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Do you smoke weed?


I'm not sure when this happened, but at some point, whenever smokers come across someone who makes points they got no answer to, they always state "this is just like old people think hur hur".

A lot of anti-drug propaganda has a lot of truth to it, and some of it is overblown, there is nuance. But the impact weed has had on organized crime is beyond measure, people just don't want to face it, like anything else. I didn't say anything that is not already known.
Your so incorrect. A majority of those I know who get weed do so from people who are at best 1 notch away from the "local" grower who is doing it for himself not for the profit of some cartel you keep imagining. In fact 80-90% of the time they know the grower personally ....and what do you know its allways some hippy stoner growing in his closet not some kingpin with an armed scicario squads.


Your so incorrect. A majority of those I know who get weed do so from people who are at best 1 notch away from the "local" grower who is doing it for himself not for the profit of some cartel you keep imagining. In fact 80-90% of the time they know the grower personally ....and what do you know its allways some hippy stoner growing in his closet not some kingpin with an armed scicario squads.
So you think that because you have a "grower", it means that gangs are not using weed as their primary source of income?


So you think that because you have a "grower", it means that gangs are not using weed as their primary source of income?
Gangs? Gangs of weed sellers making huge money off weed? Not coke or heroin or meth or any other far more aggressivly addictive substance they can make way way more pure weight?

Do gangs sell weed? Sure
Is it anywhere close to there main souce of income? No

Newsflash but most suburban kids smoke high quality nugs now and arent buying from trucks transporting in bulk anymore. Shits dirt and weed rots quickly when bundled. For modern suburbanites its all about the quality now...about time. You have got alot of old narratives swimming around in there.
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Gangs? Gangs of weed sellers making huge money off weed? Not coke or heroin or meth or any other far more aggressivly addictive substance they can make way way more pure weight?

Do gangs sell weed? Sure
Is it anywhere close to there main souce of income? No

Newsflash but most suburban kids smoke high quality nugs now and arent buying from trucks transporting in bulk anymore. Shits dirt and weed rots quickly when bundled. For modern suburbanites its all about the quality now...about time. You have got alot of old narratives swimming around in there.
Weed, cocaine, meth, whatever, it all falls under the same umbrella of drug financing. It doesn't matter what you buy, you are a clown if you do.

I don't know what world you are living in, but for the last 40 years, all of the criminal networks have recruited kids into their circle by making them push weed. It's changing now with the legality, but historically, it's the drug that made drug pushing into a common trade.


Weed, cocaine, meth, whatever, it all falls under the same umbrella of drug financing. It doesn't matter what you buy, you are a clown if you do.

I don't know what world you are living in, but for the last 40 years, all of the criminal networks have recruited kids into their circle by making them push weed. It's changing now with the legality, but historically, it's the drug that made drug pushing into a common trade.
Wow your so informed. Please share your Reciepts so I can move out from under my shroud of ignorance.....cough....cough personal experience.
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Cough cough, personal bias.
Your full of alot authortarian interests. I still remember your"Nintendo makes and sells consoles specificly for you to buy there software thus your immoral if you emulate games on PC" take.

Your controveral opinions allways fall under the same authoritarian ideals.
"If I where in charge of the world".....indeed.


Your full of alot authortarian interests. I still remember your"Nintendo makes and sells consoles specificly for you to buy there software thus your immoral if you emulate games on PC" take.

Your controveral opinions allways fall under the same authoritarian ideals.
"If I where in charge of the world".....indeed.
It's not authoritarian to expect people to follow the law and act like decent people.


Got my weed card last week, so I am legal now.

Went to doc, had 2oz of legal weed in my hands with in 2hrs of apt with doc. Love it!


Smoke? No. After wrecking my lungs with cigarettes for 17 years, the last thing I wanted to do was put more crap in them. I’ve been smoke free for 11 years now and my lungs have mostly recovered so I don’t want to jeopardize that.

I have a nice diversity of edibles, however. Everything from 2:1 CBD/THC to high dose THC only. Gotta love having an Oklahoma medical license and having dispensaries on damn near every corner. :messenger_grinning_squinting:


Who says there not decent?
Jesus christ your sounding like Goebbels.
Because of the effect illegal financing has had on our communities for several decades. The sort of suffering that has come from kids who wanna get high on the weekends is absurd and people have been looking the other way for a long time.

I think it's similar to sugar, we have been looking the other way because we enjoy it.


The sort of suffering that has come from kids who wanna get high on the weekends is absurd and people have been looking the other way for a long time.
stripes lighten GIF


Because of the effect illegal financing has had on our communities for several decades. The sort of suffering that has come from kids who wanna get high on the weekends is absurd and people have been looking the other way for a long time.

I think it's similar to sugar, we have been looking the other way because we enjoy it.
People do love there addictions (gaming included) and make lots of excuse fro them for sure.. I do think there are way to many slackers/stoners in our society and we have clearly passed critical mass. Just look how the average service at fastfood windows is now compared fo just a few years ago. Shits horrendous everywhere. Im not convinced legalization is a great idea. This generation is already dogshit even when sober.
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Kev Kev

I'm still enjoying Mary pretty much everyday. Don't plan on stoppin any time soon. I keep hearing whispers of it going recreational where I live in the next couple years, which will hopefully mean less annual charges to be a card holder and doctor's appointments and all that shit. Never thought I'd live to see the day. 13 year old me would be losing his mind in denial right now lol. As my weed dispensary guy always says as I'm walking out the door...


I used to be a regular weed smoker for about 5 years. Then something changed. I developed an allergy to the stuff. If I smell it too long my nose runs, throat gets jacked up and I’m sneezing. I see it as a blessing. It wasn’t good for my health and now living under a stoner I realize how rude and inconsiderate I was in an apartment setting. Karmas a bitch 🤷‍♀️


I keep hearing whispers of it going recreational where I live in the next couple years, which will hopefully mean less annual charges to be a card holder and doctor's appointments and all that shit.
We're having a special election tomorrow in Oklahoma on the very issue of recreational legalization. I'll vote yes of course but I'm probably going to keep getting the medical card because having a medical card will nullify the planned excise taxes on recreational sales. By my math, the cost of the card every two years is less than what I'd pay in excise taxes over the same period.

Late edit: Well, I can’t say I’m surprised by this as I suspected it would fail. But I am shocked by just how badly it failed. I expected it would carry Oklahoma, Cleveland, and Tulsa counties as they’re the major population centers where the legalization proponents have spent a LOT of time and money campaigning. But it didn’t get a single one. Those three counties were the closest, while nearly every other county in the state voted no at a rate or 2:1 or 3:1. I‘m still amazed this state passed medical use back in 2018.

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The Fartist

Gold Member
Because of the effect illegal financing has had on our communities for several decades. The sort of suffering that has come from kids who wanna get high on the weekends is absurd and people have been looking the other way for a long time.

I think it's similar to sugar, we have been looking the other way because we enjoy it.
Because we enjoy it? right, that's why "we" look away, never mind the insane amount of profit it generates, but keep believing that it's because "we enjoy it".


Because we enjoy it? right, that's why "we" look away, never mind the insane amount of profit it generates, but keep believing that it's because "we enjoy it".

That is sort of my point, it's a combination of products designed for pleasure and the money it generates that has created this issue, with no societal concerns. We eat what kills us and buy pills to keep us alive.

The Fartist

Gold Member

That is sort of my point, it's a combination of products designed for pleasure and the money it generates that has created this issue, with no societal concerns. We eat what kills us and buy pills to keep us alive.
Sugar isn't designed, it's just sugar and it would be absurd to make it illegal, just like marijuana, people have been using it for millennia if not longer, the only reason it has negative effects on society is that it's illegal. Imprisoning users has an enormous negative impact on society both socially and economically.


Sugar isn't designed, it's just sugar and it would be absurd to make it illegal, just like marijuana, people have been using it for millennia if not longer, the only reason it has negative effects on society is that it's illegal. Imprisoning users has an enormous negative impact on society both socially and economically.
I know sugar isn't designed lol, I'm talking about the products that have gone out of hand.

Just because people have been using something for a long time doesn't mean it's good. And the modern production cycle and massive populations are far beyond anything ever seen and are not comparable to anything from before.

I agree that imprisoning people is extreme, but there are a lot more effects to turning things legal just because it's mass consumed than that. Our society is a disaster, it's a hellscape of addiction, and we should stand against anything that increases that.

The Fartist

Gold Member
I know sugar isn't designed lol, I'm talking about the products that have gone out of hand.

Just because people have been using something for a long time doesn't mean it's good. And the modern production cycle and massive populations are far beyond anything ever seen and are not comparable to anything from before.

I agree that imprisoning people is extreme, but there are a lot more effects to turning things legal just because it's mass consumed than that. Our society is a disaster, it's a hellscape of addiction, and we should stand against anything that increases that.
You don't get it, marijuana isn't good or bad, it just is. What's bad is telling people they can't use it, IT NEVER WORKS!!! It never will, making it illegal has the opposite effect of what the law was set out to do. People from all walks of life use it, good, bad, rich, poor, skinny, fat, etc. You may think it's bad, that's fine, you can believe whatever you want, it doesn't change the fact that it's absurd and harmful to make it illegal. Anyone who destroys their life or causes harm to others due to marijuana use have other major issues in their life that they need to deal with, it wasn't the marijuana itself, there's nothing in it that causes you to do harm, nor good for that matter, it's the individual.
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You don't get it, marijuana isn't good or bad, it just is. What's bad is telling people they can't use it, IT NEVER WORKS!!! It never will, making it illegal has the opposite effect of what the law was set out to do. People from all walks of life use it, good, bad, rich, poor, skinny, fat, etc. You may think it's bad, that's fine, you can believe whatever you want, it doesn't change the fact that it's absurd and harmful to make it illegal. Anyone who destroys their life or causes harm to others due to marijuana use have other major issues in their life that they need to deal with, it wasn't the marijuana itself, there's nothing in it that causes you to do harm, nor good for that matter, it's the individual.
Why do you think it never works to make something illegal? if people have access to what makes it worse, it will get worse.

Alcoholism is more severe because it's in every store.

People that get off drugs, always try to avoid places where there are drugs. Staying away from environments with substances is how you kick it. Removing them from society helps.

There are a lot of people that have had struggles in life that are better off because they never got into drugs or alcohol when they were young.

The Fartist

Gold Member
Why do you think it never works to make something illegal? if people have access to what makes it worse, it will get worse.

Alcoholism is more severe because it's in every store.

People that get off drugs, always try to avoid places where there are drugs. Staying away from environments with substances is how you kick it. Removing them from society helps.

There are a lot of people that have had struggles in life that are better off because they never got into drugs or alcohol when they were young.
I didn't say making anything illegal doesn't work, I was specifically talking about marijuana. Of course, I think something like murder should remain illegal. On alcohol, I think it a terrible drug that hurts society WAY more than marijuana and most drugs really, but I still don't think anyone has the right to make it illegal. I kicked alcohol years ago and I'm constantly around it, same for marijuana, so again it's up to the individual, if they can't handle being around it they have other issues to deal with. You can't remove any substance from society, it's a fantasy, it will never happen, and by trying you're only empowering criminals. Ingesting substances before your frontal lobe is fully developed is probably not the best idea, sure, but if young people are ingesting substances, again, there's already something wrong in their life, usually poor parenting. I believe that in a truly free society, people should be able to use whatever they want as long as it doesn't encroach on other people's safety or freedom, end of story.


I didn't say making anything illegal doesn't work, I was specifically talking about marijuana. Of course, I think something like murder should remain illegal. On alcohol, I think it a terrible drug that hurts society WAY more than marijuana and most drugs really, but I still don't think anyone has the right to make it illegal. I kicked alcohol years ago and I'm constantly around it, same for marijuana, so again it's up to the individual, if they can't handle being around it they have other issues to deal with. You can't remove any substance from society, it's a fantasy, it will never happen, and by trying you're only empowering criminals. Ingesting substances before your frontal lobe is fully developed is probably not the best idea, sure, but if young people are ingesting substances, again, there's already something wrong in their life, usually poor parenting. I believe that in a truly free society, people should be able to use whatever they want as long as it doesn't encroach on other people's safety or freedom, end of story.
But it's already disproven that this is a disaster, look at the food crisis. Millions of people with terrible diseases almost all from food. Half of the populations in western countries are decimated and extremely unhealthy. People are unable to understand the long-term consequences of their actions. Total freedom of choice doesn't work.

The problem is that this happens from youth, you indulge in shit by the time you are 3 years old, and culture dictates that you drink booze by the time you are 15.

It's a cultural shift that we need, the understanding that things are in a crisis mode, and that our current diets are designed to make us indulge and eat ourselves to death. I always say this, but look at cigarettes, probably the most evil of all common consumer products, the cultural shift in recent times has caused far fewer to smoke them because the problems with them are so clearly understood.

The Fartist

Gold Member
But it's already disproven that this is a disaster, look at the food crisis. Millions of people with terrible diseases almost all from food. Half of the populations in western countries are decimated and extremely unhealthy. People are unable to understand the long-term consequences of their actions. Total freedom of choice doesn't work.

The problem is that this happens from youth, you indulge in shit by the time you are 3 years old, and culture dictates that you drink booze by the time you are 15.

It's a cultural shift that we need, the understanding that things are in a crisis mode, and that our current diets are designed to make us indulge and eat ourselves to death. I always say this, but look at cigarettes, probably the most evil of all common consumer products, the cultural shift in recent times has caused far fewer to smoke them because the problems with them are so clearly understood.
You're going a little off-topic here, but I'll indulge in your food analogy, pardon the pun. Food has consistently degraded in quality and has been made less healthy decade after decade with the introduction of preservatives and high fructose corn syrup, I don't think people are eating any more than they were in the 50s but the food is way, way less healthy now. In exchange, food lasts longer and costs less when compared to healthy food, and with what the average worker nowadays makes they have little choice in what food they consume. If my memory serves me correctly we've always had the freedom to eat what we choose, yet people back in the day were slimmer.


I do every couple years when a certain friend is in town (although the past few times he's been around he's brought edibles and I prefer those significantly more), but other than that not really. I definitely don't go out of my way to acquire it.

The Fartist

Gold Member
Psilocybin is great, too. Just don't treat it like a toy, thinking it's gonna be how movies depict its use, all silly and wacky, they'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget.

The Fartist

Gold Member
What does this mean?
See, the problem is that I'm using words to describe a Psilocybin trip, and that's the problem, words are so limited, this is one of the lessons you learn while tripping, but I'll try anyway. Mushrooms teach you things or rather reveal things to you, one that stood out to me to this day is how little we know about everything, it's such a mysterious universe we live in, and I'm sure you know this already, but when you really, truly grasp it, it's incredibly humbling and is but a small taste of the ego dissolving effect. It has to be said that if you go into it with back-logged emotions or trauma you haven't dealt with or memories of doing any harm to others whether psychological, physical, or sexual, you will face these things head-on, there's no escaping it and is often what people refer to as "a bad trip" but it's not a bad thing, it's necessary and once you go through it you'll wish you had done it sooner and you leave with a sense, or almost a duty to tell other people to at least consider experiencing it. This leads me to my next and foremost crucial advice, do not, DO NOT use this substance, or any psychedelic for that matter if you're genetically predisposed to schizophrenia since it could be triggered under the influence.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
See, the problem is that I'm using words to describe a Psilocybin trip, and that's the problem, words are so limited, this is one of the lessons you learn while tripping, but I'll try anyway. Mushrooms teach you things or rather reveal things to you, one that stood out to me to this day is how little we know about everything, it's such a mysterious universe we live in, and I'm sure you know this already, but when you really, truly grasp it, it's incredibly humbling and is but a small taste of the ego dissolving effect. It has to be said that if you go into it with back-logged emotions or trauma you haven't dealt with or memories of doing any harm to others whether psychological, physical, or sexual, you will face these things head-on, there's no escaping it and is often what people refer to as "a bad trip" but it's not a bad thing, it's necessary and once you go through it you'll wish you had done it sooner and you leave with a sense, or almost a duty to tell other people to at least consider experiencing it. This leads me to my next and foremost crucial advice, do not, DO NOT use this substance, or any psychedelic for that matter if you're genetically predisposed to schizophrenia since it could be triggered under the influence.
For someone on Psilocybin for the first time, would using a sitter be required?


Ultimate DQ Fan
For someone on Psilocybin for the first time, would using a sitter be required?
Absolutely 100%. I'm an experienced user, and I still have a trip sitter every time. I never use them when I'm alone. For a first time user, don't go over 2g for a dose just FYI.

Question for you all: I am setting up an appointment with a new Primary Care doctor. I'm doing the pre-appointment questionnaire and it's asking about drug use. Should I disclose my use? I only do weed like 1 or 2 times a year. And my psychedelics use is maybe every 3 months.

The Fartist

Gold Member
Question for you all: I am setting up an appointment with a new Primary Care doctor. I'm doing the pre-appointment questionnaire and it's asking about drug use. Should I disclose my use? I only do weed like 1 or 2 times a year. And my psychedelics use is maybe every 3 months.
I say no, they want to know if you're taking any medication, and weed once or twice a year is almost nothing. As for psychedelics, I don't see why they would need to know.
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Used to be a huge pothead and ironically stopped probably three years before it became fully legal where I live. I can't speak for others but for me it was hugely detrimental in my 20s and I can't even take a hit anymore without feeling paranoid about it. My fiance smokes a couple times per week though, it works for her. Also I came up in the NYC area and smoking weed constantly was basically just a thing. Don't know if it's the same in predominantly white neighborhoods here but yeah, it was kind of a necessity to fit in anyway.


Ive been bad lately.. started sublingual distilate again. Gets you so high but man it wrecks smoking weed... raises your tolerance too much
concentrates are mostly made from trim and leaf, they hit hard but over the long term you get burned out (personally, i can tell immediately)

the only way to be sure is if you make your own from flower.
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See, the problem is that I'm using words to describe a Psilocybin trip, and that's the problem, words are so limited, this is one of the lessons you learn while tripping, but I'll try anyway. Mushrooms teach you things or rather reveal things to you, one that stood out to me to this day is how little we know about everything, it's such a mysterious universe we live in, and I'm sure you know this already, but when you really, truly grasp it, it's incredibly humbling and is but a small taste of the ego dissolving effect. It has to be said that if you go into it with back-logged emotions or trauma you haven't dealt with or memories of doing any harm to others whether psychological, physical, or sexual, you will face these things head-on, there's no escaping it and is often what people refer to as "a bad trip" but it's not a bad thing, it's necessary and once you go through it you'll wish you had done it sooner and you leave with a sense, or almost a duty to tell other people to at least consider experiencing it. This leads me to my next and foremost crucial advice, do not, DO NOT use this substance, or any psychedelic for that matter if you're genetically predisposed to schizophrenia since it could be triggered under the influence.
one time i took shrooms and this was back when GTa was on PS2 (back when i was doing more drugs too) i was trying to play GTA and it dawned on me how utterly pointless and boring all video games are in the big picture of things, i have never felt such boredom and emptiness from gaming in my life. fortunately it went away after the trip ended. i'm not a big fan of shrooms but clean acid thumbs up. i'm probably too old for any of that shit now. i did e over new years and it was basically just a real chemically feeling version of weed, wasn't feeling it. and i forgot about the comedown, that definitely made it not worth it. back when i was doing more e in high school i think had a rose tinted ideal of it because i only could get low grade schwag weed back then. but i realize now that it's just kind of a ghetto ass drug.all i can really do now is smoke good clean organic weed.
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