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Do you smoke weed?

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Anyone know of a decent place to get delta 8 gummies online? My local shop only carries the type that make you sleepy and I would much more prefer the more active type.
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Anyone know of a decent place to get delta 8 gummies online? My local shop only carries the type that make you sleepy and I would much more prefer the more active type.
A co-worker and I have been enjoying Goomies Gummies for a while now:

We tried various others but found Goomies to be the overall best for Delta 8.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
A co-worker and I have been enjoying Goomies Gummies for a while now:

We tried various others but found Goomies to be the overall best for Delta 8.
I'll give it a go. Crazy that each gummy is 25mg. The ones I have now are 10mg/ea!

All flavors were back ordered except Pina Colada. I sure hope it tastes good because I ordered 6. :p
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I'll give it a go. Crazy that each gummy is 25mg. The ones I have now are 10mg/ea!

All flavors were back ordered except Pina Colada. I sure hope it tastes good because I ordered 6. :p
I've had key lime and strawberry so far and both have been delicious. On this last order I recently made I bought the 50mg variety and cut 'em up, heh.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Weed is the best.

Makes sex, music, movies, videogames, food and just about everything feel better and more awesome than what it actually is.

Gonna go have a joint and play some F-Zero X. Peace!

The Fartist

Gold Member
Weed is the best.

Makes sex, music, movies, videogames, food and just about everything feel better and more awesome than what it actually is.

Gonna go have a joint and play some F-Zero X. Peace!
Weed and all other psycho-active substances remove your everyday filters, some more than others, so you're actually experiencing the world closer to what it actually is, for better or worse. This, I think, is why some people freak out and get "paranoid".

Anyway, that's just, like, my opinion, man.


Weed and all other psycho-active substances remove your everyday filters, some more than others, so you're actually experiencing the world closer to what it actually is, for better or worse. This, I think, is why some people freak out and get "paranoid".

Anyway, that's just, like, my opinion, man.
Du-hu-hu-huuuuuuude. I second this opinion. I, myself am watching Love+Death+Robots season 3 and sitting down to some retro goodness on Retroarch. I refuse to go out right now and experience anything, am woke. Lol


I guess most of those effects stem from personal issues getting heightened

I already have a heightened sense of awareness of self and my brain workd like (think post war ptss en environment scanning for potential danger) low tolerance for "modern" entertainment venues etc. Weed enhances those aspects sadly. It is what it is
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At one point in time or another, I've tried basically every drug on Earth. Sowing wild out while young, or whatever.

Sober as a car crash now.

Used to smoke weed, however, every day between the ages of 16 and 26. Only drug I'd consider going back to because of how chill it is to use and likewise to stop using.

Yeah same here to an extent. Eventually you just sorta grow out of drugs. Life is too short. I'm glad I pissed around when I was a teen, but I'm over it now
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I smoked frequently in college back in the late 90's, then stopped. When we moved out here to Oklahoma and I found out medical weed was legal, I got my patient license right away.

Learned two important things since:
1) I've become super sensitive to D9-THC, especially in the concentrations found in today's weed. It's almost impossible for me to find a good balance between being high and overshooting into complete anxiety and paranoia. I've spent a lot of time trying a bunch of different strains, or mixing it with various quantities of CBD and it's still a crap shoot. Sometimes a fun crap shoot. Sometimes a miserable one.

2) THC doesn't play nice with my IBD. When I was using regularly, it was really messing with my system and seemed to cause flare ups. When I slowed down or stopped, the flare ups also slowed down or stopped. That was via dry herb vaping (Arizer Extreme Q is awesome), not even edibles.

So now I only use very rarely. I did start experimenting with D8-THC and found that it's much less likely to send me into anxiety/panic attacks. It gives me the nice, mellow, high I'm looking for. Unfortunately, it still messes with my GI system too much to use regularly. Probably going to renew my license anyway, unless the recreational petition gets enough signatures and gets on the ballot this fall.
The older I get and the worse alcohol wreaks havoc with your head/body, if you have a big night/session, the more I wish my stupid nanny state would legalise weed like the USA has in many parts. Haven't touched it in years as kids are heading into teenage years but I'd be lying if I didn't say I prefer it to alcohol. A better buzz with less damage done the next day.

Misses and I smoked for years and years before kids, just that generation really hit it I suppose. Our friends were the same from teenage years until we all had kids and now will rarely have a joint at a parents-only get together. We'd go edibles if my state in Australia made it legal, far prefer weed over booze; one is legal and socially acceptable but I hope that changes to both soon. Fuck I voted for the Greens who last election stated they'd legalise weed, pity more didn't realise their stance. It's a tragedy booze and cigarettes remain legal and weed is not, total joke.

Two years later this still rings true. Pathetic it has not progressed to legal status or at least decriminalised in Australia.


Gold Member
Anyone know of a decent place to get delta 8 gummies online? My local shop only carries the type that make you sleepy and I would much more prefer the more active type.
Legal thc gummies? Can't you just smoke\vape a sativa like normal people?

(Cries in psychedelic envy)
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Gold Member
I have. I still prefer the gummies tbh. I’m probably more paranoid about lung cancer & emphysema than I need to be. I also like the delay & duration of the edibles.
Vaporizer were created for people who has fucked up lungs, just saying...

I kinda hate edibles, i want the effects of the weed now, not in 2-3 hours.

I just eat them when i'm in amsterdam once a year because i like the taste of cannabutter.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Vaporizer were created for people who has fucked up lungs, just saying...

I kinda hate edibles, i want the effects of the weed now, not in 2-3 hours.

I just eat them when i'm in amsterdam once a year because i like the taste of cannabutter.
I take one about an hour before I want it to hit. It lasts about 2-3 hours and I’ll take the next one in that window if I want to keep the high going. I’ve done the drinks and other types of food. Gummies seems to work the best for me.

My local shop also now sells delta-9, which is supposed to be stronger. I might give that a shot but as of now the delta-8 has been working perfectly.


Edibles have never worked for me. Must be something to do with my metabolism or something, but it's a bummer, because they can be pretty convenient at times. I'd like to enjoy one before going to a movie, rather than vaporizing or smoking, going into watch 30 minutes of previews, an then being sober by the time the movie starts.

I've had my vaporizer for a little over a year now and I love it more than ever. The adjustment to a vape-high took some getting used to. Oddly, it felt more subtle at first, but now that I've sort of acquired a taste for it, or whatever, I find that the high is more potent and lasts longer. It's pretty great.

Still wheezing every other day though. Maybe it's because I haven't fully put down the pipe (easier in the evenings to just pack a bowl), or maybe it's something else. Going to keep trying to convert to 100% vape though.
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Gold Member
I take one about an hour before I want it to hit. It lasts about 2-3 hours and I’ll take the next one in that window if I want to keep the high going. I’ve done the drinks and other types of food. Gummies seems to work the best for me.

My local shop also now sells delta-9, which is supposed to be stronger. I might give that a shot but as of now the delta-8 has been working perfectly.
Meh, it sound like busy work :lollipop_grinning_sweat:


Gold Member
Edibles have never worked for me. Must be something to do with my metabolism or something, but it's a bummer, because they can be pretty convenient at times.

I've had my vaporizer for a little over a year now and I love it more than ever. The adjustment to a vape-high took some getting used to. Oddly, it felt more subtle at first, but now that I've sort of acquired a taste for it, or whatever, I find that the high is more potent and lasts longer. It's pretty great.

Still wheezing every other day though. Maybe it's because I haven't fully put down the pipe (easier in the evenings to just pack a bowl), or maybe it's something else. Going to keep trying to convert to 100% vape though.
You just need an on demand vape dude, something like a tiny might or ecig based or even something cheap like an xmax v3 pro.

Or just buy a vapcap\sticky brick if you really love the lighter ritual.

Edibles never worked on me, not even eating 2 brownies with 1 gr of weed each, but that pre-made stuff from amsterdam coffeshops.

But there was this time when me and my friends made like 40 biscuits with 1 gr of hash each and after 3-4 hours we were fucking annihilated...people sleeping on the floor level of annihilation...
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I have no tips or tricks... just chilling on this thread


I'm sorry but anyone saying edibles don't work for you haven't eaten good/potent edibles, full stop.

A brownie with a gram of weed? That's nothing honestly, try a brownie with 1000mg of THC then get back to me lol.


The older I get and the worse alcohol wreaks havoc with your head/body, if you have a big night/session, the more I wish my stupid nanny state would legalise weed like the USA has in many parts.
Considering how people seem completely incapable of regulating their use, we should demand more nannies.


Gold Member
I'm sorry but anyone saying edibles don't work for you haven't eaten good/potent edibles, full stop.

A brownie with a gram of weed? That's nothing honestly, try a brownie with 1000mg of THC then get back to me lol.
How much weed do you need to waste to make that?

What i tried was low level stuff from amsterdam coffeshops, even the one with 1 gr of weed, me and my friends had to make the buiscuits by ourself with a shitton of hash to get fucking destroyed.


Unconfirmed Member
Germany, bring on the legalization you fuckers.


Junior Member
I'll share some of my personal experiences with Weed. In my youth(20s) i tried a few times and honestly didn't truly understand or enjoy the weird feeling of "loosing control" in a sense of how your body reacts to stimuli. I never did it by myself or in an environment of complete and total trust.. Which I believe was my problem..

Fast forward 20 or so years and it has been a completely different experience. At first the highs were just about raw emotions and absolutely great sex. However while those things are still attainable if I want to, that is no longer the primary effects I seek from consumption. During the first year of the pandemic I was dealing with a lot of personal introspection and analysis given the issues I have had in my marriage of 15 years. For about 6 months I would spend countless hours at night to better understand myself and my behavior/actions. Weed has a very unique effect on me, in that it allowed me to unlock parts of my mind, that were either laying dormant or simply I had suppressed due to trauma. However over that 6 month period I continued to hit a "wall" of sorts in how I analyzed/aggregated my thoughts. Its hard to explain I guess, but the best phrase I have found is "I would get right up to the curtain but would never be able to peak behind it".

That changed last year in march when I over did a couple of hits from a specific strain "ATF- Alaska Thunder Fuck". I say I over did, because I usually limit my consumption to either bowls, joints, cartriges or edibles. When i did this, I used my big glass bong with ice catchers and took 4 HUGE hits. Long story short, when that happened I was able to "look behind the curtain" and since then I have been able to achieve that even without weed. It gave me a better understanding of everything? It unlocked a sort of new analytical aspect of my brain that I can now use on a daily basis. Ever since then, I feel I can analyze and problem solve a lot quicker. As an Engineer it has made my job 10x easier, and I am not kidding about that. I can analyze and solve problems at work so much quicker and that applies to pretty much every other facet of my life.

Obviously not everyone's bodies are wired the same, so my experience might not be comparable to others.

More importantly than anything else, it helped me rediscover myself and bring me back from a 20 year or so period where I was not happy with myself, not happy at the person I saw in the mirror, and honestly a shit person to my wife and people around me. Nothing aggressive or anything like that, just used to be reliant on lies as my defense mechanism(thanks mom). I had a lot of trauma as a kid that contributed to my behavior, which through introspection and the assistance of cannabis I was able to remember and analyze. It helped reinvent myself to the person I am today and helped me get away from the more toxic behavior(lying) I was taught as a child.

The last 2.5(43 now) years have been the happiest of my adult life.

edit: Can I also point out that medical MJ laws are a fucking joke? Like seriously, to me the Medical laws for Weed are there to just give the state another revenue stream. If your state has Medical MJ, it is basically legalized MJ for all intents and purposes.

2nd edit: just to add a bit more context. I consume 3-4 times a week depending on what I am doing. Usually by myself after everyone goes to sleep, but at times during the day, if I want to focus better on a task or some anxiety is kicking in. 9 out of 10 it’s cartridges(no smell convenience). It is also an amazing experience enhancer for theme park visits.(live in Tampa now 😁)
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How much weed do you need to waste to make that?

What i tried was low level stuff from amsterdam coffeshops, even the one with 1 gr of weed, me and my friends had to make the buiscuits by ourself with a shitton of hash to get fucking destroyed.

I dunno, there's a company that sells one (1000mg of THC in one brownie) but it tastes like absolute shit so I wouldn't recommend trying it lol.

I'm just saying tho that anytime I made brownies at home they came out great and fucked us up good, where as the store bought stuff always sucked and never felt like it got me actually high. Granted making them is a good amount of work lol.


Gold Member
I dunno, there's a company that sells one (1000mg of THC in one brownie) but it tastes like absolute shit so I wouldn't recommend trying it lol.

I'm just saying tho that anytime I made brownies at home they came out great and fucked us up good, where as the store bought stuff always sucked and never felt like it got me actually high. Granted making them is a good amount of work lol.
When we made hash biscuits, me and my friends rented an apartment in amsterdam and we had a girl who cooked the whole thing for us, we only provided the ingredients :lollipop_grinning_sweat:


Been taking a break from consuming any THC. I find it always helps whenever my tolerance starts increasing.
Plus, that first high after a long break is always sweeter.

I very much need to do this myself, keep getting a day or two in before I end up taking a hit for some reason and going back to my normal habits.

When we made hash biscuits, me and my friends rented an apartment in amsterdam and we had a girl who cooked the whole thing for us, we only provided the ingredients :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

That's the best way to go about it lol. One time me and my roommates invited a bunch of friends over so we could make brownies, took so long to that by the time they were done and eating them it was getting pretty late. Like a half hour into eating them no one was feeling it so we were wondering if maybe they didn't come out well and so everyone went home, literally 5 minutes later it hits me and my roomies like a fucking brick wall lol, we were busting up thinking about everyone else driving home while it hit them and having to deal with that shit 😂


Gold Member
I very much need to do this myself, keep getting a day or two in before I end up taking a hit for some reason and going back to my normal habits.

That's the best way to go about it lol. One time me and my roommates invited a bunch of friends over so we could make brownies, took so long to that by the time they were done and eating them it was getting pretty late. Like a half hour into eating them no one was feeling it so we were wondering if maybe they didn't come out well and so everyone went home, literally 5 minutes later it hits me and my roomies like a fucking brick wall lol, we were busting up thinking about everyone else driving home while it hit them and having to deal with that shit 😂
When we made the biscuits we smoked a lotbefore the effect kicked in, that's probably why the effect was so strong, we were already super stoned, we were about to give up because no one was feeling anything after 3 hours, but then it kicked in...

We rarely do this stuff, we just enjoy joints and an immediate effect way more.


Unconfirmed Member
I'll share some of my personal experiences with Weed. In my youth(20s) i tried a few times and honestly didn't truly understand or enjoy the weird feeling of "loosing control" in a sense of how your body reacts to stimuli. I never did it by myself or in an environment of complete and total trust.. Which I believe was my problem..

Fast forward 20 or so years and it has been a completely different experience. At first the highs were just about raw emotions and absolutely great sex. However while those things are still attainable if I want to, that is no longer the primary effects I seek from consumption. During the first year of the pandemic I was dealing with a lot of personal introspection and analysis given the issues I have had in my marriage of 15 years. For about 6 months I would spend countless hours at night to better understand myself and my behavior/actions. Weed has a very unique effect on me, in that it allowed me to unlock parts of my mind, that were either laying dormant or simply I had suppressed due to trauma. However over that 6 month period I continued to hit a "wall" of sorts in how I analyzed/aggregated my thoughts. Its hard to explain I guess, but the best phrase I have found is "I would get right up to the curtain but would never be able to peak behind it".

That changed last year in march when I over did a couple of hits from a specific strain "ATF- Alaska Thunder Fuck". I say I over did, because I usually limit my consumption to either bowls, joints, cartriges or edibles. When i did this, I used my big glass bong with ice catchers and took 4 HUGE hits. Long story short, when that happened I was able to "look behind the curtain" and since then I have been able to achieve that even without weed. It gave me a better understanding of everything? It unlocked a sort of new analytical aspect of my brain that I can now use on a daily basis. Ever since then, I feel I can analyze and problem solve a lot quicker. As an Engineer it has made my job 10x easier, and I am not kidding about that. I can analyze and solve problems at work so much quicker and that applies to pretty much every other facet of my life.

Obviously not everyone's bodies are wired the same, so my experience might not be comparable to others.

More importantly than anything else, it helped me rediscover myself and bring me back from a 20 year or so period where I was not happy with myself, not happy at the person I saw in the mirror, and honestly a shit person to my wife and people around me. Nothing aggressive or anything like that, just used to be reliant on lies as my defense mechanism(thanks mom). I had a lot of trauma as a kid that contributed to my behavior, which through introspection and the assistance of cannabis I was able to remember and analyze. It helped reinvent myself to the person I am today and helped me get away from the more toxic behavior(lying) I was taught as a child.

The last 2.5(43 now) years have been the happiest of my adult life.

edit: Can I also point out that medical MJ laws are a fucking joke? Like seriously, to me the Medical laws for Weed are there to just give the state another revenue stream. If your state has Medical MJ, it is basically legalized MJ for all intents and purposes.
This was very inspiring. I consume weed before making music, because it enhances my workflow and creativity. This doesn't work for anyone and any type of work, obviously, but in my case it helps. I don't consume on a daily basis though. I think the effect is better when you make breaks in between. Also, being sober and getting a high from doing sports is a great feeling as well.


Junior Member
This was very inspiring. I consume weed before making music, because it enhances my workflow and creativity. This doesn't work for anyone and any type of work, obviously, but in my case it helps. I don't consume on a daily basis though. I think the effect is better when you make breaks in between. Also, being sober and getting a high from doing sports is a great feeling as well.
Oh absolutely. I mean part of my journey has been getting back into sports. Now I am playing tennis 4 times a week and in the best physical shape of my life. To me it’s the high of competition and self improvement. I missed having that hunger.
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