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Do you think and/or hope that the new Zelda will be moved to the Revolution?


I hope it comes out on GC, I'd like to pick up a GC again and pick up a few games I missed (Baten Kaitos, Maybe Tales of Symphonia, Perhaps RE4).

Buggy Loop

No, Nintendo should finish their lineup for GC with a bang, not leaving it for dead like they did with n64, i bought gamecube and im satisfied so far and with the upcoming lineup i have no intention of selling it, unlike when i sold my n64. It will be better for their image and getting early adopters for revolution if they satisfy their current customers.


They should move it only if the Revolution is going to come out in 2005. If that is the case, then switch it over to the new console so that they will have a killer app during the launch period.

If the system isn't coming out until 2006, I don't think they can afford to leave the platform dead for over a year. They will have to have something next Christmas, and the first nine months of 2006 are going to be very tough as-is.


Zelda games used to come every once in a while, and the result was pure bliss. From 1987 to 1998 five Zelda games (LOZ, AOL, LTTP, LA, OOT) were released. Five games in eleven years. From 2000 to 2004, five games have been released (MM, OOA, OOS, WW, Minish Cap). Plus a Zelda's Collector's Disc and the NES Classics versions of LOZ and AOL.

There have been TOO many Zelda games. Zelda has been milked. While each game is still amazingly good, with WW being debatable on the "good" level, there have simply been too many. Thus I think "teh uber mature" Zelda should be on revolution. GC has had its share.


En-ou said:
hehe, did you see what happened when it was unveiled? it literally shook the industry. *nods nods

huh... its fairly obvious from the videos that the ppl who went nuts were Nintendo fans, so my point still stands.

The new Zelda is what i'm looking forward to most next year, unless some greater stuff is announced, and may even be the last title i buy for GC, Zelda has always been my favourite series, and i sure as hell hope that they don't move it to Revolution (seems unlikely for them to do so anyways).

but i think you fail to see how much weaker Nintendo's franchises have become during this generation, major releases on other systems outsell Nintendo games quite easily nowadays.
On the subject of Zelda milkage.. Yes. Nintendo is milking it a bit much. I'm not sure if its good or bad. GOOD - great franchise BAD - too much Zelda. can someone tell me what ever happened to TETRA TRACKERS? Talk about milk milk. I guess I feel a little that way cause I own both GBA and GC. It makes it a bit much if you ask me.




TheGreenGiant said:
On the subject of Zelda milkage.. Yes. Nintendo is milking it a bit much. I'm not sure if its good or bad. GOOD - great franchise BAD - too much Zelda. can someone tell me what ever happened to TETRA TRACKERS? Talk about milk milk. I guess I feel a little that way cause I own both GBA and GC. It makes it a bit much if you ask me.



only two of those are a "real" new zelda title. Can't wait for Minish Cap.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
SantaCruZer said:
only two of those are a "real" new zelda title. Can't wait for Minish Cap.

Three of the games are real Zelda titles but there is way too much milking for my liking! If one Zelda game came out each gen (maybe a 2nd on handheld) It would be huge!

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
SantaCruZer said:
I agree that it's too much milking on the name. I just want real zelda games and not bunch of spinoffs.

Spot on the time and resources put into these half assed dairy products could be directed into exciting new franchises or into proper squeals.
Another thing to consider is that the GC fanbase has already had their trust 'betrayed' by the whole Capcom/RE4 fiasco. The last thing Nintendo needs is to dupe their current fanbase. And honestly, I don't think Zelda would be that great of a launch title for the casual or non-Nintendo audience.


jett said:
Doubtful, they'd have to start from scratch if they move the game to the Revolution.

It's idiotic to start from scratch. They should give us one last great gamecube game. Just make another for revolution, and work on it for like 4 years.
Leave it on GC - it will enhance the appeal of backwards compatibility in Revolution. People who never had GC hardware might be encouraged to purchase the new system to play Zelda.

So to answer your question: If they are getting the type of results they want graphically and can provide the right gameplay experience on the current hardware, then there is no reason to switch systems since the game will still be playable on Nintendo's next console.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example

Zelda will be the biggest game of 2005 on Gamecube. There are other games coming like RE4 and StarFox Assault but Zelda is the big one. Even if other 2005 games are announced (and I'm sure we'll see quite a few at E3) it will still be all about Zelda. Gamecube needs to go out with a bang and not a whimper. Nintendo should try to release at least 2 big GC games in 2006 before the Revolution launch as well.
Would the realistic Zelda help the Revolution launch?

Undeniably, yes. I don't know if either Sony or Microsoft will be able to get a game of that caliber out for their launches (though I would expect Sony to have a much better launch with PS3 this time out).

Having a game like that would certainly I think make people at least look at Nintendo. The realistic style and scope of the game is enough to make non-Nintendo fans take a look, and that's really important.

I think Perfect Dark and Conker's Bad Fur Day could have really helped out the GameCube had they been there for launch instead of on the N64, where they really didn't do anything for the system anyway. I think it might be a similar situation here.

One thing I do know, if the Revolution doesn't have a big clear-cut "AAA" game at launch, one that preferably can appeal to non-Nintendo fans as well (like say a realistic Zelda or a GoldenEye type thing), I think they're going to get blown out right from the start next time.

I would not expect a third party to step up and blindly give Nintendo a big exclusive this time either. Third parties have seen what's happened with Capcom, with Revolution, I think third parties (rightly so) will look for Nintendo to establish user base first before giving heavy support. This puts more pressure on Nintendo to come up with something big.

Sony and Microsoft are both going to step their games up several notches because they're both aiming for each other, can the traditionally slow-footed Nintendo keep up?


The minute Nintendo were to announce Zelda moving to Revolution, GameCube would be dead. What they could do to make people happy is have two versions of the game: the regular GameCube title and a Revolution version taking advantage of the unique functions of their new console. This would keep GameCube owners happy and offer a strong title early in the Revolution lineup to compete with Sony and Microsoft.


soundwave05 said:
Would the realistic Zelda help the Revolution launch?

Undeniably, yes. I don't know if either Sony or Microsoft will be able to get a game of that caliber out for their launches (though I would expect Sony to have a much better launch with PS3 this time out).

Having a game like that would certainly I think make people at least look at Nintendo. The realistic style and scope of the game is enough to make non-Nintendo fans take a look, and that's really important.

I think Perfect Dark and Conker's Bad Fur Day could have really helped out the GameCube had they been there for launch instead of on the N64, where they really didn't do anything for the system anyway. I think it might be a similar situation here.

One thing I do know, if the Revolution doesn't have a big clear-cut "AAA" game at launch, one that preferably can appeal to non-Nintendo fans as well (like say a realistic Zelda or a GoldenEye type thing), I think they're going to get blown out right from the start next time.

I would not expect a third party to step up and blindly give Nintendo a big exclusive this time either. Third parties have seen what's happened with Capcom, with Revolution, I think third parties (rightly so) will look for Nintendo to establish user base first before giving heavy support. This puts more pressure on Nintendo to come up with something big.

Sony and Microsoft are both going to step their games up several notches because they're both aiming for each other, can the traditionally slow-footed Nintendo keep up?

A Zelda launch title for revolution wouldn't be possible at this moment. If Nintendo decided to move the current Zelda to Revolution they would have to redo alot of things, and
it for sure wouldn't make it for launch. They don't want this title rush, so it's totally pointless.


Running off of Custom Firmware
A Zelda to see the GCN out or a Zelda to see the Revolution in. Irrelevant to me, as I'll own both consoles. Hmmm... Majora's Mask was quite a delicious way to put the N64 to rest, though, admittedly, it was some time before I did store mine away.

Yet, a Zelda Revolution launch would MORE than make up for the lack of a Mario launch with the Cube.

I'm very conflicted.

Still, if it means getting it sooner. Cube all the way.

Conflict resolved.

Deku Tree

If nintendo wants to keep most of their remaining fans, e.g. the ones who are most excited about another realistic Zelda, then they should not move the new Zelda to Revolution.


Deku Tree said:
If nintendo wants to keep most of their remaining fans, e.g. the ones who are most excited about another realistic Zelda, then they should not move the new Zelda to Revolution.

exactly I want one fucking game to look forward to in 2005. And that's a mature zelda.


It should definately not. If it is all we expect it to be, it should definately sell a lot of Gamecubes and perhaps rejuvinate the love and faith for Nintendo in some of the older folks. The next 'real' Mario definately needs to be a Revolution launch title. Either that or the next Smash Brothers.


Oni Link 666 said:
NO! >=( Remember what hppened to all those N64 games that were moved to GC?

Yeah... Eternal Darkness and it freak'in rocked (btw I still want the new Zelda on GC)
A Zelda launch title for revolution wouldn't be possible at this moment. If Nintendo decided to move the current Zelda to Revolution they would have to redo alot of things, and
it for sure wouldn't make it for launch. They don't want this title rush, so it's totally pointless.

I dunno if the map/core engine/dungeon design/story etc. stuff is done mostly on time, they'd have another year or so to bring the graphics up to snuff.

If NCL put their foot down and said "make it happen", their programmers and artists could do it, I'm sure.

I don't think it'll happen though. It'll probably end up on the GameCube, sell 2-3 million copies worldwide before the system is phased out.

I don't think it'll have any impact on the GCN though. The N64 didn't exactly "go out with a bang" even though it had Zelda: Majora's Mask and Conker's Bad Fur Day towards the end.

I think it'd sell better on the Revolution with the launch exposure rather than at the tail end of the GCN lifespan.


SantaCruZer said:
canned for US release.

Tetra Trackers is actually included on Four Swords + (GC) aswell as Shadow Battle.

Smart move for Nintendo, add another game to 4 Swords instead of releasing that piece of shiz on its own.

Tetra's Trackers isn't on the European or US versions of Four Swords Adventures though. That's what he means. And...

*gasp* That piece of 'shiz' is more fun than mindlessly watching the Zelda 05 trailer over and over, and refusing to play good Zelda games that are out now like the 'celda' haters have.

Seriously, if you haven't tried it: try it. It's gonna be one of the DS' best games.


soundwave05 said:
A Zelda launch title for revolution wouldn't be possible at this moment. If Nintendo decided to move the current Zelda to Revolution they would have to redo alot of things, and
it for sure wouldn't make it for launch. They don't want this title rush, so it's totally pointless.

I dunno if the map/core engine/dungeon design/story etc. stuff is done mostly on time, they'd have another year or so to bring the graphics up to snuff.

If NCL put their foot down and said "make it happen", their programmers and artists could do it, I'm sure.

I don't think it'll happen though. It'll probably end up on the GameCube, sell 2-3 million copies worldwide before the system is phased out.

I don't think it'll have any impact on the GCN though. The N64 didn't exactly "go out with a bang" even though it had Zelda: Majora's Mask and Conker's Bad Fur Day towards the end.

I think it'd sell better on the Revolution with the launch exposure rather than at the tail end of the GCN lifespan.

I don't want to wait another extra year ok? Let this thread die now.

Tetra Trackers is actually included on Four Swords + (GC) aswell as Shadow Battle.

Not in the US release...I have the game.


radioheadrule83 said:
Tetra's Trackers isn't on the European or US versions of Four Swords Adventures though. That's what he means. And...

*gasp* That piece of 'shiz' is more fun than mindlessly watching the Zelda 05 trailer over and over, and refusing to play good Zelda games that are out now like the 'celda' haters have.

Seriously, if you haven't tried it: try it. It's gonna be one of the DS' best games.

Four Swords isn't released here yet but the 'shiz' I was talking about is Tetra's Trackers.

I am looking forward to Four Swords, it won't live its potential here in England because of the low Gamecube user-base, but I was saying Tetra's Trackers doesn't deserve the Nintendo Seal Of Approval (on its own) from the looks (and sounds) of it.

Its like if HAL released the Home Run game from Smash Bros. Melee on its own, it'd be crap but its a nice side-game/bonus.



this would make me very sad...very sad indeed as i don't want to buy another console just to be able to play this...when i already have a perfectly capable gamecube..hope they don't do this

Kon Tiki

Zelda, of late, has been used push old hardware while new hardware comes out. The Oracle games were release to extend GBC while GBA was released. Minish Cap was released to extend GBA while NDS was released. LOZ will be on Gamecube.
The only thing about the realistic Zelda is it's probably one of the two franchises that Nintendo has left (Metroid being the other, since Resident Evil is as good as gone) which is still borderline "cool" to older players and has some market relevance.

If Nintendo launches the Revolution with Mario and the usual suspects, it will probably get stuck with the "that's the console for my little brother" stigma that the GC ended up with.

Revolution trailers with sweeping shots of an intricatly detailed Hyrule Kingdom and a CGI-ish Link might at least make them take a second look.
soundwave05 said:
If Nintendo launches the Revolution with Mario and the usual suspects, it will probably get stuck with the "that's the console for my little brother" stigma that the GC ended up with.



Why should i prefer spending 300 dollar on new hardware to play a game, to playing that same game on perfectly good hardware that i already own?
Hey it's not what I want to happen or anything. I'm not even that huge of a Zelda fan, I've always preferred the Mario series.

But that's exactly what is going to end up happening.

The Sims would not have sold 10 million copies if it had furry animals instead of a more realistic art style.
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