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Do you ever wish.......

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or pray for nothing? by nothing i mean do you ever wish everything could just go away? Let me explain. I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 5 years. i loved her more then air, we had a stupid fight and i dumped her out of anger. I tried to fix it like five minutes later but it was too late. I've been trying to get back with her for about three weeks now. Well last weekend come to find out that she's been having sex with one of her co-workers since about a week after we broke up. meanwhile her and i were still having sex during this seeration as well. I found out because i saw them parked in a movie theatre parking lot together. I still want her back but she said she doesn't know what she wants to do. She says she's confused and that she needs time to think things through. I'm not stupid, I know that once those words came out of her mouth it was over. Never the less, I told her that we should officially break and she could think things through. When she's ready she could come to me and let me know officially how she feels. now i feel like killing myself because i firmly believe that i totally screwed up a relationship with the woman i want to marry. I find it hard to do even the littlest of things. Nothing makes sense and a general feeling of confusion and depression has been surrounding me. I'm totally lost.....so...Do any of you ever wish for nothing? For everything and everyone to just disappear? To not have to feel anything at all anymore? I know that nothing good will come from this post but i just needed to vent. And at least I know you guys will make me chuckle. open to any advice at all.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you're assuming that she's having sex with her co-worker simply because you saw them parked at a drive-in. Drive-in != sex.


goddamit, Griese!
Ninja Scooter said:
i wish i was a little bit taller.

I wish I was a baller
I wish I had a girl who looked good
I would call her
I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat
and a '64 Impala

Doth Togo

"I wish I had a girl who looked good
I would call her."

- Skee-lo

(In reality, I do have a girl, and I love her lots.)


Tritroid said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you're assuming that she's having sex with her co-worker simply because you saw them parked at a drive-in. Drive-in != sex.

NO. I saw them parked together then i questioned her about it and she tolsd me everything. And i mean everything!!!The thing about it too was that i asked her if there was someone else she was interested in about a week ago. And when we first broke up i told her not to tell any of her co-workers because i know there are a few that like her. And look at what happened!!!!


I think you would like this...


Check it out :) (the entire series, not just the movie) It would totally fit with your mood right now.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
GONZO said:
NO. I saw them parked together then i questioned her about it and she tolsd me everything. And i mean everything!!!The thing about it too was that i asked her if there was someone else she was interested in about a week ago. And when we first broke up i told her not to tell any of her co-workers because i know there are a few that like her. And look at what happened!!!!

Hey... for real man.. if you told her to think it over... and she is doing this maybe she wasn't the right girl for you. I mean if you loved her my than air (as you put it) and she didn't then maybe marrying her wouldn't have been the right thing... I know it is hard and not easy to take... but love should be a two way thing...


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I feel you. Today, the last 4 hours really, have really tested me. My son's mother has been lying to me. Repeatedly... WIth no remorse.

That sh!t hurts.

Her and I aren't together, but I've been trying to build something w/ her sake, and that of my son.

Today was a real eye-opener. To have no trust in someone that I have to trust, hurts like E. motherfucker.

Doth Togo


Realize that there are girls in the exact same spot as you. Their bfs are out messing around with other girls and all they think is that he's the dude for them. Now, you and I both know that he's not, right? Right. So why not be glad to know that you're not alone and start seeking out those girls who've been through the same thing as you. That way, you both know you have the same values and you both won't fuck around.


I'm 26, I've been in long term relationships before and i can tel you from experience that none are ever perfect. And in the past when they have gotten tough i bailed but i don't want to do that this time. i don't want to quit on her, not on her. i love her way too much. but even typing that i know it's already over. I just can't believe that she turned out to be such a typical woman.

Doth Togo

GONZO said:
I'm 26, I've been in long term relationships before and i can tel you from experience that none are ever perfect. And in the past when they have gotten tough i bailed but i don't want to do that this time. i don't want to quit on her, not on her. i love her way too much. but even typing that i know it's already over. I just can't believe that she turned out to be such a typical woman.


So don't go for typical women.
She was out screwing the minute things went crazy and you want her back? Are you thinking straight?

How can you look at her and still want her knowing her co-worker has been working it right after things went out of the window?

You need some thinking to do yourself.



if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Not to make things worse... but if she moved this quickly... maybe she was moving around when you were dating... But now that he is free she doesn't have to hide the co-worker fling anymore


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
She was fucking another guy way before you guys broke up. Sorry to break the obvious to you.
Dude, she was FUCKING SOME OTHER DUDE. I don't know how you could still want her after that. I know that made me fucking insane with anger, but it's a sure sign that it's OVER. You don't want her after that. Trust me. That would bug you for the rest of your life.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
If she could do it once, she can do it again. Even if you did get her back, you wouldn't trust her like you use to. I'm sorry though, I know how you feel. I went through something like that and it tore me up inside. I still feel bad, but all you can do is live your life.

I can understand you not wanting to let go of this, if you think you can look past erh action, then go for it. I just cut off all contact to my ex, and she eventually came to me and said that she was sorry. It took 4 months mind you, but thing kinda worked out....sorta. But I don't trust her, and I just couldn't honestly tell her that I wanted to be in a relationship with her right now. We were really close and was very painful not to talk to her, she was like my best friend before we even started going out.

Don't do anything yet, just think. Find a place where you can just think in peace. My place is the shower, as weird as that seems. Nobody bothers you and the warm water is relaxing. Good luck.


Like most of the guys on this thread, we all know what you are going through. Women like to play sick little games with our emotions and then expect us not to get mad, all I know is that it will get better just give it some time...


If she was the woman you were suppossed to marry it wouldn't have ended after a stupid fight and she wouldn't have been shaggng some other guy a week later. Five years is a long time for sure, but the next one could last for life.


hey Gonzo, it sounds like for sure it's over, and i say good riddens, even though you have no hard evidence if she was cheating or not, she still was not loyal, whos to say she would be in the future, you are much safer without that risk. also i totaly understand about wishing that none of it happened, but then i think, now that so much crap happened i know where my mistakes are. instead of praying for time to go back, i pray for time to go forward. Life is a roller coaster, you just have to put your hands up! i can tell you right now you will never stop loving her, but you will find a new love Gauranteed.
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