living in my suburban home for 3 years now. Couldn’t tell you my neighbor’s names on either side of my house or directly across the street from me.
Yeah, pretty much the same here as well. I do know one, but that's about it. He's diagonally across from us. We met several times years ago when his sons were shooting bee-bees at our garage door, and other lovely pranks. He's a good guy, though. His twins are a-holes (think they both had crushes on my daughter). His oldest is a respectable young man; ended up a state trooper. Good kid.
The folks to our left are nice people, but I've only met them once, don't remember their names. But they're quiet and considerate toward us. Kids to the right hate us. My dog escaped one day out of a hole in our fence and scared their baby. I don't hold it against 'em. I probably would've reacted the same way. He came storming over cursing ultimatums. I think they got over it, though. He now mows a little extra on our side to help out.
There is also one lady who walks everyday. My wife and I always try to wave and smile at her. My wife, though, knows a few other folks around because she also walks the neighborhood each day. She tells me about some of the older folks and dogs she stops to talk to, etc.
I guess, what I initially said isn't totally true, then. We do seem to be at least acquainted with a few folks in our subdivision. But we've been here, I don't know, over 10 years.