet away from his bitch ass..
Finally, I've found the high quality parent in this thread!

Keep doing what you're doing. My parents were strict with me, and neither of them tolerated bullshit. And I grew up to be happy, disciplined, and successful, and when I visit them I try to remind them how thankful I am for the way they raised me.


Nowadays it's all about "muh kids rights!". Omg, they will get traumatized by getting screamed at, and don't you dare to ask those little shits to get their lazy asses up and do something, like clean up the trash after themselves. That's freakin abuse and janitors job, I'm no slave.

Back in my day (just 15 years ago) teachers were highly respected and actually had authority. Then they got castrated by the whole child rights movement, and now are just puppets who constantly have to endure mental abuse. And has actually anything changed for the better? LMAO! It's worse than ever. Youth is softer, lazier and more disrespectful than ever. Traumatized my ass!
To anyone that may want to counter with "eh y'all are just a bunch of old people yelling at the clouds complaining about the new generation"...

... No, this is different. Society has gotten soft to the point where it's going to be potentially troublesome for them when the grow up. We can already see it with younger millennials and Gen Z'ers, who throw a childlike tantrum when they don't have things exactly their way.

This is a real problem.
No, there’s no real accountability for student misbehavior. I recently had a student tell me she will bash my fucking head with a computer if I even dare put a finger on her phone while she films a tik tok dance. As teachers, I can only grade based on academic performance, and we can only do so much in regards to classroom management (phone calling a parent doesn’t always work; or it works for a day or two and then back to being a crazy).

Kids get away with a lot of shit, and the teacher will always get the blame. Not the parent, not the principle, and certainly never the student are held accountable.

All this said, I am, however, a bit torn on the issue of punishment of the student. Suspensions have come under fire because: 1. It doesn’t fix the behavior problem; it criminalizes students and kids learn at an early age that they are “bad” people. 2. At least here in NYC, suspensions are practically non existent because most suspensions happen to be black and Hispanic students, which is bad optics for the education system. On one hand, I can understand the psychological aspect of criminalizing students at an early age for misbehavior. Many of my students that misbehave are crazy but they are not bad people - they’re just kids at the end of the day. Kids who are emotional wrecks and come from broken families and homes. On the other hand, what exactly do you do with students who have absolutely no respect for authority or education for that matter?

Public education is in a huge downward spiral and I really don’t think anyone, whether in and out of the field of education, has a solution.
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To anyone that may want to counter with "eh y'all are just a bunch of old people yelling at the clouds complaining about the new generation"...

... No, this is different. Society has gotten soft to the point where it's going to be potentially troublesome for them when the grow up. We can already see it with younger millennials and Gen Z'ers, who throw a childlike tantrum when they don't have things exactly their way.

This is a real problem.

No, there’s no real accountability for student misbehavior. I recently had a student tell me she will bash my fucking head with a computer if I even dare put a finger on her phone while she films a tik tok dance. As teachers, I can only grade based on academic performance, and we can only do so much in regards to classroom management (phone calling a parent doesn’t always work; or it works for a day or two and then back to being a crazy).

Kids get away with a lot of shit, and the teacher will always get the blame. Not the parent, not the principle, and certainly never the student are held accountable.

All this said, I am, however, a bit torn on the issue of punishment of the student. Suspensions have come under fire because: 1. It doesn’t fix the behavior problem; it criminalizes students and kids learn at an early age that they are “bad” people. 2. At least here in NYC, suspensions are practically non existent because most suspensions happen to be black and Hispanic students, which is bad optics for the education system. On one hand, I can understand the psychological aspect of criminalizing students at an early age for misbehavior. Many of my students that misbehave are crazy but they are not bad people - they’re just kids at the end of the day. Kids who are emotional wrecks and come from broken families and homes. On the other hand, what exactly do you do with students who have absolutely no respect for authority or education for that matter?

Public education is in a huge downward spiral and I really don’t think anyone, whether in and out of the field of education, has a solution.
Almost everyday I see posts in my email about job openings at my regional school system. It's fucking nuts. Teachers at my school start at $60,000 and almost all of them are at $90,000+ cause of seniority and higher education.

No one is applying to these jobs. This is a low crime but expensive area and the postings keep coming. Special needs teachers at our school.

But it's an issue nationwide. Houston isd needs 800 teachers for the fall already. I have zero interest in becoming a teacher myself. These kids take after their parents and the parents around my area range from complete slob to buying a range rover for my high school child.

In my elementary the 5th grade girls,especially after winter break, are wearing inappropriate clothes and lots of makeup. I don't know. As soon as they start puberty parents throw their hands up and let whatever happen. Oh your 10 and want to wear a crop top and yoga pants to school? Sure why not.

I'm an older millennial and a lot of younger people who are parents just seem checked out. Maybe covid broke them


Gold Member
No, there’s no real accountability for student misbehavior. I recently had a student tell me she will bash my fucking head with a computer if I even dare put a finger on her phone while she films a tik tok dance. As teachers, I can only grade based on academic performance, and we can only do so much in regards to classroom management (phone calling a parent doesn’t always work; or it works for a day or two and then back to being a crazy).

Kids get away with a lot of shit, and the teacher will always get the blame. Not the parent, not the principle, and certainly never the student are held accountable.

All this said, I am, however, a bit torn on the issue of punishment of the student. Suspensions have come under fire because: 1. It doesn’t fix the behavior problem; it criminalizes students and kids learn at an early age that they are “bad” people. 2. At least here in NYC, suspensions are practically non existent because most suspensions happen to be black and Hispanic students, which is bad optics for the education system. On one hand, I can understand the psychological aspect of criminalizing students at an early age for misbehavior. Many of my students that misbehave are crazy but they are not bad people - they’re just kids at the end of the day. Kids who are emotional wrecks and come from broken families and homes. On the other hand, what exactly do you do with students who have absolutely no respect for authority or education for that matter?

Public education is in a huge downward spiral and I really don’t think anyone, whether in and out of the field of education, has a solution.
If I had to pick a side to blame for the downfall of student behaviour, it's going to be either dumb ass kids and social media, or the parents, or both.

Unless a teacher or school board is doing the most heinous things screwing up the students, most issues dont seem to be from teachers. How come all the people I went to school with in the 80s and 90s were pretty well behaved? Wheres all the teacher/kid/parent drama? Never saw it in 1987. Now you got dumbass kids and parents who think they can teach better than the teacher, or the parents treating the teacher like a babysitter.

Probably because kids werent so amped up on social media and talking back, and the parents are losers with no backbone.

My parents were old school and if you did bad in school or skipped class, they get pissed. Talk back and get kick in the legs and ass. No drugs or smoking either. That's basically it. A small core set of things they cared about. As long as you follow the rules, do well in school and dont do anything dumb, they didnt give a shit if we stayed up late watching TV and playing games, watching Porkys on late night tv, eating junk food, etc.... And if it was staying out late with friends, all they asked was for us to call them at night saying we arent coming home till late or might just sleep over at their house on the weekend if too tired to come home. Good enough.

We all turned out great. You dont have to be a dictator parent in all facets of life. Just the key things like some decent respect for people and ensuring you got some decent prospects landing a good job.
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Almost everyday I see posts in my email about job openings at my regional school system. It's fucking nuts. Teachers at my school start at $60,000 and almost all of them are at $90,000+ cause of seniority and higher education.

No one is applying to these jobs. This is a low crime but expensive area and the postings keep coming. Special needs teachers at our school.

But it's an issue nationwide. Houston isd needs 800 teachers for the fall already. I have zero interest in becoming a teacher myself. These kids take after their parents and the parents around my area range from complete slob to buying a range rover for my high school child.

In my elementary the 5th grade girls,especially after winter break, are wearing inappropriate clothes and lots of makeup. I don't know. As soon as they start puberty parents throw their hands up and let whatever happen. Oh your 10 and want to wear a crop top and yoga pants to school? Sure why not.

I'm an older millennial and a lot of younger people who are parents just seem checked out. Maybe covid broke them
Makeup, crop tops, and yoga pants on 10 year old girls!?


When I was 10, girls my age were still playing with dolls, riding their bicycles, and having their made up princess-themed tea parties. Ah, the wonderful days of innocence.

How times have changed... Damn I'm old 😂


Gold Member
Almost everyday I see posts in my email about job openings at my regional school system. It's fucking nuts. Teachers at my school start at $60,000 and almost all of them are at $90,000+ cause of seniority and higher education.

No one is applying to these jobs. This is a low crime but expensive area and the postings keep coming. Special needs teachers at our school.

But it's an issue nationwide. Houston isd needs 800 teachers for the fall already. I have zero interest in becoming a teacher myself. These kids take after their parents and the parents around my area range from complete slob to buying a range rover for my high school child.

In my elementary the 5th grade girls,especially after winter break, are wearing inappropriate clothes and lots of makeup. I don't know. As soon as they start puberty parents throw their hands up and let whatever happen. Oh your 10 and want to wear a crop top and yoga pants to school? Sure why not.

I'm an older millennial and a lot of younger people who are parents just seem checked out. Maybe covid broke them
Does Texas use lots of TA's (teaching assistants)?

I dont know how qualified they are, but in Ontario my teacher friends say classes in lower grades could have TA's in them. I'm like WTF? Why not just have one teacher like when we did school?

They are like, the kids are so fucked (especially since some of the mental kinds of kids are now blended in with the normal kids instead of them being in their own classes), that two teachers are needed to control the students.

That's a lot of headcount that can go to teaching a class on their own (assuming they are qualified to do so).
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Does Texas use lots of TA's (teaching assistants)?

I dont know how qualified they are, but in Ontario my teacher friends say classes in lower grades could have TA's in them. I'm like WTF? Why not just have one teacher like when we did school?

They are like, the kids are so fucked (especially since some of the mental kinds of kids are now blended in with the normal kids instead of them being in their own classes), that two teachers are needed to control the students.

That's a lot of headcount that can go to teaching a class on their own (assuming they are qualified to do so).
In Texas I know that home schooling is super popular. They even have sports leagues cause so many kids homeschool, which frankly I don't trust by and large.

At my school there's so many teaching assistants. It's fucking nuts. They rotate through out the day but lots of classes have 2 people. Not to mention all the specialists ie speech patalogist, esl teacher, 2 interventionist, a counselor, a psychologist, and an occupational therapists. Plus about 10 TAs. Again it's fucking nuts how much individual help these kids get here.

I didn't have any TAs growing up. If kids can't make it at this school they either have serious behavioral or learning disabilities.
What do you think this is the 80's/90's?
What do you think this is the 80's/90's?
I'm a 90s man Satan.


Gold Member
In Texas I know that home schooling is super popular. They even have sports leagues cause so many kids homeschool, which frankly I don't trust by and large.

At my school there's so many teaching assistants. It's fucking nuts. They rotate through out the day but lots of classes have 2 people. Not to mention all the specialists ie speech patalogist, esl teacher, 2 interventionist, a counselor, a psychologist, and an occupational therapists. Plus about 10 TAs. Again it's fucking nuts how much individual help these kids get here.

I didn't have any TAs growing up. If kids can't make it at this school they either have serious behavioral or learning disabilities.

I'm a 90s man Satan.
Same here. One teacher per class. And at that time, there lots of immigrants so every class had their share of Indian or Sri Lankan newcomers who barely knew English. Kids, teachers and parents seemed to get along fine. The new foreign kids got by fine too.

In elementary school, we had a speech teacher (I had to attend half hour classes once a week or whatever up till grade 4 I think). Perhaps we had ESL teachers too in elementary and high school. And a guidance counselor in high school, who also double dutied as one of the business teachers! But there is no way we had in any school psychologists, occ therapists and.... interventionists??? WTF? Like those people you see on the show Intervention? Wow.

Mentally challenged kids had their own special classes.

Seemed like a pretty smooth and easy process to me. Now, it's a student, teacher, parent clown show.
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Golden Boy
Being taught means a basic form of discipline and respect.
In schools here in Austria there are always disciplinary measures a teacher can take if stundens dont comply.
Insulting teachers may result in detention, suspension or even legal issues down the line if severe, as parents adhere for their children.


I graduated 2008 and at my high school if you got into a fight you were immediately expelled from school. No 2nd chances were given so most of the kids did not get into fights or they would fight outside of school. I have heard through teachers now in Las Vegas that because a lot of kids are already behind on their learning due to Covid they are no longer disciplining kids for fighting in school. If you get into a fight then you're just back in school the next day and they don't even get detention. So now there are a lot of viral videos coming up online of fights happening at Las Vegas schools. There was a recent video from a local high school of a girl hitting another girl in the back of the head even after she became unconscious the girl hit her 10 more times in the back of the head. After the video went viral the girl has been criminally charged with battery
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In Texas I know that home schooling is super popular. They even have sports leagues cause so many kids homeschool, which frankly I don't trust by and large.
It's my understanding that homeschooled kids perform better on average than public school kids on a variety of metrics, including for standardized testing (SAT/ACTs).



this wasnt the archaic days you hear about teacher whacking kids with rulers or whatever.

I caught the tail end of that period before they banned it. In the primary school I went to if you misbehaved you were sent to the headmistresses office and she would beat your ass with a slipper.

A fate I narrowly avoided. So I'm 6 back in the day and the school would make you go outside for breaktime. It's England, winter and it's fucking cold and damp and even your parents wouldn't let you out in those conditions. So a few of us boys decided to go inside the school building and hang out in the toilets where it was warm and dry at least. This was against the rules of course.

So we hear the headmistress outside the door becuse she starts shouting before she opened the door giving me and this other kid valuable seconds to duck into the cubicle at the end of the toilets. She could see feet though "I know your in there come out". The kid I was with rushed out and I walked out very slowly becuse I was shitting myself (I was 6) because the next thing that was going to happen was getting the slipper in her office.

As I exited the cubicle I was just in time to see her ushering the other boys out the door with her back turned to me. "Ummm" I thought, now what? Do I hand myself in or hope none of the other boys grass me up. I chose option 2.


All the other boys got the slipper, none of them grassed and my lifelong skill of dodging authority figures had begun.


Neo Member

In Ontario (not sure about other provinces), kids cant even fail grades until high school anymore. I think that started about 20 years ago. So even if a kid never shows up to class getting the worst marks ever all the school can do is recommend re-doing the grade. But if a parent says they dont care and move the idiot to the next grade the school has to advance him.

But the students can flunk high school classes. So it gets to a point, you cant slack off anymore.
Bro that "idiot" is probably smarter than everyone else in his class if he didn't go to "school".


I sat in court all day once, and the judge straight out said, "these kids dont need jail time or for their parents to pay up large restitution fees for damaged property/breaking the law.
They just need to be taken in the back by their parent's and spanked to kingdom come.."

Im old school. I dont play around at my house. Respect is everything. Run the program, get rewards. Follow the program and enjoy your rewards.
Disobey orders? Disrespect and get out of line? Have the gracious school teacher take time to call me on my busy day about your shitty behavior at school?


although as a parent in 2022, taking internet access away form your kid is worse than beating up spanking your kid.
My kid cries like he getting the worse spanking of his life when I take that internet away from his bitch ass..
Maybe a dumb question but how do parents deal with kids who have smartphone data plans?

Punishing them with no internet is... genius? Guard the wi-fi password like it was Satoshi Nakamoto's wallet key and change that shit when little Timmy acts up.

I love the idea of hands-off punishment where I don't have to wrestle for a physical device. Just pop on my wifi app, change the access password, and that's that. But when the little shit gets a cellphone? How you block that? Other than giving him an extra couple doses of Pfizer to jam the 5G signal.
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Gold Member
I went to a very conservative baptist school for Kindergarten and they had a paddle in the principal’s office. It had holes in it too. I remember his desk and off to the side was a small seat and the paddle propped up in the corner. I still think of that stupid paddle.


Where I am the level of car theft is incredible.

Teens just walk the streets, into peoples houses, take the keys and go. At night same thing testing everyones doors and windows. People have them on camera, its always the same dozen or so people.

The stupid thing is they get caught, go to court and are back doing it again the day after. Literally 0 fucks given. No repurcussions. Two teen girls dragged a 76yr old out of her car, punched and kicked her in the head and took the car. All the court have ordered is they meet the victim and apologise. Thats it.

One time someone actually bailed up some of the teens trying to take their car and the parents of the teen pressed charges.

It's an absolute joke.


Gold Member
Where I am the level of car theft is incredible.

Teens just walk the streets, into peoples houses, take the keys and go. At night same thing testing everyones doors and windows. People have them on camera, its always the same dozen or so people.

The stupid thing is they get caught, go to court and are back doing it again the day after. Literally 0 fucks given. No repurcussions. Two teen girls dragged a 76yr old out of her car, punched and kicked her in the head and took the car. All the court have ordered is they meet the victim and apologise. Thats it.

One time someone actually bailed up some of the teens trying to take their car and the parents of the teen pressed charges.

It's an absolute joke.
Security cameras or doorbell cameras are a must have. We had teens going around in neighborhoods getting out of their cars and running into fences. I thought to myself, if teens aren’t at the mall or movie theater then where are they hanging out? The mall, parking lots, and etc were cool in the early 2000’s, but times have changed.

All the schools want to do is assign them counselors, so they can talk shit about how hard they have it at home. I realize some kids are actually being abused, but you’re needing counseling cause your kid is lazy? That’s just a lazy kid. They’re all raised to respect themselves and blah blah blah. Which is great, if that actually taught them to do work.

I don’t spank in my house. I was spanked. I had the belt, the spoon, the hand, and the chair. It didn’t teach me to do work. It made me resent whoever spanked me. Losing my stuff taught me more about doing work than being spanked.

Karmic Raze

It’s a fine line. Either your beat their ass, discipline them that way, but you will have resentment and they’ll likely just continue doing the shit. Like Northeastmonk said, getting your stuff taken away from you teaches a much more refined lesson than any spanking will. Especially how kids are nowadays with their phones and shit. Just take their phone/computer/tablet and watch them change their bad habits. Then again, maybe I’m wrong because I’ve never raised a kid myself, but I think it would be a better form of punishment than laying your hands on them. My brother got his ass beat growing up and he turned out to be an asshole drug addict while I was raised by our Grandparents and I’m a much more respectable adult than he is.


It’s a fine line. Either your beat their ass, discipline them that way, but you will have resentment and they’ll likely just continue doing the shit. Like Northeastmonk said, getting your stuff taken away from you teaches a much more refined lesson than any spanking will. Especially how kids are nowadays with their phones and shit. Just take their phone/computer/tablet and watch them change their bad habits. Then again, maybe I’m wrong because I’ve never raised a kid myself, but I think it would be a better form of punishment than laying your hands on them. My brother got his ass beat growing up and he turned out to be an asshole drug addict while I was raised by our Grandparents and I’m a much more respectable adult than he is.

You've never raised a kid and are showing better critical thinking than a lot of parents, you'll do fine.


Gold Member
I'm in the minority.

My mom and dad whacking us worked for me and my sibs. They never did stuff like take away games or ground us. I found getting punched by my brothers or kicked in the legs by parents did the trick when being an ass.

Of course, everyone responds differently to punishment. To me, if someone doesn't learn a lesson after getting yelled at or beat down, nothing will. Because who the hell wants to keep getting smacked? I dont.

I used to get into a lot of fist fights as a kid. It gets to a point fast, the people I beat up learn fast dont do it again. And the handful of people who beat me up I didnt bother them again. As students in the same school for years, you learn to get along again, but both sides know a beat down will happen if the weaker guy keeps doing it.


Gold Member
Teachers are there to teach not discipline children. Raise your own kids.
Doesn't solve the problem of bad school atmospheres. You can be a god of a parent and your child still get fucked up (behaviour-wise or even physically) by 'little' Jimmy. And when you go to beat Jimmy's arse for being an utter cunt, you end up in handcuffs.
Doesn't solve the problem of bad school atmospheres. You can be a god of a parent and your child still get fucked up (behaviour-wise or even physically) by 'little' Jimmy. And when you go to beat Jimmy's arse for being an utter cunt, you end up in handcuffs.
This is my fear. My six year old is well-behaved in school, respectful etc, but lets loose at home when it's just my wife and I. Probably a precedent we set giving him so much attention over the years. But I worry constantly about the little fuckers he goes to school with, who will be a bad influence on him. Trying to instill in him the confidence to be himself and do his own thing; to not follow what some idiot with no parental guidance and behavioral issues does, or is exposed to things outside what is appropriate for their age says.

It's very hard to trust what other parents are doing and teaching their children anymore. And technology and social media has just made shit worse. Narcissism is running rampant.


I caught the tail end of that period before they banned it. In the primary school I went to if you misbehaved you were sent to the headmistresses office and she would beat your ass with a slipper.

A fate I narrowly avoided. So I'm 6 back in the day and the school would make you go outside for breaktime. It's England, winter and it's fucking cold and damp and even your parents wouldn't let you out in those conditions. So a few of us boys decided to go inside the school building and hang out in the toilets where it was warm and dry at least. This was against the rules of course.

So we hear the headmistress outside the door becuse she starts shouting before she opened the door giving me and this other kid valuable seconds to duck into the cubicle at the end of the toilets. She could see feet though "I know your in there come out". The kid I was with rushed out and I walked out very slowly becuse I was shitting myself (I was 6) because the next thing that was going to happen was getting the slipper in her office.

As I exited the cubicle I was just in time to see her ushering the other boys out the door with her back turned to me. "Ummm" I thought, now what? Do I hand myself in or hope none of the other boys grass me up. I chose option 2.


All the other boys got the slipper, none of them grassed and my lifelong skill of dodging authority figures had begun.
UK slang is awesome. I'm guessing slipper is like a paddle?
Where I am the level of car theft is incredible.

Teens just walk the streets, into peoples houses, take the keys and go. At night same thing testing everyones doors and windows. People have them on camera, its always the same dozen or so people.

The stupid thing is they get caught, go to court and are back doing it again the day after. Literally 0 fucks given. No repurcussions. Two teen girls dragged a 76yr old out of her car, punched and kicked her in the head and took the car. All the court have ordered is they meet the victim and apologise. Thats it.

One time someone actually bailed up some of the teens trying to take their car and the parents of the teen pressed charges.

It's an absolute joke.
I was thinking about this thread earlier and what it reminds me of is all those people during the high days of covid running into CVS and filling up bags and walking out with no repercussions. That is fucking nuts to me. I get that security guards or staff can't do a whole lot to shop lifters nowadays but it got completely out of control the last few years
Robocop 2 warned us this would happen.

I haven't seen that movie in years. I don't get the reference but I'm going to gladly watch robocop 2 this weekend to figure it out.

At least he doesn't fly in that sequel
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