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Do you smoke weed?


A literal 10 months have gone by since last time I smoked some weed and this weekend I might lose. I need to remember old times for my mental peace.

Thing is every weed contact on my phone is old and doesn't deal anymore so no sellers here wow.

Dark Star

Puffing on very high quality delta 9 and HHC carts/disposables. Uplifting/confident high, and the taste is clean. It’s amazing what you can get at CBD shops nowadays, even in Texas! I miss smoking sticky flower, but I don’t want people to smell me or know I smoke. Vaping is just sooooo much more stealthy/sneaky haha
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Puffing on very high quality delta 9 and HHC carts/disposables. Uplifting/confident high, and the taste is clean. It’s amazing what you can get at CBD shops nowadays, even in Texas! I miss smoking sticky flower, but I don’t want people to smell me or know I smoke. Vaping is just sooooo much more stealthy/sneaky haha
Yeah I just switched to 9. It's so much better quality and it doesn't make me lazy.
Puffing on very high quality delta 9 and HHC carts/disposables. Uplifting/confident high, and the taste is clean. It’s amazing what you can get at CBD shops nowadays, even in Texas! I miss smoking sticky flower, but I don’t want people to smell me or know I smoke. Vaping is just sooooo much more stealthy/sneaky haha
Vaped my way through Mission impossible. Glorious.


I used to do it when it was illegal.

I guess it was the fact that I was 16 years old and I did things that could get me sent to jail.. it was a thrill.

Then 20 years later, it's now legal and people are open about it. It's now popular and people use it as a form of identity. It really killed my mood for it. I may do some edibles but it's not as fun anymore.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I used to do it when it was illegal.

I guess it was the fact that I was 16 years old and I did things that could get me sent to jail.. it was a thrill.

Then 20 years later, it's now legal and people are open about it. It's now popular and people use it as a form of identity. It really killed my mood for it. I may do some edibles but it's not as fun anymore.
I too hate when people make it their identity. But I enjoy it, especially with music so I keep doing it. I enjoy the creativity and expression that it gives me. I was never a heavy user until a few years ago.



Neo Member
Yesterday was the first day I probably hadn't smoked in maybe a month and that's only because I had to take out my hair and get my hair done and now I'm like do I want smoke again?

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Are Delta 9 carts different than THC carts?

The short version is what everyone thinks of as "THC" is Delta 9. Delta 8 has similar effects to Delta 9 and is also made by cannabis plants but in lower amounts.

The reason Delta 8/9 are being used is because Delta 8 is legal in some states where Delta 9 not.

I've never tried it but I've heard it from the internet that it's a bit milder.


I haven’t smoked in 7 months. I enjoyed it for far too long and now I feel better and can’t imagine getting back on that train. I doubt I could even have a joint and not go back as a heavy user again.

I wished was able to do it on occasion but, I know I can’t.


Ultimate DQ Fan
I'm getting some blood work done for medical reasons on Saturday. I have to do a twelve hour fast. However I wanted to pop an edible after work on Friday. Will having thc in the system fuck with blood work?


The short version is what everyone thinks of as "THC" is Delta 9. Delta 8 has similar effects to Delta 9 and is also made by cannabis plants but in lower amounts.

The reason Delta 8/9 are being used is because Delta 8 is legal in some states where Delta 9 not.

I've never tried it but I've heard it from the internet that it's a bit milder.
Yeah d8 is nothing in comparison but it’s so cheap compared to dispensaries and it keeps getting cheaper.
In some ways I think it’s good that it’s weaker and less heady. Don’t always need to be absolutely blitz. There are like a million hemp derived variants now too. Thco, hhc, etc etc. it’s kinda nuts.

The hemp derived d9 edibles are absolutely as good as the real deal though. Absolutely no difference imo.


Gold Member
I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was younger, and thankfully my parents were against the medications they were giving to children in the 90's. I tested as "gifted", but you couldn't tell from my grades. I went through high-school and college always afraid of pot, but one day I was just in the right state of mind at the right time, and I took a hit. It changed everything. I could focus for more than 3 minutes. It enhanced my creativity, and lowered my social anxiety (as long as I didn't over do it).

I'm still torn on legalization as I have seen pot wreck people's motivations, and negatively impact my friends path in life. At the same time, it sucks to have to deal with criminals to procure a little weed when in need.


is on perm warning for being a low level troll
Europe keeps sucking thanks to EU "protecting the consumers". Germany will only legalize some half assed way and even that is taking years, Luxemburg legalized consumption but not sale (same as Malta), and even then the best we will get is some social club that's probably not even near where I live (and also I don't like the whole social club system). Netherlands is even going backwards.

I mean I smoke too much already and I have my sources, but I would love to have all the choice of a well stocked commercial dispensary.
Used to; tried to go for a different high with Sativas.... It went so bad my close ones issued a drug ban... :messenger_loudly_crying::messenger_loudly_crying::messenger_loudly_crying:

Toke on on my behalf fellow tokers...:messenger_loudly_crying::messenger_loudly_crying::messenger_loudly_crying:


ChatGPT 0.1
Legalization has to change, the drug dealer mindset runs people away and at the end of the day you just want your smoke, and it got the point people are growing their own.


Ultimate DQ Fan
I'm not allowed to drink anymore due to a conflict with a medication I'm on but my doctor says I can use weed
So that means I need a new substance for board game night

With regards to edibles, what is an appropriate amount to use while playing board games? Enough to get an okay buzz and loosen up but still be in control


Someone got into my Garage last week and they stole (among other things) my station. Lost 1/2oz of good weed, my bong, torch and Terpcicle vape. They also took most of my wood carving stuff.

That Terpcicle was fucking magic and nothing else in my collection compares to it.

With regards to edibles, what is an appropriate amount to use while playing board games? Enough to get an okay buzz and loosen up but still be in control
Somewhere between 5mg to 100mg. It depends on the board game and your personal tolerance. I can be on the moon and still hold my own in Splendor/5 Tribes but need to be 100% sober for something like Catan.
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I hate the fcking smell and since I'm in Canada, every single mf smokes that shit here. Don't know why il this did drug is legal


Ultimate DQ Fan
Someone got into my Garage last week and they stole (among other things) my station. Lost 1/2oz of good weed, my bong, torch and Terpcicle vape. They also took most of my wood carving stuff.

That Terpcicle was fucking magic and nothing else in my collection compares to it.

Somewhere between 5mg to 100mg. It depends on the board game and your personal tolerance. I can be on the moon and still hold my own in Splendor/5 Tribes but need to be 100% sober for something like Catan.
I'd be DMing for DND, so I'd need to be pretty aware. Just want something to take the edge off a bit and reduce my performance anxiety

I'll try 5 MG and go from there. Start low and go slow, right?
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