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Does The Village STILL have a shitty ending or what?

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Hollywood Square
bionic77 said:
Damn there is so much hate for M. Night in here.

I don't hate M. Night. I loved Unbreakable. I think Signs is good. And the Sixth Sense was enjoyable. But this movie sounds like pure shit. And it's the kind of shit that really reeks since he's manipulating his audience into seeing a movie that it is not.


Willco said:
I don't hate M. Night. I loved Unbreakable. I think Signs is good. And the Sixth Sense was enjoyable. But this movie sounds like pure shit. And it's the kind of shit that really reeks since he's manipulating his audience into seeing a movie that it is not.

Hey I don't care if people hate the movie or the director, I was just commenting on all the hate I percieved towards Night. I guess he just rubs some people the wrong way. Reminds me of my hatred of Tom Brady.......


Willco said:
I don't hate M. Night. I loved Unbreakable. I think Signs is good. And the Sixth Sense was enjoyable. But this movie sounds like pure shit. And it's the kind of shit that really reeks since he's manipulating his audience into seeing a movie that it is not.

Same thing happened with unbreakable. And signs, to a degree.

And again, I must reiterate.. from what little I do know about the movie, it has all the components in place to be his best movie yet.


Hollywood Square
Iceman said:
Same thing happened with unbreakable. And signs, to a degree.

And again, I must reiterate.. from what little I do know about the movie, it has all the components in place to be his best movie yet.

Then apparently you don't know the ending!


Iceman said:
Same thing happened with unbreakable. And signs, to a degree.

And again, I must reiterate.. from what little I do know about the movie, it has all the components in place to be his best movie yet.

Why do people read spoilers of movies anyways? I always try to know as little as possible when I go in to see a movie, reading the damn ending and script can only ruin a movie.


Hollywood Square

... And they found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail... fall while trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you. Why bother?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
catch me if you can = tripe.. except for the parts with Christopher Walken.. man, he's good.

you'd put this movie up there with close encounters? ET? jurassic park? schindler's list? saving private ryan? indiana jones? amistad?
Err, yes!! To hell, I really don't feel like defending one of the best reviewed movies in the past decade...


mjq jazz bar said:
Because the movie looked so ridiculously stupid in the first place, we couldn't resist.

I wasn't talking about the village, I meant generally. Seems like quite a few people want to read the entire script before they decide to see a movie. To me that would ruin a movie, hell I can't even enjoy a movie after I have read the book it would be even worse if I read the script.


Unconfirmed Member
Iceman said:
Same thing happened with unbreakable. And signs, to a degree.

And again, I must reiterate.. from what little I do know about the movie, it has all the components in place to be his best movie yet.
Yeah, umm, I don't normally support the reading of spoilers, especially of movies you're eagerly anticipating, but in this case you may very well want to do so. Seriously. It is that bad.


bionic77 said:
Why do people read spoilers of movies anyways? I always try to know as little as possible when I go in to see a movie, reading the damn ending and script can only ruin a movie.

I only read the spoilers because it's been rumored for awhile now just how ridiculously stupid the movie is.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
... And they found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail... fall while trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you. Why bother?
Hmmm, where is that from?


why would I do that?

seriously, intervention time?

why would I subject myself to such torture?


A) People have claimed to me that they have seen all the twists coming in every movie ever made 5 minutes into them... I didn't see the twist coming in Sixth Sense and I didn't see the twist coming in Unbreakable.

B) I've been the victim of inaccuate spoilers before

C) People allow other factors to dictate how they will react to a movie (specific actors/directors they hate/love, bad mood, saw a great or sucky movie right before, read all the spoilers before hand and crafted a weird image of the movie in their heads, etc.)

D) I haven't been disappointed by anything M. Night's done yet. In fact, I'd list his three last films among the very best of the last decade's.

E) I want to like this movie, I love how he's now trying something altogether different .. and something unexpected as a late summer movie .. I also anticipate some kind of underlying thread, a message that I am going to enjoy unwrapping like I did in Signs.


Hollywood Square

Go waste your money! Be retarded!

Me and the rest of society will go spend our money on something more deserving -- like Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle.


mjq jazz bar said:
How about NO twist?
Because he has more or less built his career around being "The guy whose movies have an exciting twist at the end". Not doing anything like that would be too much of a gamble.....though it's hard to say what would be more damaging and upset more filmgoers -- making a straightforward narrative or having a shitty twist.

Iceman says it between the lines, but if Shyamalan hadn't painted himself into a corner and constructed this formula for himself, people might actually be judging the film on other merits besides whether or not the twist is unsatisfying. But at this point, his greatness is judged by his ability to turn the screw and blow your mind....and if that doesn't happen there may be hell to pay.


Willco said:
I don't hate M. Night. I loved Unbreakable. I think Signs is good. And the Sixth Sense was enjoyable. But this movie sounds like pure shit. And it's the kind of shit that really reeks since he's manipulating his audience into seeing a movie that it is not.

I read the first review of the script about a year ago, and I knew then that if true, the film WILL suck. No way am I seeing it now.

BTW, anyone want to bet that Iceman will insist that the movie is good anyway?


Hollywood Square
siege said:
I'm gonna see The Manchurian Candidate instead. It's getting phenominal reviews.

Yeah, that looks like it might be a decent remake. There's plenty of good flicks out right now with the likes of Bourne Supremacy, Spider-Man 2, Manchurian Candidate, Garden State opens this week, some say I, Robot is pretty good for an unfaithful adaptation and we even got two good comedies in the form of Anchorman and Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle.

Why waste your money on THE VILLAGE?


I'm not even asking people to go watch the movie...


I'm just saying there's so much unmitigated and irrational hate for the guy and his movies.

Maybe I should be like you guys... if the next Die Hard movie doesn't have a completely orignal twist at the end then I will boycott the entire movie! That'll show that pretentious twat, McTiernan.*

*The Die Hard series is my favorite franchise in movies.


I also don't see why this ending is so bad, aside from the fact that knowing the twist to a twist movie will often be bad to begin with.

I saw Fight Club knowing the twist and I thought it was quite lame. It's like going to a surprise party knowing there'll be a party.

It's the getting there that matters.


i have read nothing about the ending and i will not read anything. im going to go on a matinee show and im pretty sure ill enjoy it cause more than the twist and basically more than just the twist itself im going to judge this movie as a whole.
Marconelly said:

Do you even know what the hell you are talking about? Catch me if you Can is absolutely, positively awesome movie. One of the best Spielberg ever made.

I don't know if I'd call it awesome, but I thought it was a highly enjoyable movie. And I think it's another brilliant score by John Williams.

catch me if you can = tripe.. except for the parts with Christopher Walken.. man, he's good.

you'd put this movie up there with close encounters? ET? jurassic park? schindler's list? saving private ryan? indiana jones? amistad?

I don't see where one would have to put it up there with those for it to be an enjoyable film. And personally, I'd take off Close Encounters from that list and put up Jaws. Close Encounters is sleep enducing. As for tripe, that would be more along the lines of 1941 or Hook.


I personally don't think its that bad of an idea. I'll see the movie sooner or later and what it's going to come down to is how believable it all is leading up to it. I've enjoyed all of his movies in one degree or another.

EDIT: And never say anything bad about Hook, I love it too much! :(
Iceman said:
catch me if you can = tripe.. except for the parts with Christopher Walken.. man, he's good.

you'd put this movie up there with close encounters? ET? jurassic park? schindler's list? saving private ryan? indiana jones? amistad?


Catch Me If You Can is just an all around great movie. One of the best I have seen in the past 4 or 5 years.

You are dead to me.



I actually liked ALL of M. Night's movies and this is the first time I felt it might be worth it to spoil the film and I for one am happy I'll be saving 10 fucking dollars. I don't hate M. Night at all. But this is just plain stupid.

Manchurian Candidate? Here I come!


Junior Member
CavemanLawyer said:
Catch Me If You Can is just an all around great movie. One of the best I have seen in the past 4 or 5 years.

You are dead to me.


Uh, Catch me if you can is a good movie and all but it doesn't sniff near the movies he mentioned. Saving Private Ryan? ET? Jurassic Park? No. Not even close.

For The Village, I'll go see it over White Chicks. And Spiderman. I'll go see it cuz these boards get a lil wacko. Everybody and their mom has a problem with this movie's ending but also had a problem with Sign's ending. Like the aliens were a central part of the story. Pfft.

All signs point to this story being about a courageous guy in a village of sheep, who dare not enter the woods. If the ending is true but the story revolves around courage, enlightenment and breaking the norm, am I still allowed to enjoy it? Was the ending to Signs not dumb on a superficial level? How about Unbreakable? Cuz I'm still trying to break the code out of the cereal box when trying to decipher all he was trying to accomplish with the ending. But I still liked it.

Actually, I understood what Signs was about the second it ended. Try something other than the stupidity card, because it's unfair and immature.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
If thats really the ending, Im not going.


bionic77 said:
Damn there is so much hate for M. Night in here.
And too much love from Iceman.

I'm a fan of Shyamalan's. Greatly enjoyed all three of his movies. Yet I'm nearly convinced that I won't enjoy The Village. I'll give it a chance, though.


Iceman said:
Lets follow this up shall we?

You are all judging a movie based on the "reported" ENDING of a movie that hasn't come out yet and has been covered in secrecy forever.

Lets say you hold any other filmmaker to these standards? No, of course not.. then you couldn't be hypocritical.

What about all the inanely predicatble films that you all hold so dear? Why do you watch them? Because you enjoy the adventure, the anticipation, all the little unknowns along the way and the way in which the characters deal with all the scenarios presented to them, right?

The concept of an original story has long been dead. What is left for cinema is character driven work and cinematic arts (set design, costumes, CG, camera work, editing, etc.)

I can't help thinking that its the negativity surrounding this movie is fueled more by a dislike of him rather than a concern for the movie. How can he screw it up? It's his creation and he's shown his ability to competently and cohesively finish all his movies. This isn't somebody else's work where interpretation will play a role in a viewers satisfaction...

People will watch almost any movie just because it was made by steven spielberg.. or even produced.. even useless movies like catch me if you can or the terminal. TV shows touched by the hand of spielberg will get a huge initial draw. He can do this because he's made quite a name for himself with big popular blockbusters crafted with enduring quality. But that's the way the business is... certain people will flock to a Sam Raimi, a Wes Craven film, a Wes Anderson film, etc. What makes these guys less pretentious that M. Night? Because he appears to take his work more seriously? Maybe that's why he was the most sought after script writer in the business?

The whole persona that he crafted for himself-recluse, mysterious, secretive-I thought was purposely designed to draw more people to his films.. but you guys seem to take it personally.

I remember how people were upset about Unbreakable.. definitely not what people expected and that was fueled by the secrecy regarding that story as well.. but people still flocked to see Signs despite similar secrecy and gave him his biggest hit yet. This persona that he created, the one that seems to drive some of you so crazy, works for him financially... and given that he's so good at what he does, making movies, it really makes you all sound more bitter than anything else.

The Village will rock. If you guys didn't enjoy/appreciate Signs for what it was then I can't guarantee that you guys will like it at all... but if Signs is any indication then 300 million+ dollars in the bank will be plenty of evidence to support me.

btw, anyone have a still from the 60 second trailer showing the monster in the red cape? His ugly teeth showing and the spikes out his back?

Wow... great post


i went to the movies official website and there are some rave reviews. not that i would expect to the see the negative ones there but still some of them called it a masterpiece and the first oscar worthy material of 2004.


I wonder what people would have thought of the usual suspects if they had read the ending beforehand? It probably sounds pretty stupid if you just read it, I think at least half of the success is due to how well you can pull it off and not just the story. I mean, the ending to sixth sense would sound retarded if you just read it, because it doesn't work by just reading it, you have to see the whole movie to get what he was doing. Keep in mind I have not read the spoiler and will not read it, if it sucks then I am out 8 bucks, but if it is good it won't be ruined because I had read the ending beforehand.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
bionic77 said:
I wonder what people would have thought of the usual suspects if they had read the ending beforehand? It probably sounds pretty stupid if you just read it, I think at least half of the success is due to how well you can pull it off and not just the story. I mean, the ending to sixth sense would sound retarded if you just read it, because it doesn't work by just reading it, you have to see the whole movie to get what he was doing. Keep in mind I have not read the spoiler and will not read it, if it sucks then I am out 8 bucks, but if it is good it won't be ruined because I had read the ending beforehand.

You know, that makes a lot of sense.

Mr Gump

I just came in to say fuck all you M.Night haters. I havent read any spoilers, and im not going to. Movie looks to be rocking.
As a side note, and sort of off-topic, I was intrigued by the divided opinions on Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can (which I've been wanting to see for a while now), I checked RottenTomatoes.com:


Yes. Ninety-seven freaking percent. I've hardly seen any movies rated so highly on there, I don't think. Out of a total of 184 reviews counted. I have to see this movie now.


Queen of Denmark
Error Macro said:
As a side note, and sort of off-topic, I was intrigued by the divided opinions on Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can (which I've been wanting to see for a while now), I checked RottenTomatoes.com:


Yes. Ninety-seven freaking percent. I've hardly seen any movies rated so highly on there, I don't think. Out of a total of 184 reviews counted. I have to see this movie now.
Jeez. I thought it was entertaining, but I don't know about a 97%.


It's not so much that it got a 97% score at RT because it's better than 97% of all movies, but because 97% of critics agreed that it was pretty good.

That said, it really is a good movie. Hard to believe the same director came out with A.I, Minority Report, and Catch Me If You Can within about 18 months.
Yeah, I understand that it doesn't mean that it's in the top three percent of movies or whatever, but it just surprised me that it got rated so highly on that site. There are many, many, movies that I love that have gotten absolutely abysmal scores on RT. And yeah, 18 months for three, rather large scale movies is quite an accomplishment.


Uh...I'm all confused. They say the ending up there but the SA Forum guys say it isn't
loggers or demolitionists
at the ending.
Although they don't explain the red paint either in the SA threads.


Of course it isn't loggers or demolitionists....they wouldn't paint those markings in secret, they would just show up in broad daylight. The only real mystery left in the film is why the village elders are choosing to escalate the situation that they have contrived....


Hollywood Square
Here is the official ending:

The creatures are village elders dressed up in monster costumes to scare the kids away from the forest. The village is set in the current day, not some early 1800s bullshit, and after the blind girl is chased in the forest by Adrien Brody wearing a monster costume, she gets out of the forest and is saved by some park patrol person. The end.
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