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Does anyone else love Reno 911?

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This show is great. The first season had me rollin' but the new season is even better. And dammit, the characters all retained their same personal story lines from the first season too.

Who's with me on this one?


Hollywood Square
It's great. I just bought Season One on DVD for $14 from DeepDiscountDVD last week. Should be here on Monday! Yay!
When Constable Smiley was scanned and stuck in the UPS truck... man, I was gone.

"From every mountain high... God save the Queen!"


Yeah its a pretty funny show. The second season has been a lot better than the first one so far.


It comes on after shows I like, so I've seen a little bit of several episodes.

It has an excellent concept. So much humour to be had. So there have been a few pretty funny moments. But at times I'll go five minutes and then just ask myself why I'm even watching it. They try and make the comedy subtle, but it's subtle to the point where nothing funny actually happens for minutes at a time.
"I hope your not one of those girls that gets all difficult everytime you find a bodypart. Now, if you'll excuse me, im gonna go masturbate."


I knew this show was going to be hilarious as soon as I saw the first promos. Every episode is like watching one good outrageous episode of cops. My favorite scenes are the one with that little girl describing word for word, the argument between the two crackheads and that ep with the guy in the motel with the video camera.

I also love how the characters themselves play some of the criminals, it's always super cheap looking, yet still funny as hell. Out of all of them, none is better than the crackwhore trudy plays.
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