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Does weed inspire musically?

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...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I think it's more a psyche issue. Just pretend like you're stoned and start right random shit down. Put yourself in the position of a stoner. Same thing. I have no trouble writing quirky stuff.
I dunno about writing music, but listening to music is just about the best thing to do while high.

edit: actually, I used to get high with these two other guys and then jam in the one guy's basement. We actually played some pretty cool stuff when we were high, but maybe it just sounded good because we were high.
Well if you've heard it does work for some songwriters, I guess there's proof right there that it does work for some people at least. My friend writes some acoustic songs for this website we have, and he just admitted to me recently all of them were pretty much written when he was high.


goddamit, Griese!
lol...hardest thing I've done is acid, and i really loved it, but I wasn't going to take risks and do it multiple times. i mean i'd love to do it again, but my body/brain won't let me.


Yes. Practically all narcotics (by that I mean: marijuna, acid, LSD, heroine, cocaine, etc) effect the brain in such a way as to make people more creative. Marijuana to the least extent, I'd bet, but with harder drugs you're more likely to lose your grip on reality altogether.
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