Rapid Response Threadmaker
I haven't been this quite obsessed with a manga in a long time. I know there are a lot of fans of western comics and lapsed manga readers that haven't read anything recent. We have a very humble thread for readers in community, but I just wanted to take a moment to let some people know about this property that they might not have encountered it yet.
Here is the wikipedia description for anyone new:
The story follows Izuku Midoriya, a boy born without superpowers in a world where they are the norm, but who still dreams of becoming a superhero himself, *Early Chapter Spoilers*
and is scouted by the world's greatest hero who shares his powers with Izuku after recognizing his value and enrolls him in a high school for heroes in training
This manga is fantastic. It's a breath of fresh air compared to other published manga. It's well written, it moves very fast, there is a lot of content jam packed in each chapter.
The origin of the comic is intriguing. The creator Kōhei Horikoshi is fluent in English and grew up reading and being obsessed with American comics. This fascination shows clearly in the manga he made, from homages to the volume covers looking like a throwback to older super hero western comics. He's also a huge nerd about Star Wars, which also shows in the comic.
I know I'm evangelizing, but I love this series so much and I feel no shame. If I even get one new person to try it out I'll be happy.