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DogGAF: Need some advice on house training a new puppy (10-12 weeks old)

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Wife and I got a puppy this past Friday and I'm having a hard time nailing down a tried and true house training method.

We both work M-F so this has been our tentative house training plan:

When we're home, periodically lure him in his crate and shut the door, leave him in there with toys.
- This has gone well, he'll go in on his own sometimes, other times I throw one of his chewtoys inside and then close it behind him once he's in. He usually is fine and can be fine in there for up to an hour before I'll take him outside.

When not in the crate, we keep an eye on him and reward good behavior like chewing toys and try to develop a strong "No" when he's trying to chew on furniture or something like that
- Also going well, he'll try to chew on the coffee table or our shoes, but that's been becoming less and less, he seems to really chew his chew toys more than anything

Take him outside about once an hour
- We have a backyard so I'll take him out and let him walk around, he pees at least 2/3 of the time we take him out and so far has been pooping 2-3 times a day

Crate him at night
- Also going very well, he basically goes to sleep in his crate w/ it closed and so far has woken us up twice each night (1-2am and 4-5ish am), we take him outside and he does his business quickly and then has no issues going back in the crate and back to sleep

Crate him when we have to go somewhere
- Tried this once on Saturday and once on Sunday. Saturday was for a half hour and Sunday was about 2 hours. Saturday I set my phone up to record just to see what he'd do, and he basically whined/braked/howled for a solid 25 minutes of the time we were gone before finally seeming to settle down.
- Sunday, I couldn't record him but when we got home he had actually gotten out of the crate. Thankfully he didn't go crazy on any furniture or anything, but he did poop a little bit.
I got a Kong on Sunday and had given it to him before leaving and he was pretty occupied with it when we left, but obviously that didn't last long

Crate him during work day with my in-laws coming at 11ish and 3ish to let him out
- Today was our first day doing this. I basically can leave my house at 8:30 at the latest so I got him in the crate around 8:20, gave him a Kong and showered quick before leaving. By the time I was leaving he was whining and barking.
- My father-in-law went around 11 and let him out/played with him for about an hour. Said he was in the crate (I reinforced the latch mechanism) and went to the bathroom outside after he was fed. My mother-in-law is stopping by around 3 and then my wife will be home by 4.

Now I did not grow up with dogs and my wife did, but her parents did a lot of the training. What I'm reading online has a general specificity on what to do, but I'm not 100% sure on the work day training part.

My main questions pertain to the 8:30-4pm M-F time:
- We have a kitchen where we currently put the crate. I've read a few things online that said you can put the crate in the room (while sealing off room from rest of house) but leave it open along w/ chew toys and water AND a 'puppy toilet' somewhere away from his crate. I'd feel a lot less guilty if I knew he'd have the room to roam around in, but I feel like having a 'puppy toilet' is going to inhibit his potty training of only relieving himself outside, which at this point he's been doing very well with. And while he's not in the crate longer than 3 hours without a solid break, I don't want him having to hold it in even if he's going to the bathroom right before going in.

I really appreciate any insight, I want to make the best decisions possible and while I feel like I get the basic parameters of what to be doing for house training, the work-day time is definitely the most perplexing.

***Picture upon request


i wouldn't have gotten a puppy that young if you both work full time. they won't be able to last the full day without being let out until they're like a year old.

i'd keep having the inlaws come over until he's old enough to make it through the day

why leave him in the crate when you're both home
Lovely pup you've got there.

We were lucky with our puppy as my wife doesn't work so she was always with ours, but it's a similar situation at night when we used to crate her (she's since moved upstairs and she sleeps on our bed - no regrets). We used to have to get up now and again in the night if she whimpered, but we otherwise put puppy pads down and she peed and pooed on those.

She is perfectly house trained now so I don't think you have anything to worry about with regards to damaging the pups training. I am sure you know this, but try not to shout at them when pup goes to the loo in your house, they get easily confused and mixed up, and like to dick about outside too so they forget to actually piss/poo.

I think you have to try and ignore the crying too, as they will quickly learn it gets your attention, just like children.

It will be hard since you're both out during the day, and pup definitely will have accidents. They just simply won't be able to hold out that long when they're so young.
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