Was surprised to see all the ads for flu shots when I was in the US, never seen that anywhere else.
In Germany doctors usually send you home when you ask them for a flu shot. Unless you have preconditions weaking your immune system, you're pregnant, newborn, old, or work in a hospital, there is really no reason to get a flu shot.
I think in the US this is more about the business behind it than the medical necessity.
Of course you can get a flu shot in germany if you really want one, but doctors usually tell you that the side effects in comparison to the risc of getting the flu are not a good trade, at east if you are not part of any of the special risc groups.
Actually I've seen some campaigns( by the german government:
http://www.impfen-info.de/impfempfehlungen/fuer-erwachsene/grippe-influenza/infektion/ ) trying to get people in these groups to get a flu shots. Iirc only 25% of medical personel in germany gets it. Thats not good.
I don't know what the reason is. I guess its just laziness of people in combination with a lack of fearmongering. There is no relevant anti-vaxxer movement in germany as far as I know.
My mom gets flu shots because she works in a hospital, but other than her I know nobody who gets them and I don't recall that anyone I know had the flu in recent years. That doesn't mean anything, but I really don't think its necessary for me to get one.