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Do you ever talk in internet?

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Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I've said OWN3D and n00b on a few occasions, but that was just with my friends while we were making fun of some of the people on Gunbound. Some guys said "n00bs always lag" and we just ran with it. If someone in the halls was walking slowly, they must be a n00b.


Drexon & friends uses it all the time. I'm like "OMGWTF! MILF, FHUTA!" And makes my friends look at some old hag, then I'm all "LoL, n00bs". I've also opened with "OMGHi2U". :p


asking dangerous questions
Wolfy said:
I say o m g almost everyday. And one time I told my brother to stfu.

And I say wtf a lot.
Are you saying you say thing things like "Oh My Gawd!" or do you say "Oh Em Gee!".
If it's the latter, get off the computer now!!
If it's the former, then that's ok - I do that too sometimes. Afterall, most internet slang came from natural language anyway.

El oh el.


No, I definitely say oh em gee. It's like a virus at my school. I also say "UBER OWNED."

I'm going to go cut myselfl.


"Owned" is used in my regular vocabulary. It's just around my close friends though. Same with "n00b" and "l33t". The latter two are mostly used in a joking and satirical manner.
For what it's worth, when I was in school 3rd/4th grade era, I was home eating lunch with my sister. She was bothering me so I raised my hand to get my mom's attention. I think that was the day I lost interest in school.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Gantz said:
I call people weaksauces all the time. People are like WTF?

Aahah, good old weaksauce.

Personally, among my friends "uber", "w00t", and "owned" have always been a normal part of our communication. However, we're saying "OMGhi2u" and "roofles" more lately =)

Doth Togo

I say ownage and owned all the time to everyone I know. Now, several others use owned in everyday language. I also use noob, noobies, nooblets and talk about the concept of being "gibbed" in common speaking...mostly in a satirical form.

Though, I say ownage as much as some would say cool or awesome.
I've started saying the term FHUTA, pronouncing it as "footah." So for example, if I see a hot babe with my friends I'd turn to them, point at the girl and go "yo, I'd footah."

aoi tsuki

Last Tuesday as i was about to walk into Circuit City, i saw this cute redhead with wavy hair and i uttered the words "Girl, let me touch you." i can't believe i said, it just came out, and she didn't hear me so no biggie. i was going to talk to her, but evidentally she was the girlfriend of one of the employees.

i got Skies of Arcadia Legends for $5, so i won't complain.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Luckily if I see LOL or FHUTA, IAWTP or OMG etc, I actually read the words out in my head. So it's not likely to happen.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
aoi tsuki said:
Last Tuesday as i was about to walk into Circuit City, i saw this cute redhead with wavy hair and i uttered the words "Girl, let me touch you." i can't believe i said, it just came out, and she didn't hear me so no biggie. i was going to talk to her, but evidentally she was the girlfriend of one of the employees.

i got Skies of Arcadia Legends for $5, so i won't complain.

Lucky you, I don't think her boyfriend would have asked if he could punch you...

aoi tsuki

Grizzlyjin said:
Lucky you, I don't think her boyfriend would have asked if he could punch you...
Her boyfriend was some scrawny dorky-looking guy. i could've taken that guy. Fuck, i could've taken his girl. Another lost opportunity.

...but, but... um... i got Boktai for five dollars!!!


not to others, but i sometimes say to myself "dubtehfuh?" (wtf) i'm too lazy to say "double u" even in my head.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
aoi tsuki said:
Her boyfriend was some scrawny dorky-looking guy. i could've taken that guy. Fuck, i could've taken his girl. Another lost opportunity.

...but, but... um... i got Boktai for five dollars!!!

Kojima loves you now. And next time you know what you should do. Kill everyone in the store and she'll have no choice but to like you. Works everytime.
i yelled out "OWNED!" once while playing basketball and all my friends looked at me like i was the biggest, craziest dork they've ever seen. I also put "IMO" in a term paper once.


I only say n00b, n00b is more than exceptible to say outside of the internet. People use that word pretty openly in stores and you hear it alot on G4 and voice chats, it's probaly one of the only networds that actually sound ok out loud. Other stuff like owned, teh, l337 sounds pretty retarded when said out loud, that lady that was on Screen Savers pretty much confirms this, although teh sounded pretty funny and cool when Ignignokt said it.


aoi tsuki said:
Last Tuesday as i was about to walk into Circuit City, i saw this cute redhead with wavy hair and i uttered the words "Girl, let me touch you." i can't believe i said, it just came out, and she didn't hear me so no biggie. i was going to talk to her, but evidentally she was the girlfriend of one of the employees.

i got Skies of Arcadia Legends for $5, so i won't complain.


yah i'm always like '1010101010101010101111001010100001111 transmission error resend bzzrt bzzrt'

wait, what?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Mama Smurf said:
Luckily if I see LOL or FHUTA, IAWTP or OMG etc, I actually read the words out in my head. So it's not likely to happen.
Same here, cept LOL, but there is no way I'd use it in conversation cause I don't use it online unless it is to signify real laugher.


Unconfirmed Member
I use owned all the time. To be honest, I know a lot of people (non-net dorks) who use owned in normal conversation. Not really all that weird. I will also use noob on super rare occasions. I also use w00t a lot, but that sounds enough like a normal exclamation to pass anyway.

Also, on rare occasions when it applies, I'll use an "X, let me Y you!" substituting appropriate nounds and verbs in the necessary spots.

I've noticed that OMGHI2U and FHUTA have started to show up as automatic internal reactions to things now, but they don't get said out loud. But I do think them, which is a bit disconcerting.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
In my close groups of friends, one of us is really big, like the kind of tough/scary kind of big. Anyways, we started saying he was a beast, then later we thought up scenarios of what would happen if so-and-so person would fight him, and we started saying how he would just beast them. Pretty soon "beasting" and "beasted" just became a regular way for us to describe anyone easily beating another person in anything, but in the past few months we have been hearing it elsewhere. It caught on with people we know, we heard it from a couple strangers, and I think it was on the chapelle show and a fansub of naruto had it. We like to think that we started the trend, haha.


My group of friends regularly use
pwn3d (one even sez pwned... with the p sound... !!)
gay (this is the most common, but i guess it's not a net word)

Even chicks are using these terms! like "Wow, i totally owned that exam, i'm so 1337" WTF>!?!

oh yeah, WTF is very common, but i'm trying to replace that with "cheese and bamboo shoots" because it's not nice to swear apparently.... :D

I use b00bi3s a lot too.... too often i think...


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