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Does The Village STILL have a shitty ending or what?

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I'm still seeing this regardless. I've enjoyed all 3 of M. Night's projects so far, and he has vaulted up on the list of my favourite directors. If The Village has a consistent mood and creepy feel then I doubt the ending alone would make me say "this sucks!"

Anyways, every director is allowed a sub-par film or two.


I've seen The Village. It DOES have the ending contained in that Something Awful link.

The thing is, I guessed it before the movie even started. I turned to the person next to me and said, "I bet it turns out that.......[ending removed for spoiler purposes]" and what do you know; I was right. If you just pay attention to the trailer and stay awake for the first thirty minutes of the movie, it's not that hard to figure out. Watch for a cameo by M. Night towards the end, too.
I saw it earlier tonight. What Wilco posted is pretty much what happens...though there is a back-story explaining things more. It was a cheap way of explaining things but I was still entertained for most of it.

If you didn’t like Signs, then you probably won’t like this. The themes of both movies are very similar.


Just saw the movie. Sure the secret was kinda lame, but over all it was still a good movie. Worth 8.50? Hell no. But then again, what movie is? Spiderman 2 is the only one that comes to mind, but I paid matinee price for that :)
I’ve always felt that even knowing in advance that a movie has a twist ending detracts from the surprise. Instead of being shocked by a sudden turn that came from out of nowhere, you sit there knowing that things aren’t as they seem, expecting to be surprised. That’s why I never liked movie ads that say, “you’ll love the surprising twist at the end!”

My problem with “Catch Me If You Can” was that neither the crook nor the cop was very likeable. DiCaprio was a psychologically damaged person, and Hanks was a very depressed character. There was no one to root for, to invest emotion in.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Lucky Forward said:
I’ve always felt that even knowing in advance that a movie has a twist ending detracts from the surprise. Instead of being shocked by a sudden turn that came from out of nowhere, you sit there knowing that things aren’t as they seem, expecting to be surprised.

Lucky Forward said:
My problem with “Catch Me If You Can” was that neither the crook nor the cop was very likeable. DiCaprio was a psychologically damaged person, and Hanks was a very depressed character. There was no one to root for, to invest emotion in.

I liked the characters enough, but I think the main selling point of the movie for me was the relationship between the two. It is sort of like the relationship between Pacino and De Niro in Heat, in that even though they don't state it, you can tell that they have much respect for each other.
CavemanLawyer said:
I liked the characters enough, but I think the main selling point of the movie for me was the relationship between the two. It is sort of like the relationship between Pacino and De Niro in Heat, in that even though they don't state it, you can tell that they have much respect for each other.

Exactly, you end up rooting for both and the potential for them to build some kind of bond. And it actually happened, seeing as they still are good friends today.
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