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Does anyone here watch Conan o Brien?

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I'm not sure if its just me but I find him so so funny. I love his show. He does some of the funniest things on there, not to forget his Donald Trump and John Kerry impressions. I never hear anyone talking about him though.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I used to watch Conan religiously. Now I pretty much just catch his reruns on Comedy Central a few times a week. He is genuinely funny, unlike that fat fuck Leno, but his schtick gets old.


I used to watch Conan every day, but for the last four years I can't get NBC here anymore...is it possible to watch his show on the net?


Queen of Denmark
Crispy said:
I used to watch Conan every day, but for the last four years I can't get NBC here anymore...is it possible to watch his show on the net?
I don't know, but you can try watching the reruns everyday on Comedy Central at 6PM (they're usually the previous night's episode) if you get that channel.

In answer to the thread starter, yes, I watch and love Conan. His show is my favorite late show by far.


What is the 60 sketch? Is it the one where he goes back in time for some baseball skit, and uses language from that actual time period? My friend was telling me about a skit like this, and how hilarious it was... how the hell did I miss it?
I love the skit where he got a women from the audience and pretended that his desk was a car, that was funny shit. I also like "if they mated" he put together Alien and Predator and predictably, counrtney love was the offspring:p


Conan is HILARIOUS. I love his Trump impression, haven't seen him do Kerry yet.

He runs the best late night talk show. They should replace Leno with Conan.
Conan is great. Just bought this DVD:


The 10th anniversary show is good, but there's also some really funny extras (Dudez a Plenti is classic, and the 'Conan visits LA actresses' is really good, too).

Classic line from Bill Clinton talking about Monica Lewinski (with the fake mouth on the video screen): "I never told her to lie in the deposition," he asserted, "I told her to 'lie there in dat position!'"


Queen of Denmark
rareside said:
What is the 60 sketch? Is it the one where he goes back in time for some baseball skit, and uses language from that actual time period? My friend was telling me about a skit like this, and how hilarious it was... how the hell did I miss it?
No, but that one was very funny too. I'm sorry you missed it.

"60" is a parody of "24", with each "episode" representing one second.
heavy liquid said:
Conan is great. Just bought this DVD:


The 10th anniversary show is good, but there's also some really funny extras (Dudez a Plenti is classic, and the 'Conan visits LA actresses' is really good, too).

Classic line from Bill Clinton talking about Monica Lewinski (with the fake mouth on the video screen): "I never told her to lie in the deposition," he asserted, "I told her to 'lie there in dat position!'"
I still can't find that DVD. I watched the infomercial for it and I saw that line. thats comedy at its highest. Also, Triumph the insult comic dog rocks, damn, I felt sorry for all those star wars fans:p


Queen of Denmark
chocoholic said:
I still can't find that DVD. I watched the infomercial for it and I saw that line. thats comedy at its highest. Also, Triumph the insult comic dog rocks, damn, I felt sorry for all those star wars fans:p

"What substance did Jabba The Hut have Han Solo frozen in?"
"Wrong! The correct answer is, 'Who gives a shit?'"
chocoholic said:
I still can't find that DVD. I watched the infomercial for it and I saw that line. thats comedy at its highest. Also, Triumph the insult comic dog rocks, damn, I felt sorry for all those star wars fans:p

Triumph is on the DVD, and they show highlights from many of his skits, including the Star Wars skit (Speaking to Darth Vader: "and which one of these buttons calls your parents to pick you up?"). There's also a Triumph DVD, btw.


As for where to get it, I got mine from Circuit City when it came out. They had it on sale for $12! You can also order it from Amazon.


I used to watch Conan a lot, but getting into the Daily Show habit kinda made Conan's monologues feel really flat. Too bad since Conan's sketches have always been top notch.


Queen of Denmark
Azih said:
I used to watch Conan a lot, but getting into the Daily Show habit kinda made Conan's monologues feel really flat. Too bad since Conan's sketches have always been top notch.
I've actually always felt that many of Conan's monologues were the show's weak point. I mostly watch for the sketches, which are usually top notch. The interviews can be pretty good, too, particularly if he's interviewing someone who isn't afraid to have a bit of fun with him.


A big Conan fan here. I'm having my big Conan withdrawl with the olympics and such. His sketches are so friggin' hilarious. I also like how he makes a complete ass of himself (purring like a kitten, adjusting his eyebrows with his saliva, etc etc) whenever he gets a hot actress/model as a guest. :lol
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