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Do you smoke weed?


I'll share some of my personal experiences with Weed. In my youth(20s) i tried a few times and honestly didn't truly understand or enjoy the weird feeling of "loosing control" in a sense of how your body reacts to stimuli. I never did it by myself or in an environment of complete and total trust.. Which I believe was my problem..

Fast forward 20 or so years and it has been a completely different experience. At first the highs were just about raw emotions and absolutely great sex. However while those things are still attainable if I want to, that is no longer the primary effects I seek from consumption. During the first year of the pandemic I was dealing with a lot of personal introspection and analysis given the issues I have had in my marriage of 15 years. For about 6 months I would spend countless hours at night to better understand myself and my behavior/actions. Weed has a very unique effect on me, in that it allowed me to unlock parts of my mind, that were either laying dormant or simply I had suppressed due to trauma. However over that 6 month period I continued to hit a "wall" of sorts in how I analyzed/aggregated my thoughts. Its hard to explain I guess, but the best phrase I have found is "I would get right up to the curtain but would never be able to peak behind it".

That changed last year in march when I over did a couple of hits from a specific strain "ATF- Alaska Thunder Fuck". I say I over did, because I usually limit my consumption to either bowls, joints, cartriges or edibles. When i did this, I used my big glass bong with ice catchers and took 4 HUGE hits. Long story short, when that happened I was able to "look behind the curtain" and since then I have been able to achieve that even without weed. It gave me a better understanding of everything? It unlocked a sort of new analytical aspect of my brain that I can now use on a daily basis. Ever since then, I feel I can analyze and problem solve a lot quicker. As an Engineer it has made my job 10x easier, and I am not kidding about that. I can analyze and solve problems at work so much quicker and that applies to pretty much every other facet of my life.

Obviously not everyone's bodies are wired the same, so my experience might not be comparable to others.

More importantly than anything else, it helped me rediscover myself and bring me back from a 20 year or so period where I was not happy with myself, not happy at the person I saw in the mirror, and honestly a shit person to my wife and people around me. Nothing aggressive or anything like that, just used to be reliant on lies as my defense mechanism(thanks mom). I had a lot of trauma as a kid that contributed to my behavior, which through introspection and the assistance of cannabis I was able to remember and analyze. It helped reinvent myself to the person I am today and helped me get away from the more toxic behavior(lying) I was taught as a child.

The last 2.5(43 now) years have been the happiest of my adult life.

edit: Can I also point out that medical MJ laws are a fucking joke? Like seriously, to me the Medical laws for Weed are there to just give the state another revenue stream. If your state has Medical MJ, it is basically legalized MJ for all intents and purposes.

Thanks for sharing that interesting and personal view. I cannot comment much on the behind the curtain stuff since like you said bodies are different and I don't have as much as experience with weed (and the heavier usage of bongs etc.) as you have.
What I know is that when I consume a strain with a paranoid effect then it makes me feel like my thoughts are figuring out the very fabrics of the universe. I start looking at things differently and feel extremely smart and some wild theories make a lot more sense.
Sometimes it can help a lot to have that. A different look at things from a different perspective/distance/view/scale to see where your usual viewpoint might be off. Some sort of open mindedness in a way.
That would be on a good day. Smoking something paranoid on a bad day is not a good idea.


Junior Member
Thanks for sharing that interesting and personal view. I cannot comment much on the behind the curtain stuff since like you said bodies are different and I don't have as much as experience with weed (and the heavier usage of bongs etc.) as you have.
What I know is that when I consume a strain with a paranoid effect then it makes me feel like my thoughts are figuring out the very fabrics of the universe. I start looking at things differently and feel extremely smart and some wild theories make a lot more sense.
Sometimes it can help a lot to have that. A different look at things from a different perspective/distance/view/scale to see where your usual viewpoint might be off. Some sort of open mindedness in a way.
That would be on a good day. Smoking something paranoid on a bad day is not a good idea.
Yup agree 100% with your assessment and how you described that experience. It is one of the most fascinating rabbit holes you can fall into.


Just curious, what are your "normal habits"?

Atm not that bad, going thru about a gram of concentrates a week with my dab rig, just that my tolerance is too high and it feels like I'm gonna need a decent break to really drop it back down.

Just been hard to take a decent break when it also helps with other things I'm dealing with like stress and my migraines, just a matter of doing it tho.


Junior Member
Atm not that bad, going thru about a gram of concentrates a week with my dab rig, just that my tolerance is too high and it feels like I'm gonna need a decent break to really drop it back down.

Just been hard to take a decent break when it also helps with other things I'm dealing with like stress and my migraines, just a matter of doing it tho.
Does changing strains not help with the dose? That’s how I usually keep things in check.


Does changing strains not help with the dose? That’s how I usually keep things in check.

Yeah I've never noticed a difference like that with differing strains, just gotta stop for at least a few weeks, maybe a month if I get really dedicated lol.


I picked up the Arizer XQ2 this week and that was probably a mistake... Mostly because I've been blasted 24/7 since I've gotten it. With the temps I've been running a 0.2 gram bowl is giving my a nice long session (auto shut off set at 90 minutes) that is deceptively strong. I've been in the "I've lost my last fuck" area of high since.

Skip the Dishes rates this vape 4/5.


is on perm warning for being a low level troll
Thailand just legalized and "progressive" Europe still thinks it is as bad as murder... Still clinging to absurd laws imposed by the US war on drugs even if the US themselves game up on it. Please someone explain
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member


I took a few edibles a couple weeks ago, and it was wayyy too much for my first time. My friend didn’t know what she was talking about. 20mg and I’m a lightweight. I was so messed up, I couldn’t drive in the morning 8 hours later. But my thoughts on THC are this: alcohol is much more dangerous in comparison. Why it took so long to unban marijuana is beyond me


The legal market has improved a lot since its inception. The last six months have seen a big improvement in quality and lowering price.

Picked up 14g of a midstrength Hybrid Appalachian and Black Rose called Eleven Roses for $100CAD that was packaged on June 13 2022. Fresh, nice terps and large buds. Not as strong as the Indicas I've been hitting for the last 6 months, it's still got some range.
While this has been good for orbital maneuvers along the flow it's bringing out some mischievous qualities in me.

The hash has gotten right good too. Blended some with a bit of crumble and that kicked it up. BAM.

Grey market still rules the edibles due to regulations on the legal.

Kev Kev

I took a few edibles a couple weeks ago, and it was wayyy too much for my first time. My friend didn’t know what she was talking about. 20mg and I’m a lightweight. I was so messed up, I couldn’t drive in the morning 8 hours later. But my thoughts on THC are this: alcohol is much more dangerous in comparison. Why it took so long to unban marijuana is beyond me
man, edibles can be so great tho. straight up felt like i was pain killers last time i did them.

but yeah agreed on the alcohol part. weed is jut a more enjoyable high, and doesnt impair you nearly as much.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Been smoking the same weed for about a year and a half now and man, while it's good and cheap (like 3€ per gram) I'm starting to feel kinda tired of it.

It doesn't help that's one of those that doesn't taste a lot, but gives you one hell of a kick, which is not my favorite type of weed. I could really use something more tastier and a bit less hard to the brain, makes for more enjoyable moments imo.

But heeeey I read the other day that they might legalize weed here in Spain, at least for medical purposes, so that's something to look forward to!

Anyway, this is my company for tonight:


Have a good one GAF.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Tried it few times. First time I smoked it. Hated that. Inhalation is the worst way to get intoxicated.

Edibles aren't bad. The high is whatever to me. The sleep afterwards is fantastic.


Does anybody have a good tincture recommendation looking for something that’s more CBD than THC but I do want to have THC in it I’m a little sensitive to THC so it has to be a low-dose. I kind of microdose it already I was using a 50-50 blend but I found it to be just a little too much I’m looking for just a chill feeling it’s more for like pain management and anxiety. Maybe like a 3-1 cbd-thc ratio.
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Gold Member
I went to South Africa (where it is legal) last year and met a girl who regularly did. I tried it while there, it did nothing for me. So no.


I went to South Africa (where it is legal) last year and met a girl who regularly did. I tried it while there, it did nothing for me. So no.

When you say it did nothing for you do you mean that you didn't feel anything or that you didn't like the effects of it?

Because most people I know, me included actually, didn't feel anything when doing it the first time.


Gold Member
When you say it did nothing for you do you mean that you didn't feel anything or that you didn't like the effects of it?

Because most people I know, me included actually, didn't feel anything when doing it the first time.
Ok. I tried it two or three times with her

Hip Hop

I smoke like 6 grams of vape cartridges a month and no one has an any idea I smoke. So it's possible to be covert about it with a job and all. Just don't smoke at work.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Same here. It's not good for longterm health and I don't care how anyone tries to justify that smoking weed specifically doesn't have any effect on you in the long term. Biggest lie they ever lived.

Imagine typing this when Willy Nelson is like 5 million years old and still healthy, and titans of intellect like Carl Sagan blazed on the regular.

My dude, get some learning.

I'm just joshin ya. But for real weed is harmless. If you want to criticize such things look towards alcohol or opioids. Weed never killed anyone.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Does anybody have a good tincture recommendation looking for something that’s more CBD than THC but I do want to have THC in it I’m a little sensitive to THC so it has to be a low-dose. I kind of microdose it already I was using a 50-50 blend but I found it to be just a little too much I’m looking for just a chill feeling it’s more for like pain management and anxiety. Maybe like a 3-1 cbd-thc ratio.
I'd recommend going into a local shop and talking with them about options. I've done this a handful of times and usually they are helpful. I could be wrong, but I think it's more one or the other.

I can recommend CBDMD for CBD products and it looks like they do now sell Delta 9 gummies.


I enjoy pausing to smoke, and taking pauses from smoking.

Although the substances and maybe the uses are different, these pauses themselves remind me of Nathan's drinking in Ex Machina after watching the movie.

Day 3 after not smoking. No compulsion to smoke. A slight buzz remains. Intense vivid dreams returned very quickly. Time perception is stretching out these late summer days. Organic 11 Roses is very good, strong in use, clean, and easy to come down off.
Imagine typing this when Willy Nelson is like 5 million years old and still healthy, and titans of intellect like Carl Sagan blazed on the regular.

My dude, get some learning.

I'm just joshin ya. But for real weed is harmless.If you want to criticize such things look towards alcohol or opioids. Weed never killed anyone.

When you say get some learning I am assuming your talking about yourself? Good self projection. I don't smoke or drink and I know what alcohol does to people, I have friends in law enforcement so I've seen it and heard it all.

Here is some learning for you. Oh wait, your stoned anyways so it won't matter.

Source - https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/marijuana-use-and-its-effects#1

"It May Impair Your Brain

Marijuana can make it harder for you to focus, learn, and remember things. This seems to be a short-term effect that lasts for 24 hours or longer after you stop smoking.

But using pot heavily, especially in your teen years, may leave more permanent effects. Imaging tests with some -- but not all -- adolescents found that marijuana may physically change their brains. Specifically, they had fewer connections in parts of the brain linked to alertness, learning, and memory, and tests show lower IQ scores in some people.

Your Lungs May Hurt

Marijuana smoke can inflame and irritate your lungs. If you use it regularly, you could have the same breathing problems as someone who smokes cigarettes. That could mean ongoing cough with colored mucus. Your lungs may more easily pick up infections. That’s partly because THC seems to weaken some users’ immune systems.

It May Ease Your Pain and Other Symptoms
Medical marijuana is legal in some form in a majority of states. And more than 10 states and Washington, DC, have legalized recreational pot. But the federal government’s ban on marijuana has made it hard to study its effects on humans. Limited research shows that medicinal pot might help:

Ongoing pain (This is the most common use and a possible benefit of medical marijuana.)
Stiff muscles or muscle spasms from multiple sclerosis.
Sleep problems for those with fibromyalgia, MS, and sleep apnea


Loss of appetite and weight loss in people with AIDS
Nausea or throwing up from chemotherapy
Seizures from epilepsy
Dravet syndrome or Lennox-Gastaut syndrome

You May Feel Hungrier
Many people who use marijuana regularly notice that it boosts their appetite. They call this “the munchies.” Some research suggests that might help people with AIDS, cancer, or other illnesses regain weight. Scientists are studying this and whether it’s safe.

It May Harm Your Heart

Marijuana makes your heart work harder. Normally the heart beats about 50 to 70 times a minute. But that can jump to 70 to 120 beats or more per minute for 3 hours after the effects kick in. The added strain plus tar and other chemicals in pot may raise your chance of heart attack or stroke. The danger is even bigger if you’re older or if you already have heart problems.

It Intensifies Alcohol’s Dangers

More than 1 in 10 drinkers say they have used marijuana in the past year. Combining alcohol and marjuana at the same time roughly doubled the odds of drunk driving or legal, professional, or personal problems compared to drinking alone.

Your Newborn Might Be Underweight

Mothers who smoke pot while pregnant face a higher risk of giving birth to underweight or premature babies. But researchers don’t know enough to say if those infants are more likely to grow up to struggle in school, use drugs, or have other problems in life."


Ultimate DQ Fan
My experiences with weed.

Smoking: God awful. Absolutely hated it. Feels disgusting. It was such an unpleasant feeling that it ruined the high.

Edibles: Better, but somewhat anticlimactic. It's definitely easier. The high is okay, but I don't like the muted feeling.

When I take psychedelic mushrooms, I make a tea. I think the brewing process and drinking is nice. Is there like, weed teas? That don't taste like shit?
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My experiences with weed.

Smoking: God awful. Absolutely hated it. Feels disgusting. It was such an unpleasant feeling that it ruined the high.

Edibles: Better, but somewhat anticlimactic. It's definitely easier. The high is okay, but I don't like the muted feeling.

When I take psychedelic mushrooms, I make a tea. I think the brewing process and drinking is nice. Is there like, weed teas? That don't taste like shit?
there is weed everything. we have weed horchata here.
Can't do it anymore, but it's one of my favorite things in life when it's a good time. Makes everything I enjoy more wholly immersive.

Video games feel like I'm in the world. I WAS Arthur Morgan in Red Dead 2.

With music, I can "walk" around the song and see what each instrument is up to. Aphex Twin sounded like noise until I smoked, listened to it again, and it rewired my brain forever.

Movies: The Lord of the Rings trilogy changed me for the better after I watched them for the first time in a decade, back-to-back-to-back, high lol.

Miss it.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Sometimes. It's legal in my state and wifey has a medical need and smokes every night. But I find my usage has gone down a lot in the last couple years. My drinking too. I haven't given either up entirely I just feel the urge a lot less than I used to.
I tried it twice, but I didn't care for it much. I don't smoke cigarettes so I'm not a fan of the delivery system. I didn't particularly enjoy the effects either. I like to be at 100% mental capacity as much as I can, I don't drink that much either, just socially.
I felt this way for a long time. Especially when you're not used to it, it can feel anxious being in an altered mental state. But it can also makes sex better and cartoons funnier and can help dial down stress at the end of a long day. I've learned its time and place.
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Your Newborn Might Be Underweight

Mothers who smoke pot while pregnant face a higher risk of giving birth to underweight or premature babies. But researchers don’t know enough to say if those infants are more likely to grow up to struggle in school, use drugs, or have other problems in life."
Do not under any circumstances use THC when pregnant. There was a good Huberman Lab podcast recently on THC/CBD.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Going to try some delta 9 gummies tonight. Never bothered with these cbd stores since the real stuff is still illegal where I live. But supposedly these are getting decent so I figured I'd give it a shot.

Dark Star

I haven't consumed delta 9 in a very long time. Lately, I've been hitting my delta 8 vape after work only on Friday nights and Saturdays. That's like two "sessions" a week, a few hits each. I'm completely sober the rest of the time/week (I work a typical 40 hour week office job). Keeps my tolerance really low. I'm gonna get some HHC and other alternatives soon, some gummy edibles. There's a vape shop near me that sells all that stuff for pretty cheap.
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