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Do kids still get disciplined at school?


Motherf*cker......... a C!!!!!!!!!!!! in Honors ENglish(laNgUaGe ArTs)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No. My wife just started her new job teaching 5'th-graders and it's insane. One of the kids is an evil little fuck who hits everyone because he knows he can get away with it. The last teacher had bruises all over her arms from trying to handle this brat but they're not allowed to even grab him when he goes bananas. They straight up told my wife to keep a table between herself and the kid at all times because she's not allowed to touch him in any way.

We're circling the drain folks


Gold Member
No. My wife just started her new job teaching 5'th-graders and it's insane. One of the kids is an evil little fuck who hits everyone because he knows he can get away with it. The last teacher had bruises all over her arms from trying to handle this brat but they're not allowed to even grab him when he goes bananas. They straight up told my wife to keep a table between herself and the kid at all times because she's not allowed to touch him in any way.

We're circling the drain folks
This kind of asshat kid would be put in one of those special ed classes back in the day. But in modern day, it seems classes combine kids into one giant happy group where teachers cant control them.

Man, if I was a kid back then it'd sure piss me off if someone was doing that. Every kid can appreciate the clever clown cracking jokes here and there, but for uncontrolled freaks, no way. I was there sit there learn and take notes. Never pissed off a teacher once.


Gold Member
This is factual. My wife was called a racist for telling a mother her 3rd grade child cannot read.
I'll take a guess and the parent is a broke retard. Birds of a feather.

Doesn't take a genius. At that age I was playing games on my brothers Apple II clone and watching cartoons. Dont even remember what I read back then but had a bunch of Richie Rich and Heathcliff books. And maybe once a month, my dad would take a few of us to the public library on a Saturday morning. We'd go to the kids sections and I have no idea what books he took out. On the way home for lunch, he'd grab McDonalds or KFC for the fam.

That's the one thing that was so odd about my dad. Strict when it came to school, not doing dumb shit like smoking, drugs or talking back. But didn't give a shit about staying up late, eating junk food or playing video or computer games. He never helped us with homework too. He'd just tell us to help each other. If he was a boss at work, he'd be a hands off boss. But once you fuck up, watch out. lol
Parents are ungrateful shits as well. Here's another anecdote: a girl I know works with kids and every summer they arrange free summer camp activities. This year they had to limit number of attendees because she and her colleague can only handle so many. She was in tears yesterday because all week parents have been calling her, yelling about how their kid didn't get in.
This kind of asshat kid would be put in one of those special ed classes back in the day. But in modern day, it seems classes combine kids into one giant happy group where teachers cant control them.

Man, if I was a kid back then it'd sure piss me off if someone was doing that. Every kid can appreciate the clever clown cracking jokes here and there, but for uncontrolled freaks, no way. I was there sit there learn and take notes. Never pissed off a teacher once.
I can't imagine being a normal kid trying to study under these circumstances. When I was in school we had a dedicated guy who handled our class psycopath. He would sit with him in class, drive him to school activities etc. every day. Think of that!
In my wife's class half of the kids have disorders and diagnoses so it's unmanageable. And this isn't some fucked up ghetto school, it's your normal run of the mill countryside school.

Winter John

When I was a kid our biology teacher was an ex vet. We called him Froggy Wilson cos when he lost his shit he'd jump around in circles with his eyes bulged out. His favorite thing in the whole world was to launch his chalk duster at kid's heads. The dude would literally wind up like he was pitching for the Yankees. None of the other teachers gave a shit. Back in those days you could bounce dusters off kid's heads, or even teach them choking techniques and it was fine. Was it better? I don't know. Maybe 3rd graders should learn hand to hand combat instead of biology.


When I was a kid our biology teacher was an ex vet. We called him Froggy Wilson cos when he lost his shit he'd jump around in circles with his eyes bulged out. His favorite thing in the whole world was to launch his chalk duster at kid's heads. The dude would literally wind up like he was pitching for the Yankees. None of the other teachers gave a shit. Back in those days you could bounce dusters off kid's heads, or even teach them choking techniques and it was fine. Was it better? I don't know. Maybe 3rd graders should learn hand to hand combat instead of biology.
Choking techniques is pretty good,could just count as self defense but bouncing dusters off kids heads? Do I even need to say why he shouldn't have been doing that?


I have to imagine at some point we’re going to see a blowback. This is what happens when you have lazy, emotionally immature parents letting their kids be raised by social media apps. I can’t imagine being a teacher in this day and age. I have so much sympathy for them.


Gold Member
UK slang is awesome. I'm guessing slipper is like a paddle?
No, quite literally (nice to use that word properly for a change) a slipper.

Why? It bends so it hurts more. And it's handy as it's on your foot, so you don't have to go get the cane. Also later on, easier to hide (inspectors aren't going to take your slippers; much harder to explain having a cane handy).

My old-fashioned primary school had a cane. Physical punishment had fairly recently been outlawed when I was there, so it never got used. The odd slipper though... it would be on hand.

And parents of children there were okay with it as a) it was very rare and b) for many it was one of the reasons they sent their children there.

For the record, I never got the slipper. Just standing in a cold hallway at break time writing lines or, worse, staring at a wall.
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Almost everyday I see posts in my email about job openings at my regional school system. It's fucking nuts. Teachers at my school start at $60,000 and almost all of them are at $90,000+ cause of seniority and higher education.

No one is applying to these jobs. This is a low crime but expensive area and the postings keep coming. Special needs teachers at our school.

But it's an issue nationwide. Houston isd needs 800 teachers for the fall already. I have zero interest in becoming a teacher myself. These kids take after their parents and the parents around my area range from complete slob to buying a range rover for my high school child.

In my elementary the 5th grade girls,especially after winter break, are wearing inappropriate clothes and lots of makeup. I don't know. As soon as they start puberty parents throw their hands up and let whatever happen. Oh your 10 and want to wear a crop top and yoga pants to school? Sure why not.

I'm an older millennial and a lot of younger people who are parents just seem checked out. Maybe covid broke them
You make a good point re: the pandemic. I believe the biggest outcome from the events involving lockdown and pandemic mitigation efforts is the toll on mental health for communities. As has been for many years, mental health treatment is one of the last things that's discussed regarding remedies to ailements, and it's not being recognized nearly as much as it should as a problem, let alone communities seeking solutions.
When i was young in elementary school, the discipline was basically getting beat every day by the teacher for 5 years :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

The bitch never learned that physical pain wasn't enough to make me do my homeworks :lollipop_squinting:

in my country they only stopped beating kids at scool around 1996 and parents were mad AF :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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Gold Member
No. My wife just started her new job teaching 5'th-graders and it's insane. One of the kids is an evil little fuck who hits everyone because he knows he can get away with it. The last teacher had bruises all over her arms from trying to handle this brat but they're not allowed to even grab him when he goes bananas. They straight up told my wife to keep a table between herself and the kid at all times because she's not allowed to touch him in any way.

We're circling the drain folks
If he ever hurts her, get her to call the police. And then again every time he does it.

The police will eventually get people to sort their shit out (well not the parents, but eh oh).

No one should have to put up with that. Period.


Gold Member
When I was a kid our biology teacher was an ex vet. We called him Froggy Wilson cos when he lost his shit he'd jump around in circles with his eyes bulged out. His favorite thing in the whole world was to launch his chalk duster at kid's heads. The dude would literally wind up like he was pitching for the Yankees. None of the other teachers gave a shit. Back in those days you could bounce dusters off kid's heads, or even teach them choking techniques and it was fine. Was it better? I don't know. Maybe 3rd graders should learn hand to hand combat instead of biology.
The headmaster at my school did that once.

One day he threw a board eraser at a kid, but the kid ducked and it hit his taller friend behind him. Drew blood and caused enough of a stir that the whole school knew what had happened.

None of the parents gave a shit.


Gold Member
in my country they only stopped beating kids at scool around 1996 and parents were mad AF :messenger_grinning_sweat:
In italy parents would sue the teacher ass if he even look bad at a student, it's bad.

Everytime i tell someone that my teacher at elementary school beated the shit out of little children for 5 years they look me in disbilief.

I'm glad that i had that type of education, youngsters today are soft and unrespectful.


Surely American teachers have the ultimate power? "You better behave or else I'm not calling the cops during the next school shooting!".


When I was a kid our biology teacher was an ex vet. We called him Froggy Wilson cos when he lost his shit he'd jump around in circles with his eyes bulged out. His favorite thing in the whole world was to launch his chalk duster at kid's heads. The dude would literally wind up like he was pitching for the Yankees. None of the other teachers gave a shit. Back in those days you could bounce dusters off kid's heads, or even teach them choking techniques and it was fine. Was it better? I don't know. Maybe 3rd graders should learn hand to hand combat instead of biology.

We had this one Chemistry teacher we called "Gripper", and angry, balding, 40-something manlett.
when all the other teachers had "Normal" cars. As an adult I can recognize his as either having a mid-life crisis or a perma-virgin. So what he would do if he asked you a question in his class and you got it wrong he would knuckle you on the head hard and call you stupid. The wiser kids learned not to sit in the front two rows of his classes to reduce the risk of getting knuckled. This was almost ten years after corporal punishment was banned in schools.

Then slowly we noticed he'd stopped knuckling kids on the head and instead smashed his fist down on the desk in front of you. Schoolyard grapevine said that Gripper had knuckled the wrong kid and that kids dad had come into the school one evening and given Gripper a slap and a warning not to ever hit his kid or any other kid ever again or he'd be back. We don't know who that dad was but he did all the kids a solid there.
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