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Doctors grow new jaw in man's back

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That is pretty fuckin impressive! It's a little scary though when you think about where this could go. I'm all for it though, you can't stop progression out of fear about what some nut coudl use it for.


Very interesting... I think this is an interesting first step, and in my professional opinion....



they call me "Man Gravy".
He eats steak now, but complains to his doctor that because he has no teeth he has to cut it into such small pieces that by the time he gets to the end of the steak, it's cold.

Christ, you just can't please some people, can you?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
..and just think... thanks to your president something like this can't happen in the US! I'm overexaggerating of course.... the issue in the US is Embryonic Stem Cell Research.
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