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Do you own a VR headset?

Select all that apply

  • Yes, Valve Index

    Votes: 16 6.7%
  • Yes, Oculus Rift S or the original

    Votes: 42 17.6%
  • Yes, other PC headset

    Votes: 37 15.5%
  • Yes, Oculus Quest

    Votes: 41 17.2%
  • Yes, Playstation VR

    Votes: 98 41.0%
  • No, but I plan to buy one within the next year

    Votes: 8 3.3%
  • No, but I'll buy one when the tech/games have improved

    Votes: 32 13.4%
  • No, not interested

    Votes: 25 10.5%

  • Total voters
I was surprised about Half-Life: Alyx winning two matchups in the GOTG tournament, and I was wondering whether there are more VR owners here than I expected. Or maybe people actually only vote if they've played both games :messenger_open_mouth:. Or maybe Death Stranding just sucks :messenger_astonished:.

So GAF, what's your VR status and how much do you use the one you own?


Gold Member
I bought a PSVR and used it for awhile. My eyes becamed too strained after use. I would probably get used to it if I used it more. I sold it cause I needed the cash at the time.

I'm definitely interested in VR. I tried a oculus rift demo at best buy and it felt like I was in the game. It must have released some endorphins cause I felt really good after playing.


Gold Member
Not yet, but I plant to get one. Hitman 3, Half-Life Alyx, Super Hot, racing games, Ace Combat 7, and more have all pushed me on my decision.


Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
HTC Vive, then Oculus Rift and finally Oculus Quest - I am waiting for Quest 2, or something better


I had a psvr a while back. While it was fun to discover , I found out that the tech is not there yet and the games still not fleshed out as I hoped it to be. There's an handful of some bigger titles but yeah, the move controller are not good enough for this kind of immersion. At least, thumbstick would have been appreciated.

But yeah, I had my money worth out of it. Good fun. Looking forward for a better kit as soon as price goes down.
Yup. Went from Rift S to an Index. I love VR. It doesn‘t replace ‘regular’ gaming for me or anything but I play pretty frequently and am looking forward to multiple VR titles.


I have an original Rift. I like it for the most part but don't like the store or the tracking.

I am waiting for the Valve Index Gen2 before I get rid of it.


PSVR. I dig it but I agree with the games not there just yet. I host Thanksgiving every year and I break it out for people to check out. I wish it got more use in my household. With the minecraft patch coming out, I may need to check out some of the stuff my kids and I built.

mango drank

Have a PSVR, but almost never play it anymore. It was cool and novel at first, but now it feels too old and low-res, and the PS4 is too slow. I'm waiting for this year's batch of PC VR headsets, if they'd get here already.
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Had psvr, was OK
Got rift s, and it all came together, love, 2d games are almost redundant for me at this point, even got protube for shooter, gonna get a wheel soon too

Maybe a reverb 2 soon as well
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Gold Member
Oculus Rift DK1 and DK2, HTC Vive and a 2018 Oculus Rift. And now I also have the HP Reverb G2 on preorder.
I bought a Oculus Rift S yesterday actually because I finally wanted to play Half Life Alyx after Gab Smolders never finished it. I had a PSVR actually twice in the past but just didn't have any compelling games beyond 1 hour "experiences" which are great but not enough to spend $400.

After the announcement of that new Oculus Quest 2, and a possible Rift S 2 I'm on the fence about returning it.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Yep got a PSVR. After using it for awhile I've come to the conclusion that....
It works well and all but I just want to sit down with my feet up at the end of the day and play games without having to do a lot of moving around.
I'm getting lazy in my old age.
Also get rid of the wires. Get rid of external tracking or special game spaces for your VR to work in. No PS camera or boxes in corners.
They very much need to stop limiting the controls in their games. I know I might be in the minority here but just let me use the headset as a display. I realize that there are many who get motion sick but I'm not one of them. Playing Skyrim VR with limited movement was frustrating.
Astrobot was a much better experience because I just simply sit there and control a little robot. There were times when you had to headbutt things but that was the most of the physical stuff.
Moss was similar but I wish it had more diverse environments. Half the game took place in dark dreary brick lined dungeons.
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PSVR, but it requires too much energy from me.
That's something I didn't expect nor did I think about it at the time: you can't play VR if you come home tired (even mentally tired) from work.
It just doesn't work.
It's so much more taxing than a regular game, in my case it also "triggered" spectacular headaches because I was too mentally "done" for the day, so I can really only play if:
  1. It's a weekend
  2. I have no plans
  3. I have no one around
  4. I'm not too tired from the past week
As soon as any of these points is not met, VR is postponed 1 week. I only did play it 3 or 4 times in 2 years.
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Yes I own a PSVR but it has been stored in a box for almost three years now. Resident Evil 7 was mind blowing but I sort of lost interest after that. I did buy Astro Bot but never got around to it.
Quest and PSVR but I just can’t go back to wired. As soon as SONY announces what they’re doing for VR on PS5 I’ll probably upgrade as long as PS5 VR is wireless or they just decide to let Quest work on the platform. I’d be worried about not getting another Astrobot if they went the third party route though.
I used to own a PS VR. Great piece of kit. Played it on a base PS4. I felt the technology was finally good enough as a general consumer product but I didn't play it enough to justify keeping it, so I sold it off. I'm eager to see what PS VR 2.0 Sony has in store for PS5.


Can’t Git Gud
Yep, an oculus rift and a quest.
cv1 and quest?
How do You like them compared? I've compared them long ago and cv1 was more comfortable with better sound but Quest had better res, tracking and no external sensors.
S vs quest is no comparison. Quest wins.

I barely used Quest though... wonder if I should sell it now
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cv1 and quest?
How do You like them compared? I've compared them long ago and cv1 was more comfortable with better sound but Quest had better res, tracking and no external sensors.
S vs quest is no comparison. Quest wins.

I barely used Quest though... wonder if I should sell it now
rift is slightly more comfortable and the games on pc are another league entirely, also 90+ fps against 72 if i remember well.

really the only good thing about quest is the wireless thing and maybe the tracking, but even the tracking get destroyed by a vive or a rift with a 4 camera setup.

the better res means shit when the game looks like ps3 early era at best, and yeah you can connect a quest to a pc but if you ask me, a quest with a cable is not a quest anymore,i don't care what trick you can homemade to not have the cable between your legs, real wireless is another universe in games that requires a lot of movement, crouching etc. (so a shitload of games basically).

I used my rift far more than my quest just because like i said, the games are another league, quest1 was born underpowered unfortunately, and i bet that quest2 is gonna be the same, there is not enough space for a decent gpu in these things, and cpus are still mobile stuff at the end of the day, the rift put on his knees both my 2070super and my 8600k with high settings, maybe in 10 years they are gonna be better, like foldable phones.
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I have the HTC Vive, OG Oculus Rift, A PSVR, Windows Mixed Reality Headset and Oculus Go. I skipped Oculus Quest but most likely will get Quest 2.


I have an Odyssey+ that I bought because the price was right. Played Alyx for awhile and was all about it. Since I've moved it's just saw there and I haven't even plugged in, but that could always change!


Had PSVR, graduated to Rift S. Alyx is one of the most memorable gaming experiences I’ve had in 35 years of gaming.

Exactly the same for me, everything.

PCVR gaming to me is like what elitist PC gaming always wanted to be. It's an actual staggering gap between regular gaming, instead of a cleaner image and higher settings.

Good VR is the only genuine leap I've experienced in gaming. Everything else was a stair step.


Gold Member
I had a PSVR for about six months. Enjoyed some of the games (e.g., Skyrim), but the motion sickness continued to be a problem. I couldn't play for more than 30-minute sessions without feeling woozy. I also ran out of games that I was interested in playing. I sold it.

I will probably get back into it again, at some point. I'm interested in what they come up with for PSVR 2.0.


I had a PSVR for about six months. Enjoyed some of the games (e.g., Skyrim), but the motion sickness continued to be a problem. I couldn't play for more than 30-minute sessions without feeling woozy. I also ran out of games that I was interested in playing. I sold it.

I will probably get back into it again, at some point. I'm interested in what they come up with for PSVR 2.0.

Skyrim is horrific to play on psvr, no wonder you got motion sickness, it's one of the few games I can't play.
Samsung Odyssey + and it was my first venture into VR and I'm pretty impressed with it, especially for the price. Well, the price of the headset, not the computer it's attached to.


Gold Member
Had a Playstation VR headset, sold it for £100 with Skyrim and Doom VFR. Someone got a bargain, it just sat in the cupboard collecting dust, someone might as well enjoy it.

Wouldnt mind getting a PC one though.


Gold Member
Skyrim is horrific to play on psvr, no wonder you got motion sickness, it's one of the few games I can't play.

Oh, really? I hadn't heard that. Interesting. Maybe that means motion sickness won't be a general problem for me. Maybe it was just limited to that game.

It's been years, so I don't remember clearly, but I think Skyrim was one of the few games I played on PSVR. It's the main reason I bought the unit, and very few other games interested me. It's possible that I played Skyrim, experienced motion sickness, and decided on that basis it wasn't going to work for me. I did play a few other games (can't remember which), but I only have memories of motion sickness in Skyrim. Maybe that was a particularly nausea-inducing game.
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