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Do you grow your own... y'know... food? | OT? | [56k modem warning, Apple II and Win'95 users!]


Horrible year.

Hit 30 C today, all our native plants are just wilting and not doing well. The currants are dropping all their berries, the rhubarbs are croaking, no matter how you water, our native beets sprouted, and died. :\

On a positive, the corn, pumpkins and foreign beets are growing like crazy.

But, I am going to miss my red/black and white currants this year. Have noticed for each year, our native plants just aren't doing that well anymore, gets too warm too soon, and they like a semi-wet spring, which we don't have anymore.

Spices are growing well though, have more parsley/thyme/tarragon/peppers than I know what to do with.

But, imho, it's worrysome, even the have potatoes wilted, and the spanish killer slugs are having a field day it seems...

Also noticed the differences in the forest, by now, you'd usually have a few bags of chanterelles, last three years though, they just dry up and die.


The corn, rained too much in august so it all died. On the plus side, the pumpkins, beets, and spices all did excellent, also have more zucchini than I can store. Most berries did end up doing ok, so have tons of curants frozen, and 200 litres of wine going.

Despite the summer heat, all the rain is making probarly the best mushroom season I've ever seen. Go to a spot, and 15 minutes, bags are full.


Left to right, fall chantereles, chantereles and below a type of chicken of the woods but this one is ten times better.

Also found for the first time in ten years, Cabbage mushroom, one of the best edible mushrooms on the planet, was so happy. Made lasagne with it, you use it instead of meat.


You can also make rather juicy mushroom steaks with it.

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I'm really fond of the idea of growing my own food and foraging mushrooms and berries but the only thing I was able to grow in my apartment was tomatoes on the balcony :messenger_grinning_sweat:

I tried everything from potatoes, peppers, cucumbers, herbs, and even bean sprouts, but the bad light source and temperature in my apartment always end up killing everything and I haven't really tried any equipment.

I'm really hoping to do and learn more of this if I'm ever able to live on the country side. There's just something very relaxing about gardening.


I'm trying to grow lions mane. I've tried innoculating a few times. But it doesn't seem to be taking

It is superhard to grow, and often gets affected by invasive molds. You need to monitor humidity levels in the room like the devil whatching the apple tree. The temperature is also superhard, just a few degrees off, it rots.

If you read the package info, that is what is needed, within +/- 5%. Outside of that, it is a no go.

There are alot of easier shrooms to grow. If you are a first timer, forget about it. You will need a dedicated room for it.

A terrarium might be a good thing to start with for it.
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not tag worthy
we have a fig tree and some tomatoes but due to the dry spell the tomatoes didn't grow so well

figs we are amazing got about three big bowls worth of figs so that was worth it

Fools idol

I want to get into growing mushrooms on my plot. Have bought a bunch of logs to do so, just need time to get it all set up.


Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Our strawberries are coming in about now too. Blueberries are coming up soon.

We've not planted much this year, but we did try one little experiment with a garlic clove that was trying to get going on it's own. So we chucked it in the soil and now we've got a new bulb. Zero effort. Will probably do a batch next year.


We got a community garden plot this year. It’s not huge (20x20) but it’s a decent size. We planted potatoes, corn onions, pees, beats, carrots, squash, and zucchini. All easy to grow stuff. I’ve been away at a conference since last week so no idea how it’s started growing. It’s been really wet and windy this year. Hopefully the wife had a chance to go weed it
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