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Does Anyone Here Like Game Meat?

Bear, rabbit, elk, beaver, goose, squirrel, wild boar, etc. I love it all. To me, game meat is better than "regular" meat. But my favorite food in existence by far is venison (deer) heart. It is just so tender and divine tasting. I know eating a heart might sound gross, but you have not lived until you've eaten some. It's easy to make too. All you do is put some oil in a pan, season the strips of heart (just so you know, it's a good idea to cut the arteries and stuff before cooking) with your preference of seasoning (I use Montreal steak seasoning), fry it until your desired rareness, and you've got yourself some amazing food.

What are some game meats y'all enjoy?
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Game is often a different, stronger, taste than conventional domesticated beef/lamb/pork.
Some people don't like the sharper and more pronounced taste of game. I like it though.

Moose is a favorite, as is Caribou when it comes to game.

As for eating heart or not. I don't mind it. It is very tender but I feel it lacks enough fat to taste very good. It is ok to me but not top shelf.
Kidney and minced liver is pretty awesome too.

I grew up on a rural farm. We eat all the meat. We have no illusion that the meat comes from a factory. I am teaching my kids the same right now.
(You thank the game or livestock for their sacrifice before you start cutting the meat, but that IS where the food comes from.)
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Kangaroo and crocodile are fantastic game meats that are both flavorsome and very lean. Roo is kinda like venison but with a stronger flavour while croc is like a cross between fish and squid that is great fried. Both can be tricky to cook though as they go tough if pushed even slightly too far.


Well, I find innards disgusting, so thanks no (ugh, my family loves chicken hearts or lung. Gross).

But I love regular game meat. Deer, rabbit, it's great. Boar, too, although it tasted way too much like regular pork.

Would love to try bear meat, but I've after watching Shokugeki no Soma I'm afraid it stinks ;/

Haven't had the chance to eat kangoroo, crocodile, snake, zebra, etc, but would give it a try if the chance ever arose.


Honestly I have never eaten any of this except maybe deer which was ok. Bear meat sounds interesting but according to my cooking anime Shokugeki no Soma does this also have a very distinctive smell and taste if not prepared correctly. But it is Anime so I do not know if this correct^
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Kangaroo and crocodile are fantastic game meats that are both flavorsome and very lean. Roo is kinda like venison but with a stronger flavour while croc is like a cross between fish and squid that is great fried. Both can be tricky to cook though as they go tough if pushed even slightly too far.

Jesus Christ. Kanga Bangas at Coles. No one likes them. They are foul. The only time ever people buy/eat that shit is when they have folks from abroad visiting and the novelty of putting kanga meat on the bbq.
It is basically the meat that not even the dog food factory in Adelaide wants to touch.

Edit: kangaroo meat is super low fat. That is a problem since most of the good taste in meat is in the fat, not the meat itself. Croc meat is ok though.
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I eat a lot of amazing deer venison from hunting. I’m all out right now which makes me a sad panda — gotta hit the woods hard this fall! I also eat rabbit and squirrel which I enjoy, but generally don’t care for the prep effort -to- meat ratio involved with small game.


Jesus Christ. Kanga Bangas at Coles. No one likes them. They are foul. The only time ever people buy/eat that shit is when they have folks from abroad visiting and the novelty of putting kanga meat on the bbq.
It is basically the meat that not even the dog food factory in Adelaide wants to touch.

Edit: kangaroo meat is super low fat. That is a problem since most of the good taste in meat is in the fat, not the meat itself. Croc meat is ok though.

Haha what the fuck mate? You’re eating the wrong stuff. There’s a good reason many high end restaurants serve roo instead of venison and it’s not just because it’s cheaper. If the only roo you’ve had is in Coles snags, you’re doing it wrong.

lil puff

Rabbits, frogs or snake, but that stuff is easy. Real game is almost impossible to get around here besides maybe venison burgers at the supermarket. If I could get it fresh, I'd eat all of it.

When people describe the favor as not like beef or chicken it makes me very curious.
Rabbits, frogs or snake, but that stuff is easy. Real game is almost impossible to get around here besides maybe venison burgers at the supermarket. If I could get it fresh, I'd eat all of it.

When people describe the favor as not like beef or chicken it makes me very curious.
If you live in a rural area, you could go hunting during the various seasons.

lil puff

If you live in a rural area, you could go hunting during the various seasons.
I couldn't shoot the broad side of a barn LOL. I'm pretty much a city boy, but a weekend out hunting does sound nice. I'd have to find someone to gut my catch, however. My friends and I wouldn't know where to even start.
I can shoot just fine. It’s just easier to get meat at the grocery store.

I’ve had deer, rabbit, squirrel, catfish...

I rather smoke pork ribs.


Fresh Capreolus meat was phenomenal (a friend of mine has a hunting license).

Frozen, I was told, doesn't taste even remotely as good, though, which turns the whole idea into "not worth it".

lil puff

Fresh Capreolus meat was phenomenal (a friend of mine has a hunting license).

Frozen, I was told, doesn't taste even remotely as good, though, which turns the whole idea into "not worth it".
That's true. Even if specialty stores started stocking game, it would likely be frozen or ridiculously expensive.

Heck even a frozen bag of oxtail is still pretty unaffordable - for reasons I still don't understand. Isn't it just one cow tail chopped up in a bag?


I like venison and similar. Steaks, jerky etc. I also ate chicken hearts once, i guess that is not game meat. That wasnt my favorite.
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I like squab, pheasant and venison. I rarely eat meat now and I generally like trying something different when I do.


I've tasted deer's meat once. It was pretty smelly so it was kinda weird. And that meat was fresh I just didn't like the smell of this meat.

lil puff

Gator is not what I consider game, but it is nice. Kinda like swordfish and frog meat.

I have watched a lot of Zimmern, and it seems that the way you shoot it and the way you clean it affects the flavor. Gotta get the organs out fast, and be careful of the glands.


I feel like I'm moving anyway from meat for several reasons. I'm not on some crusade I think it just makes sense on many levels. One thing that bothers me is how they are now trying to replace sandwiches and with meat only offerings instead of bread. It bothers me that we are producing so much meat that it's cheaper for merchants to use meat instead of bread for products.

Codes 208

Gator is pretty good. A good cajun style fry of gator nuggets is one of the best meqts ive ever tasted.

Venison and deer jerky are also pretty good.
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I do quite enjoy Kangaroo meat. Its also very healthy meat as a bonus


They're coming for you.


I grew up on game meat. It varied by the area but my Dad hunted a lot in North Georgia and Virginia if I remember correctly. I miss eating it.
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