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Do you have a stack of DVDs you never watch?

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Just curious, I was watching some Newsradio (bolded to encourage mass purchases of this fine, underrated series) and started to think about some of the other TV on DVD I have that I've hardly or never watched (namely, the Simpsons and Futurama).

But it made me wonder if there are others with huge unwatched collections. I don't mind having shows I really like more or less unwatched... but I think if I bought movies and didn't watch them, or other shows that I wasn't a huge fan of, I would wonder what the point was.

On the other hand, I'm enough of a Simpsons fan that I'll keep buying them even after the point where I felt the series started to decline, because I still enjoy it and would like the complete series.


SickBoy said:
I'm enough of a Simpsons fan that I'll keep buying them even after the point where I felt the series started to decline, because I still enjoy it and would like the complete series.

A whole lot of movies and I havn't gotton around to watching anime series including Final fantasy unlimited, 12 kingdoms, and GitS standalone complex.

The same with me and star trek I wasn't a big fan of voyager, or enterprise yet I bought all 7 voyager series, season 2-7 which are still sealed. Plus season1 of enterprise just to complete my star trek DVD collection and I only watched the pilot of voyager.
I have shelves of dvds that I've watched no more that once. I also have a friend who has a lot of dvds that are still sitting on his shelf unwrapped. years after he's bought them.
I've got a bunch of CDs/Records I've never listened to, or haven't listened to in their entirety, or only listented to once and don't remember.
Star Power said:
I've got a bunch of CDs/Records I've never listened to, or haven't listened to in their entirety, or only listented to once and don't remember.
Same thing when it comes to records. You can't listen to them on the computer or while driving, you have to set time aside for them. About half of mine I'm yet to really listen to.


I've watched every DVD I own. But I'm pretty particular in what I buy on DVD and don't have a huge collection (20 DVD movies and 8 DVD tv show box sets). If I buy a DVD movie or tv box set I usually start watching it within a day or two of when I bought them.


I have about 40 Dvd's I need to watch :( Im hoarding for when I move into my House in November and can no longer afford cable.

(my collection has got to be in the 300-400 range)
Not a stack but a few. Da Ali G Show S1 I watched twice. I thought it was funny but whenever I go to it to pop it in, there's something better to watch and I never see it. I only seen Boondock Saints once but that was because prior to owning it, I saw it quite a few times beforehand.

X-Men I got for a Christmas present in 2000 and watched it a shitload of times but stopped watching it in 2001. So its been collecting dust for about four years now.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I buy my DVD's just so I can walk down there and marvel at the collection... not to actually WATCH them all. ;)

Actually I have watched most of my DVD's... except for any of the season TV series stuff I have. Haven't watched any of those sets.

J2 Cool

I dunno, I figure once I get a serious home theater the whole collection will be put to good use. I had one for awhile but had to take it down through moving into a few different houses. Doesn't fit as well as it did the first house, and I can't put surround sound up. Once I get my own place though, home theater > kitchen.

Anyway, there are a few flicks I've bought but have yet to watch. Saving Private Ryan being one. Fantastic movie, but I feel I wouldn't give it justice unless I watched it in a home theater the next time I do. Also, it's one of those movies you don't want to see too often, but enjoy it the times you do. Also, ROTK:EE I haven't watched. Again, that's a home theater movie :( What else.. Grave of the Fireflies I've only watched 1 and a half times. Watched Back to the Future trilogy once only. And.. Matrix Reloaded I watched but once. For some reason I thought they might turn it around in Revolutions and I'd want the whole collection. NOPE. I only wish I owned the first Matrix. I'd trade Reloaded for the better picture quality of the first Matrix.

Hmm, and Looney Tunes volume 2 I havent watched through. Don't regret it because there's some awesome documentaries, a few amazing cartoons I've watched multiple times, and a lot of good stuff in it. Volume 1 I watched all of though. Oh, and the Mickey Mouse black and white collection. More just a collector's item. I actually watched every Goofy cartoon. Oh, and I forget why or when I got the Samurai Jack dvd. Not the season collection, the flick. But it's been used once and probably won't be again. Also, Rain Man I bought blindly and I really don't think it's that great of a movie, despite a great performance by Hoffman. Won't get too many viewings if more than one. Rundown, bought it on a cheap deal when it was rented out. Kind of a dumb one. Actually, real dumb. Suburban Commando was bought for $5 but I've yet to watch it. Good cheese though. Predator as well, which has a lot of Arnold kicking ass. Need only Commando, the perfect one liner blow shit up action movie. After that my Arnold collection's complete, though I haven't watched his movies too often.

That's about it. Oh, and I once bought my little sister the first 2 Harry Potter movies, when she was all hyped for the 3rd one. Never watched one of em. That was over a year and a half ago, when I thought I'd start getting birthday gifts for siblings despite having no money. That didn't take long to stop.



netflix has saved my life, used to buy a couple dvds a week, now for less than $20 a month I get 3 movies/tv shows out at a time. You also add up to 8 out at a time for 47.99 I think, Its great, Best. Service. Ever.
Ryck said:
I have about 40 Dvd's I need to watch

(my collection has got to be in the 300-400 range)

Same here....

I have some time now so I am watching loads of my backcatalog (Battlestar Galactia Season 1 in DVD player now)
I still have Saving Private Ryan unopened. Never seen the move past the first 10 mins. Waiting for a good time where I can blast my surround sound on that sucker.
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