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DOA1 U, port or emu?

The Xbox version looks exactly like the Saturn version, save for higher res and 24bit Z buffer clipping. Even the floating parallex backdrop is exactly the same.

The Q is, is it closer to a Saturn emu than a port? Maybe Saturn emulator for XBox is not too far fetched?


It would me MANY MANY times more difficult to write a Saturn emulator than port it. I don't think they could make a Saturn emulator if they wanted to. Even if it was Sega making the game.

EDIT: Isn't it a port of the arcade version, anyways?

Sho Nuff

There's no 16:9 mode... is it a port? Anyone look at the file structure on the disc?

I think that it uses ADX/Sofdec while the original used Duck Truemotion, so the FMV/sound chunks aren't being emulated.


The Inside Track
Considering they added the online mode it's safe to say this is a port and not a "simple" emulation.
Blimblim said:
Considering they added the online mode it's safe to say this is a port and not a "simple" emulation.

I was talking about the graphics engine.

Yusaku said:
It would me MANY MANY times more difficult to write a Saturn emulator than port it. I don't think they could make a Saturn emulator if they wanted to. Even if it was Sega making the game.

It makes sense that they wouldn't bother with an emu, but it's funny that they'd bother to port the screwy parallex backdrop espect of the engine, which is always distracting to me when I play it.

EDIT: Isn't it a port of the arcade version, anyways?

I wish. I already have the Saturn version so I'd have loved the Model 2 version instead.


The Faceless Master said:
trust me, you don't want to play the model 2 version... it sucked!

Having the arcade version's graphics engine would've been nice, though.

And were the Saturn version's background that crappy looking? Or is it because of some filtering? Finally, does anyone actually care about DoA1 U?

Sho Nuff

Hey, I own the model 2 version...!

Geometry is higher and it looks much nicer (full 3D backgrounds), but the game isn't quite as polished as the Saturn one.

Itagaki said he ported the Saturn version as opposed to the PSX one because that was the best version of the game, or something. Note that the PSX one went for a more Toballish look with lots of flat-shading.
The Faceless Master said:
trust me, you don't want to play the model 2 version... it sucked!

Well shit, I don't want to play the Saturn version either, but what the hell.....

I know the Model 2 version has the least amount of moves and is the earliest in terms of gameplay, but it looked great compared to both Saturn and PS1 versions.

Miburou said:
And where the Saturn version's background that crappy looking? Or is it because of some filtering?

No, because of Saturn's limited 3D capabilities, Team Ninja emulated Model 2 version's proper 3D backdrop with Saturn VDP2's parallex backdrops. Background don't really exist on the same 3D plane as the floors and characters, "floating around" instead.

Finally, does anyone actually care about DoA1 U?

Apparently not from searching online games. Absolutely zippo DOA1 Online games going on on XBox Live! for the last few days.


I know the Saturn version had 2D backgrounds (just like the VF2 port), but DoA1 U's background look very dithered, and below Saturn quality. I don't remember VF2's background looking that bad.
Miburou said:
I know the Saturn version had 2D backgrounds (just like the VF2 port), but DoA1 U's background look very dithered, and below Saturn quality. I don't remember VF2's background looking that bad.

It was that bad, if not worse. I had the Saturn version on not too long ago. It just looks pronounced on XBox version because the color depth for the game is running at 24bit, while all the game assets are 16bit or lower due to being made for the Saturn..

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Shocking how DOA2 got remade and not DOA1.

Yeah, but there's little reason to remake DOA1. Then again, there was really little reason to remake DOA2 for the umpteenth time, I guess.

I would have liked to have seen a port of the DOA1 arcade game. It never did get a perfect home port.
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