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Do you trust people as a whole?

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Justin Bailey

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I'm talking about people you meet for the first time or just don't know that well. I used to be more trusting, but now I'm starting not to. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with this happening recently, but I feel this may be something that sticks.

So am I becoming a cynical, jaded little bitch or am I just growing up?

Or both?

Jim Bowie

I trust people to a fault. I've lent out DVDs to people and have never gotten them back. I guess I feel that not trusting people is really rude. That maybe man is inherently good.

I am a fool, ne?


Nope, I do not.

I don't even want to trust anybody even if I could. During my high school years I had to go through depression and worry if that noise (someone slamming the door, turns TV volume up, my imagination, etc..) was my father blowing his brains out every single day for a good 3 years. The source of all of those problems, several unrelated ones, was trust. If my father did not trust his brothers/sisters/friends/ and thought about his own family then I'd be a completely different person with a completely different life.


I trust women. Because I'm sexy and charming and they would never wrong me. I don't trust men for that same reason. God love them, they need whatever edge they can get.

To be honest, I'll trust anyone if I can afford to.
Hard to say. Sometimes I think I'm too trusting; I usually take people's claims and desires for face value and don't consider any ulterior motives they have. On the other hand, I never feel confident that other people will follow through on what they're supposed to do; given the choice, I almost always prefer just to handle a problem on my own because I don't feel like I can trust other people to keep my needs in mind. I guess you could say that I'm gullible but independent?


I trust everyone until they give me a reason NOT to trust them. Once that trust is lost, however, it is seldom regained.


All my serious relationships have failed because of my utter lack of faith or trust in people..


Phoenix said:
I trust everyone until they give me a reason NOT to trust them. Once that trust is lost, however, it is seldom regained.

What he said, although a little more complicated. I don't trust someone entirely all at once. I guess you could say I test the waters. So gradual increasing trust, in general, but it will drop like a rock and probably isn't worth regaining if they lose it.


Greenpanda said:
Hard to say. Sometimes I think I'm too trusting; I usually take people's claims and desires for face value and don't consider any ulterior motives they have. On the other hand, I never feel confident that other people will follow through on what they're supposed to do; given the choice, I almost always prefer just to handle a problem on my own because I don't feel like I can trust other people to keep my needs in mind. I guess you could say that I'm gullible but independent?

I think I'm like you, in general I do take what people say at face value and don't usually consider that something else might be in mind (day-to-day situations), but I would rather deal with things important to me than delegate the task to someone else...

at the same time, I'm usually not revealing about more personal info...


My problem is that I can be too trusting. That is to say, I used to be too trusting. I still give people the benefit of the doubt and give them a chance but I'm not as ready to trust them right away like I used to be. Everyone has an agenda.


Chili Con Carnage!
In theory i trust no one, just check some of the "check out this funny thing that happened today" threads and im normally the one calling them as pranks gone wrong or just plain lies, in practice though (as in Face to face) im still incredibly trusting, normally takes me 5 minutes after a conversation to realise ive been played.


I'm pretty damn trusting, unless I have a bad feeling about the person. I usually have no problem striking up a conversation with a total stranger, so I don't know...


I lent someone I met online $2000 almost a year ago. And no, I haven't gotten it back yet, but I assume I will.


I trust people as far as I need to and don't put myself in situations that I can get royally screwed in. I'll rely on people, but I'll also make backup plans that I can do myself.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't usually trust people unless I have a real good reason to. Not because I think people are lying or trying to screw me but rather that they are too stupid or unreliable to be trusted.
I was searching for a picture from X-Files of "Trust No One", but I found this instead, and thought it was pretty cool:


So let's just imagine that that particular picture of a beautiful snowy scene represents my philosophy of "trust no one." You see, I am the trees. My trust can only be obtained by way of a blanket of truth. The truth being the snow that blankets the trees and ground, in all it's beauty. For the truth itself is beautiful. As is trust...

Ah screw it, I have no idea where I was going with that.

Let's just say I am very, very, cautious about who I trust. I assume that everyone is out to get me, in one way or another. Trust no one. The truth is out there.


Unconfirmed Member
You have to earn my trust. But when you fuck it up, it's gone. There's only one person who I trust with every aspect of myself. There's a handful I trust with various things, but for the most part, you're guilty until proven innocent in my eyes. I've just had lots of bad experiences.
MonkeyBoy said:
why trust those who are born imperfect?

That, is a very good point.

While I usually try to find the best in people, I don't really trust people I don't know very well.

Remember, only the paranoid survive ;)
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