I suspect that Capaldi doesn't know whether he's leaving after next series or not because Moffat will probably have gone by then, and without any successor yet having even appointed he can't possibly know whether he will still be wanted in the role by the new boss or not.
He's made it very clear that he wants to carry on playing the Doctor as long as he's able.
3 years would be short but only because 10 and 11 had 4 year runs that had half seasons and specials carrying them the last year.
I hope we get more then 1 more season of Peter even if it means we only get 2 short seasons.
But if Moffitt really is on the out I wouldn't be surprised if he also leaves and the new runner gets a clean slate to work with just like the last transition.
How much longer do we have to wait before they cant deny something is fishy with the 2016 plans? They keep saying everything is fine but lol.
I loved the fold out picture wallet of all the Doctor's faces.
I didn't really care for the episode all that much. It was way too RTD for my tastes. The ending was lovely, but everything else, save for some funny quips was very familiar but not in a good way.
Dunno how reassuring this might be, but I remember him doing a fair amount of work on Torchwood S1 & 2.
But his work on Broadchurch S1 was pretty damned extraordinary. And Torchwood S1/2 was a LONG time ago now.
We've heard from Michael Pickwoad, and Moffat later confirmed, that filming is starting a few months later next year, with filming for both Class and Sherlock starting earlier on in the year. We can put the rest of the pieces together ourselves.How much longer do we have to wait before they cant deny something is fishy with the 2016 plans? They keep saying everything is fine but lol.
Marvel's British Superheroes get a little help from the Doctor
Malekith and Purple Man in the credits. I c wot u did thar
Just realized 2 Doctors have now been Marvel villains. Here's hoping Capaldi gets next dibs![]()
This stood out to me when Tennant was cast, as I was keenly aware of how much of a waste Eccleston was in Thor 2. They had him covered in make-up and barely delivering any lines. They could have cast a stage hand in that role.
Not a good movie, and a huge waste of potential in Eccleston.
OTOH, Tennant is probably the best villain in the entire MCU.
Meanwhile Smith has to toil away in the shitty Terminator universe
It was way too RTD for my tastes.
Our movie theater showing got snowed out. Anywhere to watch this legally online? In the US.
On the subject of Chibnall, Nefertiti and Rydell need to be in more episodes.
And when Tom Hiddleston becomes the 13th Doctor, that'll make 3 Doctors who were also Marvel villains!
You'll probably think I'm some kind of weird maniac, but what the fuck does that mean?
Are we just going to let this discussion dissolve into a heap of bizarre and inexplicable attacks on Doctor Who writers and production staff?
If there's plans for a 2016 release in full, production should be starting up in January.
You'll probably think I'm some kind of weird maniac, but what the fuck does that mean?
Are we just going to let this discussion dissolve into a heap of bizarre and inexplicable attacks on Doctor Who writers and production staff?
Are you part of the production team? This seems incredibly salty.
I'm guessing you weren't around for...
Neither of us has any idea about what will happen in Doctor Who next year. If some episodes showed up before Christmas and others followed after Christmas, would any of us mind?
What does "salty" mean? If it means "increasingly surprised by bizarre speculation", yes. But from my point of view it's just surprise about weird and often inappropriate comments.
And when Tom Hiddleston becomes the 13th Doctor, that'll make 3 Doctors who were also Marvel villains!
You'll probably think I'm some kind of weird maniac, but what the fuck does that mean?
Are we just going to let this discussion dissolve into a heap of bizarre and inexplicable attacks on Doctor Who writers and production staff?
He can't really be sulking about losing something he, now, never knew he had. Unless I'm forgetting something from the finale.I loved the moment after The Doctor and River teleported off with the head in the bag, just laughing in the snow at the ridiculousness of the situation. Such a far cry from "grumpy Doctor who's sad he's lost a companion"; very refreshing.
He can't really be sulking about losing something he, now, never knew he had. Unless I'm forgetting something from the finale.
Or just tell me because I deleted it off the dvr weeks ago, please.Rewatch the last scene in the diner.
Or just tell me because I deleted it off the dvr weeks ago, please.
Preproduction starts in earnest in March, and filming itself starts in May.I don't particularly care exactly the nature of how the show is aired (split series, delayed, or specials), I just want to know when they plan to start production right now.
Filming for both Class and Sherlock starts in February, IIRC.
Honestly, how the fuck has it been near-as-damnit two years since the last one.Filming. For a proper series of Sherlock. Aaaah.
Honestly, how the fuck has it been near-as-damnit two years since the last one.
Neither of us has any idea about what will happen in Doctor Who next year. If some episodes showed up before Christmas and others followed after Christmas, would any of us mind?
Oh weird, I remember it as he remembered her name, but not why he did. I think BBCA is doing a Who marathon on New Years, so I'll try to watch it again. I think I'll need to watch it with captions, because I seem to have an issue understanding what he says sometimes.The Doctor remembers Clara exists, he just doesn't remember what she looks like. When he was in the Dinner he told Waitress Clara he was sure he would know her if he saw her (which of course he didn't).
Oh weird, I remember it as he remembered her name, but not why he did. I think BBCA is doing a Who marathon on New Years, so I'll try to watch it again. I think I'll need to watch it with captions, because I seem to have an issue understanding what he says sometimes.
It'd be interesting, since the Christmas Special would have to fit into the normal progression of the series!
Nothing wrong with that, it'd be something different. Well, unless you count The Feast of Steven.
The Doctor remembers Clara exists, he just doesn't remember what she looks like. When he was in the Dinner he told Waitress Clara he was sure he would know her if he saw her (which of course he didn't).
Oh weird, I remember it as he remembered her name, but not why he did. I think BBCA is doing a Who marathon on New Years, so I'll try to watch it again. I think I'll need to watch it with captions, because I seem to have an issue understanding what he says sometimes.