I've noticed that when some guys get into relationships they start ghosting their longtime friends or their attitude changes and they suddenly think they're "the shit" and become major assholes who try to flex on other men in a sad attempt to impress their new girlfriend... and once they eventually get dumped by her they try crawling back to their friends that they abandoned for several years and expect you just to continue your friendship like nothing happened. Sorry, but nope. You showed who you really are.
Of course, there's also your true friends who can handle being both in a relationship and having friends at the same time and not turning their backs on them or trying desperately to become the "most alpha" in order to try to impress their woman. But has anyone else experienced what I'm talking about where someone either abandons you or becomes a total dick once they get into a relationship? And then of course when the relationship eventually ends they try to become cool again like nothing ever happened?
Of course, there's also your true friends who can handle being both in a relationship and having friends at the same time and not turning their backs on them or trying desperately to become the "most alpha" in order to try to impress their woman. But has anyone else experienced what I'm talking about where someone either abandons you or becomes a total dick once they get into a relationship? And then of course when the relationship eventually ends they try to become cool again like nothing ever happened?