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Do you think and/or hope that the new Zelda will be moved to the Revolution?


I sort of am hoping that the next Zelda is moved on to Nintendo's next system as a launch title (along with Mario). Nintendo has had too many problems with the gamecube to try to launch a late system-seller; even thought it will most likely be a very awesome game.

I'm just posting this because many people, myself included, have felt kind of belittled by Capcom when they announced that Resident Evil 4 is getting released for the PS2 (we all knew it was coming, but didnt realize the announcement was coming before the gamecube release). If Nintendo could move this title back, they would definetely start off better then they did with the Gamecube, and way better then they did with the N64. This is probably going to be Nintendo's last charge into the system-selling buisness (maybe not, 6 billion is a lot of cash heh).



no reason to move it to Revolution. this next console Zelda is for GAMECUBE.

Revolution will get it's *own* Zelda(s) in the years after 2006.


ead is putting the final touches in, so expect it on cube. being a zelda game, final touches take long, really long.
I definitely don't think that would be good for them. In my opinion, Nintendo really ended up hurting themselves the way they dropped the N64 at the end. I think console makers should treat hardware transitions like a relay race, where both runners run alongside one another for a time. You don't want the last runner to stop completely, and force the next one to actually run backwards to meet him.

If they start doing the same thing, they're going to further tarnish their image, and that's more ground they have to make up. You have to realize, people aren't stupid. Nintendo can't drop one machine, and then bring out another machine like it was some other company. How they handle the end of the GC is still going to reflect on the Nintendo brand, just like it did with the N64 going into the GC.

And in my mind, supporting your current system through the launch of your next one isn't optional, that's part of being a hardware maker. It just comes with the job. If Nintendo can't handle that, they really need to re-consider whether they want to be a hardware maker. I don't think they can keep cutting and running.

Also, I don't think that type of creative constipation is even good for developers. I think the GC would have gotten better efforts from the likes of Silicon Knights and Rare if they had just wrapped up their N64 games, rather than dragging them on and on. After a certain point they really should have just moved on (either release what you have or scrap it, but just move on ).
beerbelly said:
How do you know En-ou? Maybe there is a reason they haven't been sharing any details since May 2004 :(

Well it's not like they keep setting dates to unveil the game, and then unexpectedly delaying. They made it pretty clear back then not to expect more until E3 2005. And the reason is obvious, because Zelda pretty much makes almost everything else they're trying to sell this year look like crap.


beerbelly said:
Maybe there is a reason they haven't been sharing any details since May 2004 :(
I don't think most people were expecting to see much in the way of details until E3 2005, knowing Nintendo.


hyperbolically metafictive
i think nintendo should move zelda to the revolution and move mario 128 back to the gamecube. cos screw zelda. i want another mario platformer. a good one this time.

Ford Prefect

I personally wish they would have made another Zelda a la Wind Waker, and waited for Revolution launch to break out the dark stuff.

That would have rocked.


Absolutely not. I don't care how good it is for the Revolution. Without any third party support, the Revolution is doomed anyway. One more Zelda wouldn't change that. Nintendo may as well reward me for buying the Gamecube.


Holds a little red book
No way. By the next generation, I may not even play videogames anymore. I was initially hoping it was coming this year back when it was Wind Waker 2, along with Mario 128 and Golden Sun GC. :(


methodman said:
I'm just posting this because many people, myself included, have felt kind of belittled by Capcom
It's not just Capcom. Everybody is laughing at you behind your back. Everybody.


Zelda on the Revolution will have to be on a whole nother level than this Gamecube Zelda.

next Zelda, 2005 on Gamecube

Zelda Revolution ~2008.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
While it would be great to have a new Zelda and Mario game on the revolution Nintendo at the launch, they would be letting down all there fans that are eagerly awaiting these titles.


beerbelly said:
How do you know En-ou? Maybe there is a reason they haven't been sharing any details since May 2004 :(

nintendo.com has an interview with EAD and they said so.

Miyamoto: By E3 next year you can play the demo. As for how far? The game is running. It's now just a matter of putting in the finishing touches


En-ou said:
i feel sorry for the other games coming out 2005 holiday season.

Why? in the end, it usually ends up being mostly the Nintendo fans and those who already own the system who buys it - Nintendo's franchises aren't that strong anymore.


GAF's Bob Woodward
hirokazu said:
Why? in the end, it usually ends up being mostly the Nintendo fans and those who already own the system who buys it - Nintendo's franchises aren't that strong anymore.

Zelda TOoT was a massive hit at the time - one could argue that this is GC's first offering that directly echoes it. I expect it to do much better than WW, at least (not that WW itself did poorly, but I do expect it to exceed WW on all levels, creatively and commercially).
Revolution = backwards compatible

At least thats what Iwata was saying earlier in the year. So I don't care.

Plus I'm more looking foreward to Minish Cap anyway. I don't like the new style.


Plus I'm more looking foreward to Minish Cap anyway. I don't like the new style

Is anyone a little worried about the new Zelda being just a OOT clone? I know we've only seen a little over of a minute's worth footage, but I don't know......I just feel like nothing new will added to the sequel. =\


AssMan said:
Is anyone a little worried about the new Zelda being just a OOT clone? I know we've only seen a little over of a minute's worth footage, but I don't know......I just feel like nothing new will added to the sequel. =\

Visually it does, but I'm not surprised considering the outcry over the Wind Waker. Gameplay wise, I doubt that it will be so similar this time. They already hinted at overhauling the battle system, and they already have a new camera system setup for dungeons, which should shake the puzzle solving aspect of the series a little bit. Beyond, I don't what else is going in.


no non on noo no no no noooooo

Zelda 2005 is the last Gamecube game I will look fordward to after I buy RE4. If Nintendo move it they will kill the gamecube in 2005.

Stop doing these threads please, don't give nintendo ideas.

Reggie stated for IGN 2 months ago that new Zelda IS for Gamecube

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
SantaCruZer said:
no non on noo no no no noooooo

Zelda 2005 is the last Gamecube game I will look fordward to after I buy RE4. If Nintendo move it they will kill the gamecube in 2005.

Stop doing these threads please, don't give nintendo ideas.

Reggie stated for IGN 2 months ago that new Zelda IS for Gamecube

Yep only four more games for me to pick up for the gamecube

- Pikmin 2 (just was released in oz)
- Paper Mario
- Zelda
- RE:4

The New zelda title has also failed to excite me, after so many squeals and excessive milking I think that Zelda now needs a complete over haul.

If Nintendo just stuck to one Zelda title per gen we wouldn’t have this problem, I also hope that the story is not the same one we have all played many times before.

Probably the reason I am itching to play Minish Cap is the story and world seems fresh!


Do The Mario said:
Yep only four more games for me to pick up for the gamecube

- Pikmin 2 (just was released in oz)
- Paper Mario
- Zelda
- RE:4

The New zelda title has also failed to excite me, after so many squeals and excessive milking I think that Zelda now needs a complete over haul.

If Nintendo just stuck to one Zelda title per gen we wouldn’t have this problem, I also hope that the story is not the same one we have all played many times before.

Probably the reason I am itching to play Minish Cap is the story and world seems fresh!

plz we basicly know nothing about the new zelda for GC.


hirokazu said:
Why? in the end, it usually ends up being mostly the Nintendo fans and those who already own the system who buys it - Nintendo's franchises aren't that strong anymore.
hehe, did you see what happened when it was unveiled? it literally shook the industry. *nods nods

Is anyone a little worried about the new Zelda being just a OOT clone? I know we've only seen a little over of a minute's worth footage, but I don't know......I just feel like nothing new will added to the sequel. =\
i think we'll see lots of different things, Link will be big throughout and EAD wants to focus on more grownup expressions for him, dunno what this exactly means. also horse back combat!! and theres also some kind of new dungeon camera angle thing. and also they want heavier puzzle solving. we still dunno the theme of the game yet, where the puzzles and gameplay will surround. oot = ocarina/time, mm = mask/ocarina, ww = wind/baton and new zelda = ?? anyway, this game will be big.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
SantaCruZer said:
plz we basicly know nothing about the new zelda for GC.

I said the words HOPE and NEEDS!

All I was saying after so many sequels Zelda fails to excite me because the gameplay has not evolved over the past three games. The fighting system in WW was inferior in comparison to the N64 titles.

Please read posts concisely before passing judgment on them


No, i doubt they will move it...they almost NEED it to come out on Gamecube because of the backlash from the cel shaded Zelda. Expect a new Zelda on Rev' using this game as a basis.



Not a single post in this thread is 100% positive. This depresses me. What has the industry done to you people that you see an apocalypse in everything?


Do The Mario said:
I said the words HOPE and NEEDS!

All I was saying after so many sequels Zelda fails to excite me because the gameplay has not evolved over the past three games. The fighting system in WW was inferior in comparison to the N64 titles.

Please read posts concisely before passing judgment on them

the fightning system was identical in WW, and even slightly improved on. SO I don't know what you are talking about. Did you even play it?

EDIT: the topic is dumb btw.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Rahul said:
Not a single post in this thread is 100% positive. This depresses me. What has the industry done to you people that you see an apocalypse in everything?

Well if this was a minish cap thread I would be spreading the love, I just think people are skeptical of the next Zelda title. The Traditional Zelda story has been done to death and the game play has gone backwards since OOT.

I am just waiting for some solid details before I get excited about the next Zelda game. I just hope it is as fresh and as exciting as when I first played OOT. How the game will start intrigues me with link beginning as an adult not a child

the fightning system was identical in WW, and even slightly improved on. SO I don't know what you are talking about. Did you even play it?

The reversal system was shocking in WW made the battles seem cheap and scripted. Yes I purchased the game at launch and loved the art style and graphics. I ask you how was combat improved in WW?


Do The Mario said:
Well if this was a minish cap thread I would be spreading the love, I just think people are skeptical of the next Zelda title. The Traditional Zelda story has been done to death and the game play has gone backwards since OOT.

I am just waiting for some solid details before I get excited about the next Zelda game. I just hope it is as fresh and as exciting as when I first played OOT. How the game will start intrigues me with link beginning as an adult not a child

The reversal system was shocking in WW made the battles seem cheap and scripted. Yes I purchased the game at launch and loved the art style and graphics. I ask you how was combat improved in WW?

by different finishing animations, and hitting enemies over the head in the back was cool. IT felt more fluent.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
SantaCruZer said:
by different finishing animations, and hitting enemies over the head in the back was cool. IT was more fluent.

Hitting enemies over the back of the head was indeed cool, what did you think of the reversal system?

Santa do you want the next Zelda game to have fresh gameplay ideas and a totally new story?


Do The Mario said:
Hitting enemies over the back of the head was indeed cool, what did you think of the reversal system?

Santa do you want the next Zelda game to have fresh gameplay ideas and a totally new story?

Well, I want the next zelda to have some new gameplay elements, and fightning on horseback is a start. I also want them to recapture the magic land of hyrule in a perfect way.

The night and day system is also interesting for me, it knida sucked in WW.

The story is important, but gameplay is nr1 for me.

gotta go. BBL.


Do The Mario said:
Santa do you want the next Zelda game to have fresh gameplay ideas and a totally new story?

I think many do, but there are many who don't. How many people are fond of Majora's Mask or the Adventures of Link? Those were too different for some. It's a balancing act that EAD must struggle with each new Zelda. Fans are just as important as new customers, and I think ultimately that's what the new Zelda is all about--giving back to fans who thought Nintendo was ignoring them Wind Waker.

Ranger X

There was 3 reasons i bought a Gamecube for:
1- Miyamoto games like Mario, Zelda, Starfox (so far, Mario and Zelda weren't worth it)
2- Metroid and the remake of Resident Evil (those ones are ok)
3- Gameboy player so i can benefit from the GBA library without having to buy their damned portable (and just in case they would come up with a third GBA to try to screw me again)

I truly hope Zelda stay on the Cube because i need that game to make my purchase (Gamecube) worth it. In pure numbers of games that i bought for it, my Gamecube is more expensive than my PS2.


I didn't dislike Majora's Mask because the ideas were "fresh." It just so happened that those particular fresh ideas sucked. They can make new gameplay in the new Zelda without it sucking, believe it or not.


hehe, did you see what happened when it was unveiled? it literally shook the industry. *nods nods

pfft. They only got excited, because they thought it was going to be another cell shaded game, but ended up fooling everyone.
AssMan said:
pfft. They only got excited, because they thought it was going to be another cell shaded game, but ended up fooling everyone.

I was way more shocked that they actually had it to show. I'd believed that the next zelda; we won't see til maybe mid 2005 or later


I wonder what staff is working on the new Zelda and to what degree. It seems like a lot of core Nintendo staff is heavily involved with DS games.


snapty00 said:
I wonder what staff is working on the new Zelda and to what degree. It seems like a lot of core Nintendo staff is heavily involved with DS games.

It seems to me that both Miyamoto and Aunoma are focusing heavily in the new Zelda and nothing else. I haven't heard anything from Miyamoto since E3. Iawata also said that Miyamoto will focus more on the big games again.

I think that miyamoto feels that he doesn't have the same impact on the game industri this generation as he always done in the past, and want to get back on track with another SUPERB Zelda.

I think he feels pressure that Zelda needs to be triple AAA nintendo standard again. Miyamoto loves the spotlight.

I hope my own sake, and for Nintendo that I will once again sink into the magical land of Hyrule with aweness.

Zelda OoT November 1998 was magical.
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