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Does your "Best game of all time" pick change over time or depending on mood and why?


Every time i see a topic about "your favorite game" or your "top 10" etc lists, i end up changing mine. I don't think i ever posted the same list twice, lol.

There are quite a few games that get swapped for my No1 spot. Ocarina of Time, F-Zero X, DOOM (classic), Dungeon Keeper and Super Metroid.

Ocarina of time was probably the best time i had with a game, ever. However, that only lasted for the one or two months during my first play through, i can't repeat that experience after 100% it and playing it for a second time is boring to me. So no replay value at all. Also, nowadays it looks kinda bad and 20fps isn't optimal. So it's aged worse than the other games in the list. But that doesn't change the fact it was the best 1st play through of all the others, for as long as it lasted. Is that enough for keeping it as my favorite game though? I wouldn't pick it in a "you can only get one game in a stranded island" scenario.

Super Metroid is the best designed game IMO. If there was a poster child for what a videogame should be i would probably pick that. And i replayed it a few times as well. But i'm not sure if it's my favorite game of all time. I love it ofc, but i'm not sure if i love it more than Metroid Prime 1 or even SOTN. And i never considered those games for my No1 spot. So maybe my nostalgia plays a small part here.

F-Zero X was my favorite game for the longest time. I thought the controls and physics were perfect (better than GX) and the thrill i was feeling when managing to best my best times or staff ghosts was second to none. This game might also have the best soundtrack ever made IMO, though that's another list that gets changed even more often, lol. But nowadays i don't feel like playing it again. So it slowly got demoted in my list.

Dungeon Keeper is the game i must have finished from start to finish the most times. Since 1998 when i first played it, i do a full play through every 2 or 3 years. And every time i play it, it feels like i'm playing it fresh, which is something i can't say about the other games in this list. Because it's both an amazing game and has that replay value for me, it got into my No1 spot over the others.

DOOM is the latest game that got in my No1 spot, despite being both the oldest and the first i played in the list. I think it checks all the boxes so it might stay for a while. It was always hovering somewhere in my top 5 but only recently it's getting more play time than ever. The reason is the various modern source engines and mods i'm discovering. Though this might be cheating since it's not the original 35fps/low res DOOM. But playing this game at 240fps, smooth dual analog controls and the various mods that improve stuff like animations, sounds, etc, without changing it too much, makes it the best feel game for me. It makes it so addicting, i can't stop thinking about loading it. And it still has the best level designs of any FPS game (the first episode mostly) and everything about it, weapons VS enemies and exploration VS action is perfectly balanced. And it's visual design is iconic, i think it's the best looking game ever made despite being so old. Oh and it was the game that impressed me more than any other when i first saw it so that also counts.

Obviously, there's always the possibility that a new game might also take the 1st spot. But seeing that the most recent game in my list is from 1998, i doubt it will ever happen.


Do people really create that mental award list?

Yeah I don't really understand it. I can really only think of one game that is/was my favorite (RE4), but that's because it absolutely blew me away and it is the only game I played more than twice (let alone the 6-7 times I played it through and 100%).

Other than that, when asked "what's your favorite movie, TV show, etc." I can't really think of anything off the top of my head. But then again I don't really devote too much mental energy to that.


#1 has always been Super Metroid for me except for a short time when BOTW was ahead.

#2 has been changing a lot, BOTW, Metroid Dread, Ori and the Blind Forrest, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, and now it’s Elden Ring.

The rest changes even more but I always have Skyrim somewhere near the top, around 3-5.

In short, the more I get to explore the higher a game go for me but I love action too so a combination of action and exploration is where the real magic is.
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The good/bad thing about anything subjective is that time will change it. Newer things inevitably enter lists then fall back out over time.

I've not put together a list of favourites because they only ever exist as snapshots, but a few choices consistently float to the top when you've been doing something for 30 years because it's not ever going to be a complete list replacement. Resident Evil 2 and 4, OoT, MM, SotN, DS1/3,!etc.

Kagey K

I don't do this, there are obviously games I loved while playing them, but I can't hold any to top 5 because most of them do something different.

I'd rather live in the moment instead of saying why isn't this more like xxxx.


The game I consider best of all time has remained at the top since the first time that I played it. I don't really bother ranking other games.


#1 has always been Super Metroid for me except for a short time when BOTW was ahead.

#2 has been changing a lot, BOTW, Metroid Dread, Ori and the Blind Forrest, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, and now it’s Elden Ring.

Is Metroid Dread that good? I skipped it because i didn't like the melee attacks at all in the previous game and also the idea of the forced chase scenes.


It's MGS since 1998. Still no game has ever come close to Boss fights and charisma of MGS PSX, and twistes are still unmatched. And of course so many other aspects that were too ahead of time.
I go by two simple rules:

1. How often i replay them each year, or each couple of years
2. How much fun i'm having despite their age

The original Doom is basically like Tetris for me, it sits comfortably in my top 5 favorite games ever made. Heroes of Might & Magic III: Complete Edition is another, it is the cumulative effort by the original developers of pure creative passion which gave way to the best in its respective genre. Never been surpassed, probably never will.
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Is Metroid Dread that good? I skipped it because i didn't like the melee attacks at all in the previous game and also the idea of the forced chase scenes.
Oh yes it was my GOTY. It’s the best thing that has happened to the Metroid IP since Super Metroid. Plays like a dream. Perfect controls. Boss fights are top of the industry, super difficult at first but it’s all about learning attack patterns.
For me it fell down when I did a 100% run, there is too much hand-holding with marked blocks and map icons, the difficult bits were the shine spark puzzles.
I always bounced between San Andreas and Vice City for the longest time. Eventually I ended up settling on VC but yeah it was a hard choice, and I definitely did used to have a different top favourite for a while.
I find it hard to pin down a favourite game of all time.

For me, the games I've enjoyed the most this past 10 years have been stuff that had been out a while by the time I got to it and as such was the version of the game that benefited from patches and revisions that came along 6-9-12 months after release.

Had I gotten a game day one and seen it riddled with bugs and crashes, it may well have soured the experience somewhat.

I mean, anyone who remembers the release of Battlefield 4 will know how much of a mess that game was and had I not returned to it a year later I'd have written it off as a terrible game full stop.

But, a year later it was in great shape and despite not being a massive Battlefield fan I loved it.
I always bounced between San Andreas and Vice City for the longest time. Eventually I ended up settling on VC but yeah it was a hard choice, and I definitely did used to have a different top favourite for a while.
I think VC has the better setting, it's (definitely not) Miami after all - but SA has the better story and characters.
I reconsider my top 10 every few years, once newer games have had a chance to mellow. Ocarina of Time is still my #1 even to this day though.


Gold Member
The choice does not change, no, because I base it on how I experienced the game at the time. However, my experience of the game does change over time, so that if I played the game now, it would not be my "best of all time" anymore.

For example, Morrowind. I played it in 2001, when I was new to gaming and had never played an RPG before. It blew me away. It was a revelation of what a gaming experience could be. However, if I played the same game now, I would not have the same reaction. In fact, I tried to play Morrowind again a few years ago, and I couldn't do it. It just felt too dated and cumbersome. But I would still rate it as the "best game of all time" for me, because of the experience I had with it in 2001.


Gold Member
I don't think I've ever had a personal game of all time. But if I did it would probably be Tempest 2000
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No it wouldnt mean much if it changed all the time, spots can shift but they rarely do. For example Elden Ring is now in my top 10 instead of Demons Souls which is something I didnt expect to happen. My number 1 Banjo Kazooie will never change though, you cant beat the combination of insane quality and early childhood experiences..
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I think having a best game of all time is a mistake to begin with, how am i supposed to choose one game out of many games i have played, one that i enjoyed more than anything else?
It's a difficult choice, and its impossible to give a fair one, because unlike movies or anime, gaming has a wide variety of genres that are NOTHING LIKE EACH OTHER, completely different experience. So its so weird to choose just one game, and im going to show you why.
Lets imagine you love these games a lot: Portal 2, Red Alert 2, Doom Eternal, Resident Evil 2, Undertale, Virtua Fighter 5 and Sekiro.
Now how are you supposed to choose one between them? those are all vastly different games.
The best thing is to just make a list of your favorites.

I guess if you are biased towards one genre only you can come up with undisputed #1 favorite, but for me i simply can't choose only 1 game, because i will always say. WHY NOT THE OTHER ONE?
I don’t really have a list but my wife is quite a bit younger and she’s been playing through some games I’ve recommended. Keep finding myself saying, “that’s a top five game for me” even though I’ve probably said that ten times.

It’s not about mood or anything personally. more of the mood of the person I’m recommending something to. Robotron is always #1 for me but at the same time, in a different light so is something like Silent Hill 2. I won’t compare the two and say one is definitively better than the other. A good game is a good ass game at the end of the day.

Same with movies or music or anything else really. I don’t like drawing unnecessary parallels between things so fundamentally different despite sharing the same medium.


Secret of Mana has stayed on my podium. Witcher 3 came close, but for the time, Secret of Mana just had a greater impact on me.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Sort of. It's always WoW in the #1 spot but it's such an anomaly next to everything else I've ever played.

After that it's a pool of games I can't begin to rank. Spyro 2 is probably the closest that comes to a favourite but it's not the best game I've ever played, it's just closest to my heart. After WoW.
Changes for me too... but mostly between: Mario Galaxy 2 and Final Fantasy 12....

I have countless hours in Path of exile so it deseves a shout too... Nioh 2 is incredible and I have played soo much modded skyrim..


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Nope it remains TLOU2 until someone can top it. Which Probably won’t happen till Part 3 honestly


Gold Member
Jackal and smb2 were my favorite games until ff2 and un squadron. Then mgs with ps1 and on and on.

My tastes over time change. Jackal still kicks ass but RE2 remake has surpassed it.

In the summer maybe tlou is my favorite game cause I associate it with that time. Or mass effect 2 in November cause I wrote a grad paper on it.

Shit changes all the time
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